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Revision as of 21:28, 25 July 2024 by DavidHilder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<sup>mul</sup>BALAG ==Dictionary== ===Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim=== = "Lyra (Harp)"; in [G. 3] <sup>mul</sup>AB<sub>2</sub>.BIR<sub>3</sub>(??); this appears to be a constellation, since in the list of star names before and after it come the names of constellations, the identification is unclear {| class="wikitable" | |- !Sources!!Identifications |- |'''Lexic. texts.''' Unilingual Sumerian lists of stars from Nippur: <sup>mul</sup>balag [MSL XI, 108:404...")
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Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

= "Lyra (Harp)"; in [G. 3] mulAB2.BIR3(??); this appears to be a constellation, since in the list of star names before and after it come the names of constellations, the identification is unclear

Sources Identifications
Lexic. texts. Unilingual Sumerian lists of stars from Nippur: mulbalag [MSL XI, 108:404]. Example
 II. Deity and symbol.

         The sacred lyre as a musical instrument has been known since the Early Dynastic period [Borovskaya 1997; Stauder 1972-75]. Many Mesopotamian gods had lyres. During the Ur III dynastic and later periods, lyres played important roles during temple rituals in Nippur and other cities. The name was recorded often without the determinative d [PSD II, B 75-78; Sallaberger I, 100]. Which lyre served as the basis for this constellation is unknown.

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022) Gössmann (1950)
= «Лира (Арфа)»; в [G. 3] mulAB2.BIR3(??); по-видимому, это созвездие, поскольку в списке названий звезд до и после него идут названия созвездий, отождествление неясно.

I. Источники.

Лексич. тексты. Одноязычные шумерские списки звезд из Ниппура: mulbalag [MSL XI, 108:404].

II. Божество и символ.

Священная лира как музыкальный инструмент известна с раннединастического периода [Боровская 1997; Stauder 1972–75]. Лиры имелись у многих месопотамских богов. В эпоху III династии Ура и позднее они играли важную роль в храмовом ритуале в Ниппуре и других городах. Название фиксировалось часто без детерминатива d [PSD II, B 75–78; Sallaberger I, 100]. Какая именно лира послужила основой для данного созвездия, неизвестно.

