Mesopotamian (All Terms)

From All Skies Encyclopaedia

Kurtik's Dictionary of the Babylonian Star Heaven

This list of terms is based upon the printed dictionary:

  • Kurtik, G. (2007): Звездное небо Древней Месопотамии. Шумеро-аккадские названия созвездий и других светил [The Star Heaven of Ancient Mesopotamia: Sumero-Akkadian Names of Constellations and Other Heavenly Bodies], Aletejja, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The author participated at the beginning of the project and sent us a reworked version of this print short before his death in March 2022. We include his last (unpublished) Russian version, Gössmann's 1950 German version, translated both and rework them continuously. The numbers of the terms are from Kurtik, terms without numbers were added by us.

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cuneiform Kurtik's term our note
a01. A merged into UR.A
a02. A.EDIN redirect to Eru
a03. dA.KU redirect to A.GI7
a04. A2mušen redirect to TE8mušen
a05. A2.GU2.ZI.GA
a06. AB.SIN2 see AB.SIN2, ABSIN (𒀊𒉆)
a07. ABSIN see AB.SIN2, ABSIN (𒀊𒉆)
a08. AD.ME
a09. AD6
a10. AG2.AN.BUR2
a11. AGA
a12. AGA dA-nim
a13. Agru
a14. A-ḫa-ti
a15. Aḫû
a16. dAḪUD
a17. AKKIL
Alammuš God, vizier of the moon god Nanna/Sîn. d(MÙŠ.)LÀL (MUL.APIN, I i 6, EN 7–8r).
a18. AL.LUL 𒀠𒈜
a19. AL.TAR merged into UD.AL.TAR
a20. ALAM
a21. ALLA
a22. Alluttum merged into AL.LUL 𒀠𒈜
a23. Alpu
a24. Alû
a25. AM.AN.NA merged into GU4.AN.NA
a26. ddAMA.ME.TIL
a27. AMAR.GIR2 Only in Old Babylonian Sumerian star lists:
  • mulamar.˹gir2˺(?) [MSL XI, 143, Forerunner 8, col. x 21; OECT IV, Pl. LIII].
  • Probably a scribe's mistake, written instead of mulamar.utu (see a28).
a28. dAMAR.UD
a29. Amurru
a30. AN
a31. AN.KI merged into mulNUNki
a32. AN.ŠU2.TE merged into AN
a33. mulAN.TA.GUB
a34. AN.TA.SUR.RA merged into AN.TA.ŠU.UR.RA
a35. AN.TA.ŠUB.ŠUB.BA = kakkab eliš māqitu "Star falling from above"; a term for meteors(?) [BPO 2, 10; Chadwick 1993, 164; G. 35].

Only in EAE predictions series: mulAN.TA.ŠUB.ŠUB.BA <ana> IM.ŠUB.BA "stars, falling from above, to weaken? the wind". [BPO 2, I 20; III 20; IV 14].

a37. AN.U2.GI.E
a38. AN.ZU see i07 mul dIM.DUGUDmušen. The reading ANZU and ANZUD have been proposed for IM.DUGUD and dIMDUGUD. Writings mul dIM.DUGUD prove that this is a name for an asterism, perhaps to be read mul dAnzu(d).
a40. dAntum Asterism forming part of the constellation (m08) Wagon, identified with the goddess Antum, the wife of the god Anu, 'the King of Heaven'; paired with (a41) mul dAnum. The name is attested in a night ritual at the temple of Anu in Uruk, see (a41) dAnum, 3. In the divine genealogies–the consort of the sky god Anu, see AN: dAnum (I 2-23, 29-31) [Litke 1998, 20-24].
a41. dAnum Akkadian name for the God of Heaven AN, see (a30) AN.
a42. dAnunītum
Anu-rabû “Great Anu”. Most probably to be understood as the name of a specific deity, the city god of Dēr. dA-num GAL-ú šá AN-e (MUL.APIN I i 19).
Apil-Emaḫ “First-born son of the (temple) Emaḫ”. Emaḫ is the name usually given to sanctuaries of the mother goddess. The first-born son of the mother goddess (under her name Ninḫursag) would normally be Ninurta whose father is, however, Enlil. mulIBILA-É.MAḪ (MUL.APIN, I i 21).
a43. gišAPIN
a44. Āribu Akkadian parallel to mulUGAmušen "Raven"; a constellation within the modern Raven (Corvus), syllabic entries of it are found mostly in lexical texts, see (u11) UGAmušen.
a45. Arītum
a46. Arḫum
a47. Asīdu "the heel" is a mentioned as part of several constellations
a48. AŠ.GAN see mulIKU
a49. AŠ.ME
Aya Goddess, wife of the sun god Utu/ Šamaš. dA-a (MUL.APIN I i 18), associated with the asterism of The Ewe.
Baba dBa-ba6, Goddess, wife of Ningirsu/Ninurta, identified with Gula who, in MUL.APIN I i 24 is associtated with the asterism of The Goat.
b01. dBA.LIM is a misreading, see b05. dBalum
b02. BAL.ME.GAR misreading, corrected: DILI.BAD, see d06 Dilbat
b03. BAL.TEŠ2.A
b04. BALAG
b05. dBalum
b06. gišBAN see gišPAN
b07. Barbaru see UR.BAR.RA
b08. Bašmu
b09. BI.GIR3
b10. Bibbu
b11. BIR
d01. gišDA
Damkianna < Damkina. Goddess, wife of Enki/Ea. The normal form is Damkina; the extended form (with the component -an-na “of heaven”) is artificial. Used as the Akk. equivalent of Sum. Damgalnunna. dDam-ki-an-na. In MUL.APIN I i 20 associated with MAR.GID2.DA.AN.NA (The Great Wagon of Heaven)
d02. dDamu
d03. dDāpinu
d04. DAR.LUGALmušen
d05. DI
d06. Dilbat variant: DILI.BAT
d07. DILI
d08. DILI ša2 KUN-šu2 merged with (d07) DILI
d11. DINGIR.KU.Ameš variant: mulDINGIR.TUŠ.Ameš
d12. dDU.ŠE.E GUD.UD
d13. dDUMU.ZI variant Tammuz.
e01. E-pa2-e
e02. E-ra-sa-al-BU
e03. dE.TA.NAM.AN

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cuneiform Kurtik's term our note
e04. dE2-a
e05. E2 sak-ki-i read: (MUL.MEŠ) bīt sakkî
e06. E2.TUR3
e07. Ēdu
e08. Elamātum Elamattu(m)
ÉLLAG = kalītu “kidney”: see mulLU.LIM.
Enki/Ea God of sweet water, crafts and wisdom, father of Asalluḫi/Marduk. dÉ-a (MUL.APIN I i 40, I ii 19, 26).
e10. dEn-lil2
e11. dEN.ME.ŠAR2.RA
e12. dEN.MUL
e13. EN.TE.NA.BAR.ḪUM now read dEN.TE.NA.BAR.GUZ
e14. Enzu
e15. Epinnu see APIN
e16. dEreš-ki-gal
e17. Eriduki
e18. ERIN2
e19. Eriqqu
e20. dErra
e21. dErragal
e22. Erû, ERU "Eru" (Disambiguation)
Erua ERU (Goddess)
g01. Ga-ga
g02. GABA
g03. 4 ša2 GABA-šu2 see UR.GU.LA
g04. dGAL.A.RU.RU
g05. GAM-ti
g06. GAM3
g07. Gamlu An Akkadian parallel to mulGAM3(=ZUBI) "staff," see (Kurtik g06)GAM3, merged.
g08. gišGAN2.UR3
g10. GENNA
g11. GI.GI
g12. GI6
g13. dGIBIL6
g14. GIG
g15. gišGIGIR
g17. GIR2
g18. GIR2.AN.NA
g19. GIR2.TAB
g20. GIR3
g21. GIŠ.BAR
g22. GIŠ.ERIN2
GIŠ.GÁNA.ÙR =maškakātu “harrow”. mulGIŠ.GÁNA.ÙR (in MUL.APIN I ii 23)
g23. GIŠ.KUN
g24. Gizzānītu
g25. GU
g26. GU.AN.NA merged into (g33) GU4.AN.NA
g27. GU.LA or Gula "Gula" (Disambiguation)
g28. GU2.AN.NA merged into (g33) GU4.AN.NA
g29. GU2.ḪAL
g30. GU2.MUR
g31. GU4 merged into (g33) GU4.AN.NA
g32. GU4.ALIM
g33. GU4.AN.NA
g34. GU4.UD
g35. dGula "Gula" (Disambiguation)
g36. GUR4
h01. Ḫabarīrānu
h02. Ḫabbātu
h03. dḪaniš
h04. dḪar-ri-ru
h05. ḪE2.GAL2-a-a
h07. ḪU.NIM
h08. ḪUL
h09. ḪUM.BA
h10. ḪUN merged with (Kurtik h12) ḪUN.GA2
h11. ḪUN.GA2 merged with (Kurtik h12) ḪUN.GA2
h12. lu2ḪUN.GA2
i01. I3-li2-ab-rat
i04. IKU, Ikû Akkadian parallel to mulAŠ.GAN2 "Field"; parts of the constellations Andromeda and Pegasus + some other southern stars from the zodiacal belt [G. 193; AHw, 370; CAD I, 69], see (Kurtik a48) AŠ.GAN2.
i05. Ilum
i06. dIM
i07. dIM.DUGUDmušen
i08. IM.GI
i09. IM.ŠEŠ
i11. dIMIN.BI
i13. dINANNA
i14. IR.BI4.IL
i15. Is lê  

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cuneiform Kurtik's term our note
i16. Iṣṣuru
i17. dIšḫara
Iškur / Adad The storm god. dIŠKUR (MUL.APIN I ii 9, I ii 25-27).
i18. dIštar
i19. dIštaran
k01. KA
k02. KA.AN.DU8
k03. KA.AN.NA
k04. KA.KEŠ2
k05. KA.MUŠ.I3.KU2.E variant KA.MUŠ.I3.GU7.E
k06. KA5.A
k07. dKAB.TA
k08. Kajjamānu Kurtik's spelling Kajjamānu;

now read Kayyamānu(m)

k09. KAK.BAN
k10. KAK.SI.SA2
k11. KAK.U2.TAG.GA
k12. kakkabu
k13. Kalbu
k14. Kalītu
k15. KAL.NE
k16. KAR2.ŠUL
k17. KASKAL.UD former KASKAL.UD,

now read KASKAL.UTU

k18. Kinṣu Kinru / Kinṣu
k19. Kippatu
k20. Kiṣru
k21. KIŠIB     
k22. Kittu
k23. KU.RU.NA
k24. KU6
k25. Kumāru  
k26. KUN
k27. KUNme(š)
k28. KUR.GI.Amušen
k29. lu2KUR2.RA
k30. dKusarikkum
Kusu Goddess of the cultic censer, mainly occurring in purification rituals. Her name is also an ancient epithet and later byname of the grain goddess Nissaba. See Michalowski 1993, 158–159; Simons 2018. dKù-sù (MUL.APIN I ii 28).
k31. KUŠU2
L01. la ŠID.MEŠ
L02. dLA.KU.DU
L04. Lammu
L05. dLātarāk
L07. dLI9.SI4 , Lisi(n)
L08. LU
L11. LU2
L12. dLU2.LAL3
L13. Lubuštum
L18. Lulīmu
L19. Lumāšu
L20. Lumnu
m01. MA2.GUR8
m02. gišMA2.DIRI.GA
m03. Makrû
m04. MAN
m05. MAN-ma
m06. Manzât
m07. MAR
m08. MAR.GID2.DA
m10. MAR.TU
Mār-bīti “Son of the House (Temple)”. A god worshipped in the city of Der. Originally, the name was perhaps an epithet of the snake god Niraḫ as attested in an inscription by Nebuchadnezzar I (see Paulus, AOAT 51, 507, NKU I 1, II 69). gišTUKUL šá dA/DUMU-É (EA 5r).
m11. dMarduk
m12. Marratu
m13. MAŠ
m14. Maš-a-ti
m15. MAŠ.MAŠ
m19. MAŠ.TAB.BA ša2 IGI-it mulSIPA.ZI.AN.NA
m20. Maškakātu
m21. Māšū
m22. MAŠ2
m23. ME.GAR
m24. dMES.LAM.TA.E3.A
m25. mišḫu
m26. mišiḫ dPA.BIL.SAG
m27. MU.BU.KEŠ2.DA

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cuneiform Kurtik's term our note
m28. MU.BU.KEŠ2.DA ša2 A.AB.BA  
m29. MUL
m31. MUL.AN.NA
m32. MUL.GAL
m33. MUL.KI.GAL   
m34. MUL.MEŠ kayyamānūtu
m35. MUL.MUL or MUL2.MUL2
m36. MUL.MUL.LA or: mulmullu. “arrow”: see GAG.SI.SÁ.
m37. MUL2
m40. MUL4
m41. MULx
m42. MURUB4
m43. MUŠ
m44. MUŠ.ḪUŠ
m46. MUŠEN
m47. Muštarīlu
n01. NA2
n02. dNabû
n03. NAGAR
n04. Nakaru
n05. Nammaššû
n06. dNANNA
n07. Narkabtu
n08. Naṣrapu
n09. Nattullu
n10. Nattullu arkīti
n11. NE
n12. NE.GAR
n14. NE.NE.GAR
n15. Nēberu
n16. Nebû
n17. Nēltu
n18. dNergal
n19. Nēšu
n20. ne2-bu-u2 ša2 GABA-šu2
n21. ne2-bu-u2 ša2 mulŠU.GI  
n22. NI2.ZU
n23. NIM.MA(ki)
n24. Nimru
n25. dNIN.A.ZU
n26. dNIN.AN.NA
gišNÍNDA = ittû “seed-funnel”: see mulAPIN (MUL.APIN I i 2).
n27. dNIN.GIR2.SU
n28. dNIN.GIR3
Ningublaga Bull god, considered as a son of the moon god Nanna/Sîn. dNingublaga (EN 7–8r).
n32. NIN.KA.SI
n34. NIN.LIL2
n35. NIN.MAḪ
n36. dNIN.MUL
n38. dNIN.MUL.SI4.A
n40. NIN.SAR
n41. NIN.SI4
n42. NIN.SI4.AN.NA
n43. dNIN.URTA
n44. dNiraḫ
n45. Nīru
n46. NITA.A.ŠE3
n47. NU.KUŠ2.U3
n48. NU.ME.A
n49. NU.MUŠ.DA
n50. NUNki
n51. NUN.DIM4
n52. NUN.ME
n53. dNUN.SAR.A
n54. Nūnu
n55. dNusku
p01. PA see p03. dPA.BIL.SAG
p02. PA.BIL see p03. dPA.BIL.SAG
p03. dPA.BIL.SAG
p04. Pagru
p06. Peṣû
p07. Puššanītu

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cuneiform Kurtik's term our note
q01. Qaštu
r01. Rabû
r02. Rapaštu
r03. Rappu
r04. RI.ŠI.BE
r05. Rittu
s01. lu2SA.GAZ
s02. SA.RI
s03. SA4
s04. SA5
s05. SAG.DU
s06. SAG.DU mulUR.GU.LA ? to UR.GU.LA
s07. SAG.DU3.A ?
s08. dSAG.KUD
s09. SAG.ME.GAR var.: SAĜ.ME.ĜAR
s10. SAG.UŠ
s11. SAL.A.ŠE3
s13. SAR.A
s14. SAR.U5
s15. Sarru
Sebettu “The Seven”, heptad of warlike gods, sometimes associated with the netherworld. d7.BI (AN 5r).
s16. dSI.MU2.A
SI = qarnu. “horn”: see mulGÍR.TAB.
s17. SI4
s18. SIG7
s19. SIM.MAḪ
s20. dSîn
s21. SIPA
s23. SUḪUR
s24. SUḪUR.MAŠ2 ku6
s25. Suḫurmāšu
ts01. Ṣal
ts02. Ṣalbatānu
ts03. allummu
ts04. āriru
ts05. arru
ts06. urru
sh01. ŠA3.TUR3.RA.ŠE3
sh02. ŠAḪ
Šala Goddess, wife of the storm god Iškur/Adad, associated with rain. dŠa-la šubu-ul-tu4 (MUL.APIN I ii 10, AN 15r).
sh03. dŠamaš
sh04. Šanûmma
sh05. ŠAR2.GAZ
sh06. ŠAR2.UR4
sh07. Šēlebu
sh08. Šību
sh09. Šiḫtu
sh10. šil PA
sh11. Šiltāḫu
sh12. dŠimut
sh13. Šinūnūtu see s19. SIM.MAḪ
sh14. Šitadallu see s22. SIPA.ZI.AN.NA
sh15. ŠU
šubtu “seat”, “throne”. šu-bat dA-num (MUL.APIN I i 7, EN 9r). šu-bat dÉ-a (MUL.APIN I i 40, EA 1r).
šubultu(m) “ear (of grain)”: see Šala
sh16. ŠU.GI
sh17. ŠU.PA
sh18. ŠUDUN
sh19. ŠUDUN ša2 A.AB.BA
sh20. ŠUDUN.ANŠE       
sh21. ŠUDUN.ANŠE EGIR-ti       
sh22. ŠUDUN.IM.U18.LU
sh23. Šukūdu
sh24. dŠUL.GI
sh25. ŠUL.PA.E3
sh26. Šullat
t01. Tak-ša2-a-ti / tu2
... TE8mušen
t02. dTI.MU2.A
t03. Tikpu
t04. Tinūru
t05. TIR.AN.NA
Tišpak Chthonic deity, associated with a dragon, city god of Ešnunna, rarely attested in the 1st mill. The sign MÚŠ used for Tišpak is very similar to the sign MÙŠ for Inanna. In MUL.APIN, dMÚŠ is most probably to be emended to dINANNA! since the preceding mulBAL.TÉŠ.A is explained as the goddess Nanaya in 5R 46: 10, and since Nanaya, a hypostasis of Inanna in Uruk, is much more likely to be a vizier of Inanna than a vizier of Tišpak. dMÚŠ (MUL.APIN I i 14).
t06. dTU.TU
gišTUKUL = kakku “weapon”: see Mār-bīti(m).
t07. Tūʼamū
t08. Ereš-ki-gal
t09. Tūltu
t10. TUR3
u01. U.RI.RI
u02. U4.ZAL.LE
u03. U5.RI2.IN
u04. U8
u05. UD.AL.TAR
u06. UD.KA.DU8.A

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cuneiform Kurtik's term our note
u10. UDU.NITA2
u11. UGAmušen
u12. UL
u13. UMBIN
u14. ummulūtu
u15. unnutu
u16. UR see UR.GU.LA
u17. UR.A UR.A is an abbreviation of (Kurtik u20) UR.GU.LA in the constellation of Leo, The Lion. see also: (Kurtik u22) UR.MAḪ.
u18. UR.BAR.RA
u19. UR.GI7
u20. UR.GU.LA
u21. UR.IDIM
u22. UR.MAḪ
u23. UR.NIG
u24. UR2.KUN
u25. Ur(i)dimmu see UR.IDIM
u26. Ur-um AN.NA
u28. Uṣurtu
u29. 12.ZU
u30. dUTU
u31. UZ3
z01. dZA.BA4.BA4
z02. ZAG.GAR
z03. Zappu
z04. dZa(r)pānītu /


z05. Zarû
z06. ZI
z07. ZI.BA.AN.NA
z08. ZIBme
z09. dZIB2
z10. Zibānītum
z11. Ziqpu
z12. Zuqaqīpu