Ereškigal is the Queen of the Underworld. In the Akkadian myth 'Nergal and Ereškigal' she marries the god Nergal and elevates her new husband to ultimate sovereignty in the realm of the dead. [[we have to decide what to do with sh or š in English?????"
Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim
The goddess of the underworld, identified with Mars and the constellation Snake (mulMUŠ) [G. 128; Wiggermann 1997, 34-35]. For the goddess and 'Nergal and Ereškigal' see SAACT 8.
' | Identifications |
"The Great Star List and Miscellenia".
[dEreš]-ki-gal = min(=dṣal-bat-a-nu) "Ereshkigal = Mars" [Mesop. Astrol., App. B:110]. List of stars V R 46, 1:29. mulmuš = dEreš-ki-gal "Snake = Ereshkigal" [HBA, 52:29; Wee 2016, 162-3]. |
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See m43MUŠ, n29dNIN.GIŠ.ZI.DA.
Historical Dictionaries
Kurtik (2022, e16) | Gössmann (1950) |
богиня подземного мира, отождествляемая с Марсом и созвездием Змея (mulMUŠ) [G. 128; Wiggermann 1997, 34–35].
I. Источники. «Большой список звезд». [dEreš]-ki-gal = min(=dṣal-bat-a-nu) «Эрешкигаль = Марс» [Mesop. Astrol., App. B:110]. Список звезд V R 46, 1:29. mulmuš = dEreš-ki-gal «Змея = Эрешкигаль» [HBA, 52:29; Wee 2016, 162–3]. См. m43dMUŠ, n29dNIN.GIŠ.ZI.DA. |
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