dAḪUD is a Mesopotamian name for Mercury whose standard term is dUDU.IDIM.GU4.UTU.
Visibility & Appearance
Mercury is a planet of our solar system and observable with the naked eye. It is bright, but only visible in twilight, close to the Sun, and therefore difficult to be seen.
Images of Mercury
Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim
Philology: A name for Mercury in the commentary K. 4387 = IIR 47 ii 22: GIBa-hu-udGIB = dUDU.IDIM.GU4.UTU. The sign GIBxGIB glossed with the reading a-hu-ud apparently comes from the sense of GIB = parāku, which has the sense of to lie laterally across the sky in astronomical contexts (CAD P 154-155); hence Mercury which stands at the horizon at sunrise or sunset. For the reading GIB see the gloss GILgi-ibpa-ra-ku (CAD P 153).
Sources | Identifications |
Historical Dictionaries
Kurtik (2022, a16) | Gössmann (1950) |
эпитет Меркурия. | |
I. Источники.
Тождество: udu.idim.gu4.ud = dAḪUD (глосса: a-ḫu-ud) в единственном тексте [II R, 47: 22c–d], см. также [G. 12; Tallqvist 1938, 258]. В списке богов K.4339 знак AḪUD читается как dMermer «буря, ветер»; d me.er.me.erAḪUD = dU4.GIŠGAL.lu = min «Мермери = Нинурта» [CT 25, 13, K. 4339 rev. iii 31; Litke 1998, 44–45; Tallqvist 1938, 375]. Нинурта — божество, отождествлявшееся с Меркурием и Сатурном, см. n43 dNIN.URTA. |
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