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| '''MUL.APIN.'''
| '''MUL.APIN.'''
Star List of Anu (I ii 12):
Star List of Anu (nos. 17-19): <sup>mul</sup> <sup>d</sup>Za-ba<sub>4</sub>-ba<sub>4</sub> <sup>mul</sup>TI<sub>8</sub><sup>mušen</sup> u <sup>mul</sup>AD<sub>6</sub>

* <sup>mul</sup> <sup>d</sup>Za-ba<sub>4</sub>-ba<sub>4</sub> <sup>mul</sup>TI<sub>8</sub><sup>mušen</sup> u <sup>mul</sup>AD<sub>6</sub>
"Zababa, Eagle and Deadman" (I ii 12).

* "Zababa, Eagle and Deadman".

The counting within the first list of MUL.APIN has always been controversial. This line is

* nos. 17-19 in Kurtik's counting,
* nos. 18-19 in Hoffmann+Krebernik's counting.
|Hunger and Pingree (1999) identifies this constellation with the area of Delphinus.
|Hunger and Pingree (1999) identifies this constellation with the area of Delphinus.
[[File:Eagle+Corpse MULAPIN-jessica2022.jpg|thumb|Corpse and Eagle (MUL.APIN) , painted for Stellarium by J. Gullberg (2022)]]
[[File:Eagle+Corpse MULAPIN-jessica2022.jpg|thumb|Corpse and Eagle (MUL.APIN) , painted for Stellarium by J. Gullberg (2022)]]

Revision as of 06:23, 24 July 2024

mulAD6 is a Babylonian constellation in the vicinity of the constellation of mulTI8mušen The Eagle (Aquila), mostly identified with the area of Delphinus.


Krebernik (2023)

Zababa. Warlike god, city god of Kish, identified with Ninurta. MUL dZa-ba4-ba4 (AN 18–19l).

Kurtik with Hoffmann, Horowitz and Kim

Var. readings: mulLU2.BAD, mulLU2.UŠ2, muladda, ad6; = mulpagru "Dead Man, Corpse"; constellation in Delphinus(?) (Delphinus) [G. 243; AHw 809; Borger 1978 73; Reynolds 1999].

Sources Identifications

Star List of Anu (I ii 12):

  • mul dZa-ba4-ba4 mulTI8mušen u mulAD6
  • "Zababa, Eagle and Deadman".

The counting within the first list of MUL.APIN has always been controversial. This line is

  • nos. 17-19 in Kurtik's counting,
  • nos. 18-19 in Hoffmann+Krebernik's counting.
Hunger and Pingree (1999) identifies this constellation with the area of Delphinus.
Corpse and Eagle (MUL.APIN) , painted for Stellarium by J. Gullberg (2022)
"The Great List of Stars".

mulka = mullu2.uš2 "Mouth = Dead Man." [Mesop.Astrol., App. B:160; Weidner 1959-60 108];

parallel [STC II, Pl. LXXI, Rev. ii 12]. List of stars VR 46, 1:28. muladda = pa-gar Asakki(a2.sag3)

"Dead man = corpse of Asakku", see also [HBA 52:28; Reynolds 1999 375]; for a parallel see. [STC II, Pl. LXXI rev. ii 16].

II. Deity.

Asakku – demon of disease, son of Anu; together with Anzu and Kingu was considered an evil demon [Tallqvist 256; AHw 73; Reynolds 1999].

In Neo-Assyrian mythological texts, the star of the Deadman, called "the Stone", is identified with Asakku:

  • [abn]u mulpagru(adda) ki-i iqbû/qabû([ ] /[mulpa]gru([ad]da) pa-gar Asakki(a2.sag3) abnu a-sak-[ku]

"["Kame]n" refers to the Dead Man's star, so they say; / [The Dead Man's star means Asakku's corpse. (Therefore) the stone is Asakku-[ku]" [Lambert 1989 216:4-5; Livingstone 1986 64:4-5], for the full text see (Kurtik z01) ZA.BA4.BA4, II.

III. Identification.

Since the Dead Man was located near the Eagle, he is identified presumably with Antinous or Delphinus [G. 243; Weidner 1957-59 79; 1959-60 108];

= Delphinus(?) [MA 138; Mesop.Astrol. 207, App. C; ASM 272]. See also (Kurtik k01) KA, (Kurtik g24) Gizzānītu.

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022) Gössmann (1950)
вар. чтения: mulLU2.BAD, mulLU2.UŠ2, muladda, ad6; = mulpagru "Мертвец, Труп"; созвездие в Дельфине(?) (Delphinus) [G. 243; AHw 809; Borger 1978 73; Reynolds 1999]. Example
MUL.APIN. Список звезд Ану (№ 17-19): mul dZa-ba4-ba4 mulTI8mušen u   mulAD6 "Забаба, Орел и Мертвец" (I ii 12). "Большой список звезд". mulka = mullu2.uš2 "Рот = Мертвец" [Mesop.Astrol., App. B:160; Weidner 1959-60 108];  параллель [STC II, Pl. LXXI, Rev. ii 12]. Список звезд VR 46, 1:28. muladda = pa-gar Asakki(a2.sag3) "Мертвец = труп Асакку", см. также [HBA 52:28; Reynolds 1999 375]; параллель см. [STC II, Pl. LXXI rev. ii 16].

II. Божество.

Асакку ― демон болезни, сын Ану; вместе с Анзу и Кингу считался злым демоном [Tallqvist  256; AHw 73; Reynolds 1999]. В новоассирийском мифологическом тексте звезда Мертвец, называемая «Камнем», отождествляется с Асакку: [abn]u mulpagru(adda) ki-i iqbû/qabû([] / [mulpa]gru([ad]da) pa-gar Asakki(a2.sag3) abnu a-sak-[ku] "[«Каме]нь» относится к звезде Мертвец, так говорят; / [Звезда Мерт]вец означает труп Асакку. (Поэтому) камень — это Асак[ку]" [Lambert 1989 216:4-5; Livingstone 1986 64:4-5], полный текст см. z01ZA.BA4.BA4, II.

III. Отождествление.

Поскольку Мертвец располагался вблизи Орла, его отождествляют предположительно с Антиноем (Antinous) или Дельфином (Delphinus) [G. 243; Weidner 1957-59 79; 1959-60 108];

= Delphinus(?) [MA 138; Mesop.Astrol. 207, App. C; ASM 272]. См. также  k01KA, (g24) Gizzānītu.
