
From All Skies Encyclopaedia

(d)Niraḫ is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism.


Krebernik (2023)

The snake god. The reading of the star name is confirmed by SpTU III nr. 114 iv 111 (Hh XII): MUL dMUŠ = Ni-ra-ḫu. MUL dMUŠ (AN 13l).

Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

A serpentine deity identified with mul dmuš in a late copy of Urra XXII; see m43dMUŠ.

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022, n44) Gössmann (1950)
змеевидное божество, отождествляемое с mul dmuš в поздней копии Urra XXII; см. m43dMUŠ. Example
