Northern Dene (Asterism Names): Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 17:14, 30 January 2025

In his thesis 2021, Chris Cannon gave seven lists of asterisms of ethnics of Alaska and Northern Canada.

Most of the asterisms are all-sky-constellations, subdivided in various parts (like legs, arms, the heart of the creature etc.). In total, he lists 181 terms from seven ethnics. Here is an overview:

const_ID term_ID Ethnic Language Name of Star or Asterism Constellation translation id. commentary Reference, page number in PDF (doesn't equal the pagination)
1 1 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' belo' Ghededzuyhdle left hand γ Leo or α Leo Cannon 2021, 176
1 2 Koyukon nełneyhts'ene' belo' Ghededzuyhdle his right hand α UMi Cannon 2021, 176
1 3 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' betl'ene' Ghededzuyhdle his left leg χ UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 3 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' betl'ene' Ghededzuyhdle his left leg β CVn Cannon 2021, 176
1 3 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' betl'ene' Ghededzuyhdle his left leg α CVn Cannon 2021, 176
1 4 Koyukon nelneyhts'ene' betl'ene' bekaa Ghededzuyhdle his right leg eta UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 4 Koyukon nelneyhts'ene' betl'ene' bekaa Ghededzuyhdle his right leg zetaUMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 4 Koyukon nelneyhts'ene' betl'ene' bekaa Ghededzuyhdle his right leg ε UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 5 Koyukon Ghededzuyhdle his tail ε, zeta, eta UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 6 Koyukon betlee' Ghededzuyhdle his head 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 176
1 7 Koyukon bedoghone' Ghededzuyhdle his torso α UMa, ο UMa, α Lyn, ψ UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 8 Koyukon betsokk'e Ghededzuyhdle his belly δ UMa , α UMa, ψ UMa, χ UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 9 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' bekaa' Ghededzuyhdle his left foot α CVn Cannon 2021, 176
1 10 Koyukon nelneyhts'ene' bekaa' Ghededzuyhdle his right foot η UMa Cannon 2021, 176
1 10 Koyukon nelneyhts'ene' bekaa' Ghededzuyhdle his right foot θ Boo Cannon 2021, 176
1 11 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' betl'eele' Ghededzuyhdle his left arm α Lyn Cannon 2021, 176
1 11 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' betl'eele' Ghededzuyhdle his left arm ε Leo Cannon 2021, 176
1 11 Koyukon tl'eghests'ene' betl'eele' Ghededzuyhdle his left arm γ Leo Cannon 2021, 176
1 12 Koyukon nełneyhts'ene' betl'eele' Ghededzuyhdle his right arm ο UMa, HIP 47193, α UMi Cannon 2021, 176
1 13 Koyukon betleel Ghededzuyhdle his forearms (left) γ Leo Cannon 2021, 176
1 13 Koyukon betleel Ghededzuyhdle his forearms (left) ε Leo Cannon 2021, 176
1 14 Koyukon betleel Ghededzuyhdle his forearms (right) HIP47193 Cannon 2021, 176
1 14 Koyukon betleel Ghededzuyhdle his forearms (right) α UMi Cannon 2021, 176
1 15 Koyukon bebet Ghededzuyhdle his buttocks stars not yet identified Cannon 2021, 176
1 16 Koyukon benene' Ghededzuyhdle his backbone stars not yet identified Cannon 2021, 176
1 17 Koyukon belots'eele' Ghededzuyhdle his fingers star(s) not yet identified Cannon 2021, 176
1 18 Koyukon yokk'ul Ghededzuyhdle sky neck Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 176
1 19 Koyukon yokkolaaye Ghededzuyhdle it leads light into day α Aql and γ Aql Cannon 2021, 176
2 1 Yellowknives Dene Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ wegǫǫ Yida his arms (right) η UMa, ζ UMa, ε UMa, δ UMa Cannon 2021, 169
2 2 Yellowknives Dene Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ wegǫǫ Yida his arms (left) α UMa, h UMa, ο UMa Cannon 2021, 169
2 3 Yellowknives Dene Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ wedzìwi Yida his body δ UMa, γ UMa, χ UMa, ψ UMa, β UMa, α UMa Cannon 2021, 169
2 4 Yellowknives Dene Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ wekw'ǫ Yida his legs (left) 46 LMi, ζ Leo , γ1 Leo, η Leo, α Leo Cannon 2021, 169
2 5 Yellowknives Dene Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ wekw'ǫ Yida his legs (right) ν UMa, ξ UMa, 72 Leo, δ Leo, θ Leo, ι Leo Cannon 2021, 169
2 6 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects betthí Yida his head υ UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 7 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects begáné Yida his arms (right) α UMa, η UMa, τ UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 8 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects begáné Yida his arms (left) β UMa, θ UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 9 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects belá Yida his hands (right) ο UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 10 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects belá Yida his hands (left) ι UMa, κ UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 11 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects bezíé Yida his torso α UMa, β UMa, γ UMa, δ UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 12 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects bet'ás, benéné Yida his back δ UMa, ε UMa, ζ UMa, γ UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 13 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects bek'arełka Yida place where he was hit with arrow 80 UMa (HIP 65477) Cannon 2021, 166
2 14 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects k'á nąłchéth Yida quiver (for arrows) θ Boo Cannon 2021, 166
2 15 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects betł'a Yida his buttocks η UMa Cannon 2021, 166
2 16 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects beké Yida his feet (right) α CrB or β Boo Cannon 2021, 166
2 17 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects beké Yida his feet (left) ε Boo or γ Boo Cannon 2021, 166
2 18 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects whǫ tįlı ıłįla star trail altogether Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 166
2 19 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects Yìda wets'ekeè Yìda's wife β Cas, α Cas, η Cas, γ Cas, δ Cas, ε Cas Cannon 2021, 166
2 20 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects įłǫ wheɂǫ the one that stands still α UMi Cannon 2021, 166
2 21 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects Yìda tsoa little Yida α Aur Cannon 2021, 166
2 22 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects wendaà at'į it blinks its eyes β Ori Cannon 2021, 166
2 23 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects wetseè dzà its tail measurer M 45 (Pleiades) Cannon 2021, 166
2 24 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects łą wedzà, ełexe whela they sit together M 45 (Pleiades) Cannon 2021, 166
2 25 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects kwɂ tsòa small group of stars together M 45 (Pleiades) Cannon 2021, 166
2 26 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects bek'a yéhká xáįɂą heavy object came out? α Boo Cannon 2021, 166
2 27 Yellowknives Dene multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects wezhìı nàgede they go inside α Boo Cannon 2021, 166
3 1 Upper Tanana uche' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his tail Big Dipper (in UMa) Cannon 2021, 153
3 2 Upper Tanana tł'ahts'ąy uła' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left hand ο Leo , α Leo Cannon 2021, 153
3 3 Upper Tanana hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy uła' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his right hand α Cas , β Cas Cannon 2021, 153
3 4 Upper Tanana tł'ahts'ąy uxol' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left leg a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 153
3 5 Upper Tanana hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy uxol' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his right leg a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 153
3 6 Upper Tanana tł'alts'ąy udzagn' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left ear β Gem Cannon 2021, 153
3 7 Upper Tanana tł'ahts'ąy udziit Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left inner ear/hearing α Gem Cannon 2021, 153
3 8 Upper Tanana hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy udzagn' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his right ear α Aur Cannon 2021, 153
3 9 Upper Tanana hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy udziit Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his right inner ear/hearing β Aur Cannon 2021, 153
3 10 Upper Tanana mįįtsįį Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his nose M 45 Cannon 2021, 153
3 11 Upper Tanana unaagn' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his eyes β Tau , ι Aur Cannon 2021, 153
3 12 Upper Tanana utthi' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his head all the stars comprising the eyes, ears, and nose Cannon 2021, 153
3 13 Upper Tanana uk'oh Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his neck 31 Lyn, 15 Lyn, α Gem, β Aur Cannon 2021, 153
3 14 Upper Tanana usak Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his torso 15 Lyn, ο UMa, h UMa, 36 UMa, θ UMa, ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 153
3 15 Upper Tanana tł'ahts'ąy uke' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left foot α Boo, η Boo Cannon 2021, 153
3 16 Upper Tanana tł'ahts'ąy uke' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left foot δ Leo, β Leo Cannon 2021, 153
3 17 Upper Tanana hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy uke' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his right foot γ Dra, β Dra Cannon 2021, 153
3 18 Upper Tanana tł'ahts'ąy ugaan' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his left arm a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 153
3 19 Upper Tanana hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy ugaan' Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his right arm a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 153
3 20 Upper Tanana udzeey Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his heart 27 Lyn Cannon 2021, 153
3 21 Upper Tanana ugot Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin his knee a single unidentified star Cannon 2021, 153
3 22 Upper Tanana san' tąv Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin star trail Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 153
4 1 Lower Tanana becha' Nogheyoli his tail Cannon 2021, 135
4 2 Lower Tanana tl'egheyh ts'ena' belo' Nogheyoli his left hand δ Hya , η Hya , ε Hya , ρ Hya , ζ Hya , σ Hya Cannon 2021, 135
4 3 Lower Tanana xwzrunh ts'ena' belo' Nogheyoli his right hand The combined stars in his palm, fingers, and thumb Cannon 2021, 135
4 4 Lower Tanana belok'a Nogheyoli his palm γ Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 5 Lower Tanana belots'ula' Nogheyoli his fingers [little finger] β Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 6 Lower Tanana belots'ula' Nogheyoli his fingers [ring finger] α Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 7 Lower Tanana belots'ula' Nogheyoli his fingers [middle finger] η Cas , ζ Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 8 Lower Tanana belots'ula' Nogheyoli his fingers [index finger] θ Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 9 Lower Tanana belochetth Nogheyoli his thumb δ Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 10 Lower Tanana tl'egheyh ts'ena' beka' Nogheyoli his left foot The combined stars in his toes and heel (see below) Cannon 2021, 135
4 11 Lower Tanana bekalats'ula' Nogheyoli his toes (of left foot) [big toe] δ Leo Cannon 2021, 135
4 12 Lower Tanana bekalats'ula' Nogheyoli his toes (of left foot) [middle toe] θ Leo Cannon 2021, 135
4 13 Lower Tanana bekalats'ula' Nogheyoli his toes (of left foot) [little toe] ι Leo Cannon 2021, 135
4 14 Lower Tanana bekatwtl Nogheyoli his heel (of left foot) β Leo Cannon 2021, 135
4 15 Lower Tanana xwzrunh ts'ena' beka' Nogheyoli his right foot β Dra , γ Dra Cannon 2021, 135
4 16 Lower Tanana bezrek Nogheyoli his body/torso ι UMa , κ UMa , θ UMa , h UMa , ο UMa Cannon 2021, 135
4 17 Lower Tanana bedraya' Nogheyoli his heart 21 Lyn Cannon 2021, 135
4 18 Lower Tanana beghala' Nogheyoli his pack α Gem, β Gem, ι Cnc , α Lyn, 38 Lyn, 10 UMa, 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 135
4 19 Lower Tanana bedechena' Nogheyoli his staff The stars in a line between λ Gem, β Cnc, and α Hya Cannon 2021, 135
4 20 Lower Tanana tl'egheyh ts'ena' bedroda' Nogheyoli his left leg ψ UMa, ν UMa, ξ UMa Cannon 2021, 135
4 21 Lower Tanana xwzrunh ts'ena' bedroda' Nogheyoli his right leg λ Dra , κ Dra, β UMi , γ UMi , ζ Dra Cannon 2021, 135
4 22 Lower Tanana begwt Nogheyoli his knee (of right leg) β UMi , γ UMi Cannon 2021, 135
4 23 Lower Tanana tl'egheyh ts'ena' bego Nogheyoli his left arm β Gem , γ Cnc , δ Cnc Cannon 2021, 135
4 24 Lower Tanana xwzrunh ts'ena' bego Nogheyoli his right arm δ Aur, β Cam, HIP17884, ε Cas Cannon 2021, 135
4 25 Lower Tanana bets'es Nogheyoli his (right) elbow HIP 17884 Cannon 2021, 135
4 26 Lower Tanana bentsiyh Nogheyoli his nose M 45 Cannon 2021, 135
4 27 Lower Tanana benagha' Nogheyoli his eyes ι Aur , β Tau Cannon 2021, 135
4 28 Lower Tanana tl'egheyh ts'ena' bedzegha' Nogheyoli his left ear η Gem , μ Gem , ν Gem Cannon 2021, 135
4 29 Lower Tanana xwzrunh ts'ena' bedzegha' Nogheyoli his right ear ζ Tau Cannon 2021, 136
4 30 Lower Tanana begho' Nogheyoli his hair ψ2 Aur, ψ7 Aur, ψ10 Aur, ψ4 Aur, ψ5 Aur Cannon 2021, 136
4 31 Lower Tanana betena Nogheyoli his trail Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 136
5 1 Sahtúot'įnę ɂįhts'ę belá Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his left hand 24 Leo, 17 Leo Cannon 2021, 121
5 2 Sahtúot'įnę sąą belá Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his right hand ζ UMa Cannon 2021, 121
5 3 Sahtúot'įnę ɂįhts'ę bekw'oné Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his left leg ζ Leo , 41 Leo, η Leo, α Leo Cannon 2021, 121
5 4 Sahtúot'įnę sąą bekw'oné Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his right leg ν UMa , ξ UMa , 72 Leo , δ Leo, θ Leo Cannon 2021, 121
5 5 Sahtúot'įnę bekwí Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his head θ UMa, φ UMa , υ UMa , 23 UMa , τ UMa, 4 UMa, ο UMa, 15 UMa Cannon 2021, 121
5 6 Sahtúot'įnę bezhįį, bezhιne Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his torso ψ UMa, ν UMa , 37 LMi, 21 LMi, HIP 47029 Cannon 2021, 121
5 7 Sahtúot'įnę ɂedzǝ Yámǫréya/Yíhdu something's heart λ UMa Cannon 2021, 121
5 8 Sahtúot'įnę ɂįhts'ę bekǝ Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his left foot α Leo, ο Leo Cannon 2021, 121
5 9 Sahtúot'įnę sąą bekǝ Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his right foot θ Leo , β Leo Cannon 2021, 121
5 10 Sahtúot'įnę ɂįhts'ę begwóné Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his left arm ι UMa , κ UMa, 10 UMa, HIP 44700, 38 Lyn, α Lyn Cannon 2021, 121
5 11 Sahtúot'įnę sąą begwóné Yámǫréya/Yíhdu his right arm ψ UMa, χ UMa , 5 CVn Cannon 2021, 121
5 12 Sahtúot'įnę lıbóchǝ Yámǫréya/Yíhdu ladle calque term for Big Dipper (in Ursa Major); Yámǫréya's cooking vessel, also called Yihda Cannon 2021, 121
5 13 Sahtúot'įnę télu∕tǫlu, ɂetene Yámǫréya/Yíhdu trail Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 121
5 14 Sahtúot'įnę ɂemǫǫhdzí Yámǫréya/Yíhdu (archaic) an unidentified constellation of an ancient Tiger-like figure Cannon 2021, 121
5 15 Sahtúot'įnę k'į Yámǫréya/Yíhdu arrow α Aur Cannon 2021, 121
5 16 Sahtúot'įnę k'įt'a Yámǫréya/Yíhdu feather of arrow α Tau Cannon 2021, 121
5 17 Sahtúot'įnę dzéh Yámǫréya/Yíhdu spruce pitch α Ori Cannon 2021, 121
5 18 Sahtúot'įnę kw'ǝ Yámǫréya/Yíhdu sinew β Ori Cannon 2021, 121
5 19 Sahtúot'įnę k'įdáre Yámǫréya/Yíhdu arrowhead α CMa Cannon 2021, 121
5 20 Sahtúot'įnę sak'énaava the (star) that rises after the sun α Aql Name used during its morning appearance after the winter solstice Cannon 2021, 121
5 21 Sahtúot'įnę sak'éeda it goes down after the sun α Aql Name used during its evening appearance in autumn when the “animals are fat” Cannon 2021, 121
5 22 Sahtúot'įnę bek'éahka it makes light/whiteness after it α Boo Cannon 2021, 121
5 23 Sahtúot'įnę bek'énaehka it makes light/whiteness again after it α Boo Cannon 2021, 121
6 1 Gwich'in vitsi' Yahdii his tail The Big Dipper Cannon 2021, 96
6 2 Gwich'in tł'ǫhts'ąįį vanlì' Yahdii his left hand ο Leo, α Leo Cannon 2021, 96
6 3 Gwich'in shreets'ąįį vanlì' Yahdii his right hand γ And, β Tri Cannon 2021, 96
6 4 Gwich'in tł'ǫhts'ąįį vatth'àn Yahdii his left leg a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 96
6 5 Gwich'in shreets'ąįį vatth'àn Yahdii his right leg a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 96
6 6 Gwich'in tł'ǫhts'ąįį vidzee Yahdii his left ear α Gem, β Gem Cannon 2021, 96
6 7 Gwich'in shreets'ąįį vidzee Yahdii his right ear α Aur , β Aur Cannon 2021, 96
6 8 Gwich'in vanch'àl Yahdii his snout M 45 Cannon 2021, 96
6 9 Gwich'in vantsįh Yahdii his nose M 45 Cannon 2021, 96
6 10 Gwich'in vindee Yahdii his eyes ι Aur, β Tau Cannon 2021, 96
6 11 Gwich'in viki' Yahdii his head all the stars comprising the ears, eyes, and snout Cannon 2021, 96
6 12 Gwich'in vizhin Yahdii his body 15 Lyn, ο UMa, h UMa, 36 UMa, θ UMa , ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 96
6 13 Gwich'in vatthąį' Yahdii his flesh 15 Lyn, ο UMa, h UMa, 36 UMa, θ UMa , ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 96
6 14 Gwich'in tł'ǫhts'ąįį vakwài' Yahdii his left foot α Boo , η Boo Cannon 2021, 96
6 15 Gwich'in shreets'ąįį vakwài' Yahdii his right foot α Cyg, γ Cyg Cannon 2021, 96
6 16 Gwich'in tł'ǫhts'ąįį vigin Yahdii his left arm a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 96
6 17 Gwich'in shreets'ąįį vigin Yahdii his right arm a general region of stars Cannon 2021, 96
6 18 Gwich'in vidrii Yahdii his heart 27 Lyn Cannon 2021, 96
6 19 Gwich'in vatòo Yahdii his cane the stars in the top of the cane are η Leo, γ Leo, ζ Leo , μ Leo , ε Leo. The stars in the bottom of the cane are all the stars between o Leo and α Hya Cannon 2021, 96
6 20 Gwich'in va'ǫhtsùu Yahdii his bag Χ UMa , ψ UMa, μ UMa , λ UMa Cannon 2021, 96
6 21 Gwich'in vatąįį Yahdii his trail Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 96
6 22 Gwich'in są' gwat'an tąįį trail of stars Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 96
6 23 Gwich'in yeedaak gahaajil they went/rose far up δ Boo, ε Boo, α Boo Cannon 2021, 96
6 24 Gwich'in k'iidàk gahaajil they went/rose straight up δ Boo, ε Boo, α Boo Cannon 2021, 96
6 25 Gwich'in vanh oozhrii it is naming the morning δ Boo, ε Boo, α Boo Cannon 2021, 96
6 26 Gwich'in zheetł'an dha'ąįį star in the middle of the sky α UMi Cannon 2021, 96
7 1 Ahtna uce' Nek'eltaen his tail Big Dipper Cannon 2021, 76
7 2 Ahtna tl'aghests'en ula' Nek'eltaen his left hand ο Leo, α Leo Cannon 2021, 76
7 3 Ahtna kuzuun ts'ene ula' Nek'eltaen his right hand two unidentified stars in Cassiopeia Cannon 2021, 76
7 4 Ahtna tl'aghests'en uts'ene' Nek'eltaen his left leg ψ UMa, ν UMa , ξ UMa Cannon 2021, 76
7 5 Ahtna kuzuun ts'ene uts'ene' Nek'eltaen his right leg λ Dra , κ Dra, β UMi, γ UMi , ζ Dra Cannon 2021, 76
7 6 Ahtna tl'aghests'en udzaghe' Nek'eltaen his left ear α Gem , β Gem Cannon 2021, 76
7 7 Ahtna kuzuun ts'ene udzaghe' Nek'eltaen his right ear α Aur , β Aur Cannon 2021, 76
7 8 Ahtna bentsiis Nek'eltaen his nose M 45 Cannon 2021, 76
7 9 Ahtna unaegge' Nek'eltaen his eyes ι Aur, β Tau Cannon 2021, 76
7 10 Ahtna utsaadle' Nek'eltaen his abdomen 15 Lyn, ο UMa , h UMa , 36 UMa, θ UMa , ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 76
7 11 Ahtna tl'aghests'en uke' Nek'eltaen his left foot the combined stars in his left heel and toes (see below) Cannon 2021, 76
7 12 Ahtna uketatl' Nek'eltaen his heel (of left foot) β Leo Cannon 2021, 76
7 13 Ahtna ukelaghose' Nek'eltaen his toes (of left foot) δ Leo , θ Leo Cannon 2021, 76
7 14 Ahtna kuzuun ts'ene uke' Nek'eltaen his right foot β Dra , γ Dra Cannon 2021, 76
7 15 Ahtna tl'aghests'en uggaan' Nek'eltaen his left arm 31 Lyn , κ Leo , λ Leo Cannon 2021, 76
7 16 Ahtna kuzuun ts'ene uggaan' Nek'eltaen his right arm δ Aur, 2 Lyn, β Cam, α Cam, HIP17884, ε Cas Cannon 2021, 76
7 17 Ahtna udzedze' Nek'eltaen his kidney unidentified star near the cup of the Big Dipper Cannon 2021, 76
7 18 Ahtna uciz'aani Nek'eltaen his heart 27 Lyn Cannon 2021, 76
7 19 Ahtna utedze' Nek'eltaen his walking stick β Cnc, ε Hya, ζ Hya, α Cnc, 31 Leo, ρ Leo, σ Leo, β Vir Cannon 2021, 76
7 20 Ahtna ughaele' Nek'eltaen his backpack β UMa, ψ UMa, μ UMa, α Lyn, 31 Lyn Cannon 2021, 76
7 21 Ahtna utene Nek'eltaen his trail Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 76
7 22 Ahtna denae ce'e tene big man's trail Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 76
7 23 Ahtna Ciił Hwyaa yates ghilyaa Smart Boy stepped over the sky Milky Way Galaxy Cannon 2021, 76

