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mul (d)EN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism.

Visibility & Appearance

Jupiter is a planet of our solar system and observable with the naked eye. It is the second brightest planet after Venus, but his light is more yellowish than hers and his motion is slower which is why he was considered more majestetic and regarded as "king planet" by many cultures.

Images of Jupiter


= "Lord of the heavenly stands"; the name of Jupiter in the astrological texts [G. 120].

Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

Sources Identifications

See. [BPO 3, (p.), D.T.51 rev. 8]. "Reports." [DIŠ mu]lEN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA i-ba-᾽i-il / A.KAL.ME u A.AN.ME [GAL2.ME] / MUL.EN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA : MUL.SAG.ME.[GAR] "(If) Engišgalanna sparkles: [there will be] flood and rain. Engišgalanna = Jupiter." [ARAK, 254:7-9]. ||Example


Astrological predictions: DIŠ mul4 dEN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA KUR4-ma A.AN u A.KAL "If Jupiter has great brilliance: rain and flood" (II iii 33) [MA, 112].||Example

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022) Gössmann (1950)
= «Владыка небесных стоянок»; название Юпитера в астрологических текстах [G. 120].

I. Источники.

EAE. См. [BPO 3, (стр.), D.T.51 rev. 8]. «Рапорты». [DIŠ mu]lEN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA i-ba-᾽i-il / A.KAL.ME u A.AN.ME [GAL2.ME] / MUL.EN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA : MUL.SAG.ME.[GAR] «(Если) Энгишгальанна сверкает: [будут] наводнения и дожди. Энгишгальанна = Юпитер» [ARAK, 254:7–9]. MUL.APIN. Астрологические предсказания: DIŠ mul4 dEN.GIŠGAL.AN.NA KUR4-ma A.AN u A.KAL «Если Юпитер имеет большой блеск: дождь и наводнение» (II iii 33) [MA, 112].

