
From All Skies Encyclopaedia
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(d)Šamaš is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism.


Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

The goddess of the underworld, identified with Mars and the constellation Snake (mulMUŠ) [G. 128; Wiggermann 1997, 34-35].

Sources Identifications
Akkadian parallel to dUTU, (d)MAN, d20; = solar god Shamash, the Sun [G. 373]. In astronomical and astrological texts, as a rule, logographic notations was used, see m04MAN, u30dUTU. Example

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022, sh03) Gössmann (1950)
аккадская параллель к dUTU, (d)MAN, d20; = солнечный бог Шамаш, Солнце [G. 373]. В астрономических и астрологических текстах использовалась, как правило, логографическая запись, см. m04MAN,  u30dUTU. Example
