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(mul)Barbaru, parallel to Sumerian constellation mulUR.BAR.RA.


Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

Sources Identifications
Akkadian parallel to mulUR.BAR.RA "Wolf"; only in lexical texts [MSL XI, 31, Gap j:d; SpTU III, 114A v 34; Weidner 1959-60, 112, VAT 9430:28]; = star α Trianguli. See u18UR.BAR.RA. Example

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022) Gössmann (1950)
аккадская параллель к mulUR.BAR.RA «Волк»; только в лексических текстах [MSL XI, 31, Gap j:d; SpTU III, 114A v 34; Weidner 1959–60, 112, VAT 9430:28]; = звезда α Trianguli. Cм. u18UR.BAR.RA. Example
