From All Skies Encyclopaedia
drawing of types of horncrowns
Customised after Boehmer: Top from left: simple horns, crown with plant elements, idol crown (Early Dynastic) and standard crown (Old Babylonian) Bottom from left: horn polos (Old Babylonian), horn crown and feather polos (Neo-Assyrian), pointed horn crown (Late Hittite). [CC-BY 4.0 DieLöffelente]

A term for crown in ancient Mesopotamia, designates crown-shaped asterisms in several constellations including ‘The Crown of Anu’ (see below).


Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

= mulAgû "Crown, Tiara"; when describing the figures of a series of constellations.


  1. mulAGA dAnim (see a12).
  2. mulAGA SIPA.ZI.AN.NA (see s22).
  3. mulAGA UD.KA.DU8.A (see u06).
  4. mulAGA dZa-ba4-ba4 (see z01).
  5. AGA as attributive to mulal-lu-ut-tum (see a18).

This term was also used to describe phenomena associated with Venus, the Moon, and the Sun. Venus and the crowns, cf. [ARAK, 51 r.1, 461:3; BPO 2, 20; BPO 3, 11-12; CAD A/1, 156-157], the Moon and the Crown, cf. [ARAK, 310; CAD A/1, 156-157; LABS, 13 r. 9, 59:13, 101 r. 9, 110:5, 121:5], the Sun and the Crown, cf. [ARAK, 384:7; CAD A/1, 157; van Soldt, Table 26 IV 7, A 8].

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022, a11) Gössmann (1950)
= mulagû «Корона, Тиара»; при описании фигур ряда созвездий.

В том числе:

          (1) mulAGA dAnim (см. a12).

           (2) mulAGA SIPA.ZI.AN.NA (см. s22).

           (3) mulAGA UD.KA.DU8.A (см. u06).

           (4) mulAGA dZa-ba4-ba4 (см. z01).

       (5) AGA как атрибут mulal-lu-ut-tum (см. a18).

Этот термин употреблялся также для описания явлений, связанных с Венерой, Луной и Солнцем. Венера  и короны, см. [ARAK, 51 r.1, 461:3; BPO 2, 20; BPO 3, 11–12; CAD A/1, 156–157], Луна и Корона, см. [ARAK, 310; CAD A/1, 156–157; LABS, 13 r. 9,  59:13, 101 r. 9, 110:5, 121:5], Солнце и корона, см. [ARAK, 384:7; CAD A/1, 157; van Soldt, Table 26 IV 7, A 8].
