Northern Dene (Asterism Names)
From All Skies Encyclopaedia
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In his thesis 2021, Chris Cannon gave seven lists of asterisms of ethnics of Alaska and Northern Canada.
Most of the asterisms are all-sky-constellations, subdivided in various parts (like legs, arms, the heart of the creature etc.). In total, he lists 181 terms from seven ethnics. Here is an overview:
const_ID | term_ID | Ethnic | Language | Name of Star or Asterism | Constellation | translation | id. | commentary | Reference, page number in PDF (doesn't equal the pagination) |
1 | 1 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' belo' | Ghededzuyhdle | left hand | γ Leo or α Leo | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 2 | Koyukon | nełneyhts'ene' belo' | Ghededzuyhdle | his right hand | α UMi | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 3 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' betl'ene' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left leg | χ UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 3 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' betl'ene' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left leg | β CVn | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 3 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' betl'ene' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left leg | α CVn | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 4 | Koyukon | nelneyhts'ene' betl'ene' bekaa | Ghededzuyhdle | his right leg | eta UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 4 | Koyukon | nelneyhts'ene' betl'ene' bekaa | Ghededzuyhdle | his right leg | zetaUMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 4 | Koyukon | nelneyhts'ene' betl'ene' bekaa | Ghededzuyhdle | his right leg | ε UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 5 | Koyukon | Ghededzuyhdle | his tail | ε, zeta, eta UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | |||
1 | 6 | Koyukon | betlee' | Ghededzuyhdle | his head | 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 7 | Koyukon | bedoghone' | Ghededzuyhdle | his torso | α UMa, ο UMa, α Lyn, ψ UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 8 | Koyukon | betsokk'e | Ghededzuyhdle | his belly | δ UMa , α UMa, ψ UMa, χ UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 9 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' bekaa' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left foot | α CVn | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 10 | Koyukon | nelneyhts'ene' bekaa' | Ghededzuyhdle | his right foot | η UMa | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 10 | Koyukon | nelneyhts'ene' bekaa' | Ghededzuyhdle | his right foot | θ Boo | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 11 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' betl'eele' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left arm | α Lyn | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 11 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' betl'eele' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left arm | ε Leo | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 11 | Koyukon | tl'eghests'ene' betl'eele' | Ghededzuyhdle | his left arm | γ Leo | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 12 | Koyukon | nełneyhts'ene' betl'eele' | Ghededzuyhdle | his right arm | ο UMa, HIP 47193, α UMi | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 13 | Koyukon | betleel | Ghededzuyhdle | his forearms (left) | γ Leo | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 13 | Koyukon | betleel | Ghededzuyhdle | his forearms (left) | ε Leo | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 14 | Koyukon | betleel | Ghededzuyhdle | his forearms (right) | HIP47193 | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 14 | Koyukon | betleel | Ghededzuyhdle | his forearms (right) | α UMi | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 15 | Koyukon | bebet | Ghededzuyhdle | his buttocks | stars not yet identified | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 16 | Koyukon | benene' | Ghededzuyhdle | his backbone | stars not yet identified | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 17 | Koyukon | belots'eele' | Ghededzuyhdle | his fingers | star(s) not yet identified | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 18 | Koyukon | yokk'ul | Ghededzuyhdle | sky neck | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
1 | 19 | Koyukon | yokkolaaye | Ghededzuyhdle | it leads light into day | α Aql and γ Aql | Cannon 2021, 176 | ||
2 | 1 | Yellowknives Dene | Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ | wegǫǫ | Yida | his arms (right) | η UMa, ζ UMa, ε UMa, δ UMa | Cannon 2021, 169 | |
2 | 2 | Yellowknives Dene | Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ | wegǫǫ | Yida | his arms (left) | α UMa, h UMa, ο UMa | Cannon 2021, 169 | |
2 | 3 | Yellowknives Dene | Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ | wedzìwi | Yida | his body | δ UMa, γ UMa, χ UMa, ψ UMa, β UMa, α UMa | Cannon 2021, 169 | |
2 | 4 | Yellowknives Dene | Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ | wekw'ǫ | Yida | his legs (left) | 46 LMi, ζ Leo , γ1 Leo, η Leo, α Leo | Cannon 2021, 169 | |
2 | 5 | Yellowknives Dene | Wıìlıìdeh dialect of Tłįchǫ | wekw'ǫ | Yida | his legs (right) | ν UMa, ξ UMa, 72 Leo, δ Leo, θ Leo, ι Leo | Cannon 2021, 169 | |
2 | 6 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | betthí | Yida | his head | υ UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 7 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | begáné | Yida | his arms (right) | α UMa, η UMa, τ UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 8 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | begáné | Yida | his arms (left) | β UMa, θ UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 9 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | belá | Yida | his hands (right) | ο UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 10 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | belá | Yida | his hands (left) | ι UMa, κ UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 11 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | bezíé | Yida | his torso | α UMa, β UMa, γ UMa, δ UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 12 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | bet'ás, benéné | Yida | his back | δ UMa, ε UMa, ζ UMa, γ UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 13 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | bek'arełka | Yida | place where he was hit with arrow | 80 UMa (HIP 65477) | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 14 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | k'á nąłchéth | Yida | quiver (for arrows) | θ Boo | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 15 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | betł'a | Yida | his buttocks | η UMa | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 16 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | beké | Yida | his feet (right) | α CrB or β Boo | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 17 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | beké | Yida | his feet (left) | ε Boo or γ Boo | Cannon 2021, 166 | |
2 | 18 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | whǫ tįlı ıłįla | star trail altogether | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 19 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | Yìda wets'ekeè | Yìda's wife | β Cas, α Cas, η Cas, γ Cas, δ Cas, ε Cas | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 20 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | įłǫ wheɂǫ | the one that stands still | α UMi | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 21 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | Yìda tsoa | little Yida | α Aur | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 22 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | wendaà at'į | it blinks its eyes | β Ori | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 23 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | wetseè dzà | its tail measurer | M 45 (Pleiades) | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 24 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | łą wedzà, ełexe whela | they sit together | M 45 (Pleiades) | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 25 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | kwɂ tsòa | small group of stars together | M 45 (Pleiades) | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 26 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | bek'a yéhká xáįɂą | heavy object came out? | α Boo | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
2 | 27 | Yellowknives Dene | multilingual community, mixture of the Tetsǫt'ıne and Wıìlıìdeh dialects | wezhìı nàgede | they go inside | α Boo | Cannon 2021, 166 | ||
3 | 1 | Upper Tanana | uche' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his tail | Big Dipper (in UMa) | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 2 | Upper Tanana | tł'ahts'ąy uła' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left hand | ο Leo , α Leo | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 3 | Upper Tanana | hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy uła' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his right hand | α Cas , β Cas | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 4 | Upper Tanana | tł'ahts'ąy uxol' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left leg | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 5 | Upper Tanana | hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy uxol' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his right leg | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 6 | Upper Tanana | tł'alts'ąy udzagn' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left ear | β Gem | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 7 | Upper Tanana | tł'ahts'ąy udziit | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left inner ear/hearing | α Gem | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 8 | Upper Tanana | hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy udzagn' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his right ear | α Aur | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 9 | Upper Tanana | hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy udziit | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his right inner ear/hearing | β Aur | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 10 | Upper Tanana | mįįtsįį | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his nose | M 45 | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 11 | Upper Tanana | unaagn' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his eyes | β Tau , ι Aur | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 12 | Upper Tanana | utthi' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his head | all the stars comprising the eyes, ears, and nose | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 13 | Upper Tanana | uk'oh | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his neck | 31 Lyn, 15 Lyn, α Gem, β Aur | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 14 | Upper Tanana | usak | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his torso | 15 Lyn, ο UMa, h UMa, 36 UMa, θ UMa, ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 15 | Upper Tanana | tł'ahts'ąy uke' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left foot | α Boo, η Boo | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 16 | Upper Tanana | tł'ahts'ąy uke' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left foot | δ Leo, β Leo | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 17 | Upper Tanana | hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy uke' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his right foot | γ Dra, β Dra | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 18 | Upper Tanana | tł'ahts'ąy ugaan' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his left arm | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 19 | Upper Tanana | hǫǫsǫǫ ts'ąy ugaan' | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his right arm | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 20 | Upper Tanana | udzeey | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his heart | 27 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 21 | Upper Tanana | ugot | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | his knee | a single unidentified star | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
3 | 22 | Upper Tanana | san' tąv | Yihdaa, Neek'e'eltiin, or Che' T'iin | star trail | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 153 | ||
4 | 1 | Lower Tanana | becha' | Nogheyoli | his tail | Cannon 2021, 135 | |||
4 | 2 | Lower Tanana | tl'egheyh ts'ena' belo' | Nogheyoli | his left hand | δ Hya , η Hya , ε Hya , ρ Hya , ζ Hya , σ Hya | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 3 | Lower Tanana | xwzrunh ts'ena' belo' | Nogheyoli | his right hand | The combined stars in his palm, fingers, and thumb | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 4 | Lower Tanana | belok'a | Nogheyoli | his palm | γ Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 5 | Lower Tanana | belots'ula' | Nogheyoli | his fingers [little finger] | β Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 6 | Lower Tanana | belots'ula' | Nogheyoli | his fingers [ring finger] | α Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 7 | Lower Tanana | belots'ula' | Nogheyoli | his fingers [middle finger] | η Cas , ζ Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 8 | Lower Tanana | belots'ula' | Nogheyoli | his fingers [index finger] | θ Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 9 | Lower Tanana | belochetth | Nogheyoli | his thumb | δ Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 10 | Lower Tanana | tl'egheyh ts'ena' beka' | Nogheyoli | his left foot | The combined stars in his toes and heel (see below) | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 11 | Lower Tanana | bekalats'ula' | Nogheyoli | his toes (of left foot) [big toe] | δ Leo | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 12 | Lower Tanana | bekalats'ula' | Nogheyoli | his toes (of left foot) [middle toe] | θ Leo | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 13 | Lower Tanana | bekalats'ula' | Nogheyoli | his toes (of left foot) [little toe] | ι Leo | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 14 | Lower Tanana | bekatwtl | Nogheyoli | his heel (of left foot) | β Leo | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 15 | Lower Tanana | xwzrunh ts'ena' beka' | Nogheyoli | his right foot | β Dra , γ Dra | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 16 | Lower Tanana | bezrek | Nogheyoli | his body/torso | ι UMa , κ UMa , θ UMa , h UMa , ο UMa | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 17 | Lower Tanana | bedraya' | Nogheyoli | his heart | 21 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 18 | Lower Tanana | beghala' | Nogheyoli | his pack | α Gem, β Gem, ι Cnc , α Lyn, 38 Lyn, 10 UMa, 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 19 | Lower Tanana | bedechena' | Nogheyoli | his staff | The stars in a line between λ Gem, β Cnc, and α Hya | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 20 | Lower Tanana | tl'egheyh ts'ena' bedroda' | Nogheyoli | his left leg | ψ UMa, ν UMa, ξ UMa | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 21 | Lower Tanana | xwzrunh ts'ena' bedroda' | Nogheyoli | his right leg | λ Dra , κ Dra, β UMi , γ UMi , ζ Dra | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 22 | Lower Tanana | begwt | Nogheyoli | his knee (of right leg) | β UMi , γ UMi | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 23 | Lower Tanana | tl'egheyh ts'ena' bego | Nogheyoli | his left arm | β Gem , γ Cnc , δ Cnc | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 24 | Lower Tanana | xwzrunh ts'ena' bego | Nogheyoli | his right arm | δ Aur, β Cam, HIP17884, ε Cas | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 25 | Lower Tanana | bets'es | Nogheyoli | his (right) elbow | HIP 17884 | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 26 | Lower Tanana | bentsiyh | Nogheyoli | his nose | M 45 | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 27 | Lower Tanana | benagha' | Nogheyoli | his eyes | ι Aur , β Tau | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 28 | Lower Tanana | tl'egheyh ts'ena' bedzegha' | Nogheyoli | his left ear | η Gem , μ Gem , ν Gem | Cannon 2021, 135 | ||
4 | 29 | Lower Tanana | xwzrunh ts'ena' bedzegha' | Nogheyoli | his right ear | ζ Tau | Cannon 2021, 136 | ||
4 | 30 | Lower Tanana | begho' | Nogheyoli | his hair | ψ2 Aur, ψ7 Aur, ψ10 Aur, ψ4 Aur, ψ5 Aur | Cannon 2021, 136 | ||
4 | 31 | Lower Tanana | betena | Nogheyoli | his trail | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 136 | ||
5 | 1 | Sahtúot'įnę | ɂįhts'ę belá | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his left hand | 24 Leo, 17 Leo | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 2 | Sahtúot'įnę | sąą belá | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his right hand | ζ UMa | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 3 | Sahtúot'įnę | ɂįhts'ę bekw'oné | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his left leg | ζ Leo , 41 Leo, η Leo, α Leo | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 4 | Sahtúot'įnę | sąą bekw'oné | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his right leg | ν UMa , ξ UMa , 72 Leo , δ Leo, θ Leo | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 5 | Sahtúot'įnę | bekwí | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his head | θ UMa, φ UMa , υ UMa , 23 UMa , τ UMa, 4 UMa, ο UMa, 15 UMa | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 6 | Sahtúot'įnę | bezhįį, bezhιne | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his torso | ψ UMa, ν UMa , 37 LMi, 21 LMi, HIP 47029 | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 7 | Sahtúot'įnę | ɂedzǝ | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | something's heart | λ UMa | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 8 | Sahtúot'įnę | ɂįhts'ę bekǝ | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his left foot | α Leo, ο Leo | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 9 | Sahtúot'įnę | sąą bekǝ | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his right foot | θ Leo , β Leo | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 10 | Sahtúot'įnę | ɂįhts'ę begwóné | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his left arm | ι UMa , κ UMa, 10 UMa, HIP 44700, 38 Lyn, α Lyn | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 11 | Sahtúot'įnę | sąą begwóné | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | his right arm | ψ UMa, χ UMa , 5 CVn | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 12 | Sahtúot'įnę | lıbóchǝ | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | ladle | calque term for Big Dipper (in Ursa Major); Yámǫréya's cooking vessel, also called Yihda | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 13 | Sahtúot'įnę | télu∕tǫlu, ɂetene | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | trail | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 14 | Sahtúot'įnę | ɂemǫǫhdzí | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | (archaic) | an unidentified constellation of an ancient Tiger-like figure | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 15 | Sahtúot'įnę | k'į | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | arrow | α Aur | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 16 | Sahtúot'įnę | k'įt'a | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | feather of arrow | α Tau | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 17 | Sahtúot'įnę | dzéh | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | spruce pitch | α Ori | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 18 | Sahtúot'įnę | kw'ǝ | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | sinew | β Ori | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 19 | Sahtúot'įnę | k'įdáre | Yámǫréya/Yíhdu | arrowhead | α CMa | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 20 | Sahtúot'įnę | sak'énaava | the (star) that rises after the sun | α Aql | Name used during its morning appearance after the winter solstice | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 21 | Sahtúot'įnę | sak'éeda | it goes down after the sun | α Aql | Name used during its evening appearance in autumn when the “animals are fat” | Cannon 2021, 121 | ||
5 | 22 | Sahtúot'įnę | bek'éahka | it makes light/whiteness after it | α Boo | Cannon 2021, 121 | |||
5 | 23 | Sahtúot'įnę | bek'énaehka | it makes light/whiteness again after it | α Boo | Cannon 2021, 121 | |||
6 | 1 | Gwich'in | vitsi' | Yahdii | his tail | The Big Dipper | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 2 | Gwich'in | tł'ǫhts'ąįį vanlì' | Yahdii | his left hand | ο Leo, α Leo | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 3 | Gwich'in | shreets'ąįį vanlì' | Yahdii | his right hand | γ And, β Tri | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 4 | Gwich'in | tł'ǫhts'ąįį vatth'àn | Yahdii | his left leg | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 5 | Gwich'in | shreets'ąįį vatth'àn | Yahdii | his right leg | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 6 | Gwich'in | tł'ǫhts'ąįį vidzee | Yahdii | his left ear | α Gem, β Gem | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 7 | Gwich'in | shreets'ąįį vidzee | Yahdii | his right ear | α Aur , β Aur | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 8 | Gwich'in | vanch'àl | Yahdii | his snout | M 45 | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 9 | Gwich'in | vantsįh | Yahdii | his nose | M 45 | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 10 | Gwich'in | vindee | Yahdii | his eyes | ι Aur, β Tau | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 11 | Gwich'in | viki' | Yahdii | his head | all the stars comprising the ears, eyes, and snout | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 12 | Gwich'in | vizhin | Yahdii | his body | 15 Lyn, ο UMa, h UMa, 36 UMa, θ UMa , ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 13 | Gwich'in | vatthąį' | Yahdii | his flesh | 15 Lyn, ο UMa, h UMa, 36 UMa, θ UMa , ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 14 | Gwich'in | tł'ǫhts'ąįį vakwài' | Yahdii | his left foot | α Boo , η Boo | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 15 | Gwich'in | shreets'ąįį vakwài' | Yahdii | his right foot | α Cyg, γ Cyg | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 16 | Gwich'in | tł'ǫhts'ąįį vigin | Yahdii | his left arm | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 17 | Gwich'in | shreets'ąįį vigin | Yahdii | his right arm | a general region of stars | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 18 | Gwich'in | vidrii | Yahdii | his heart | 27 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 19 | Gwich'in | vatòo | Yahdii | his cane | the stars in the top of the cane are η Leo, γ Leo, ζ Leo , μ Leo , ε Leo. The stars in the bottom of the cane are all the stars between o Leo and α Hya | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 20 | Gwich'in | va'ǫhtsùu | Yahdii | his bag | Χ UMa , ψ UMa, μ UMa , λ UMa | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 21 | Gwich'in | vatąįį | Yahdii | his trail | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 96 | ||
6 | 22 | Gwich'in | są' gwat'an tąįį | trail of stars | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 96 | |||
6 | 23 | Gwich'in | yeedaak gahaajil | they went/rose far up | δ Boo, ε Boo, α Boo | Cannon 2021, 96 | |||
6 | 24 | Gwich'in | k'iidàk gahaajil | they went/rose straight up | δ Boo, ε Boo, α Boo | Cannon 2021, 96 | |||
6 | 25 | Gwich'in | vanh oozhrii | it is naming the morning | δ Boo, ε Boo, α Boo | Cannon 2021, 96 | |||
6 | 26 | Gwich'in | zheetł'an dha'ąįį | star in the middle of the sky | α UMi | Cannon 2021, 96 | |||
7 | 1 | Ahtna | uce' | Nek'eltaen | his tail | Big Dipper | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 2 | Ahtna | tl'aghests'en ula' | Nek'eltaen | his left hand | ο Leo, α Leo | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 3 | Ahtna | kuzuun ts'ene ula' | Nek'eltaen | his right hand | two unidentified stars in Cassiopeia | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 4 | Ahtna | tl'aghests'en uts'ene' | Nek'eltaen | his left leg | ψ UMa, ν UMa , ξ UMa | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 5 | Ahtna | kuzuun ts'ene uts'ene' | Nek'eltaen | his right leg | λ Dra , κ Dra, β UMi, γ UMi , ζ Dra | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 6 | Ahtna | tl'aghests'en udzaghe' | Nek'eltaen | his left ear | α Gem , β Gem | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 7 | Ahtna | kuzuun ts'ene udzaghe' | Nek'eltaen | his right ear | α Aur , β Aur | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 8 | Ahtna | bentsiis | Nek'eltaen | his nose | M 45 | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 9 | Ahtna | unaegge' | Nek'eltaen | his eyes | ι Aur, β Tau | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 10 | Ahtna | utsaadle' | Nek'eltaen | his abdomen | 15 Lyn, ο UMa , h UMa , 36 UMa, θ UMa , ι UMa , κ UMa, 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 11 | Ahtna | tl'aghests'en uke' | Nek'eltaen | his left foot | the combined stars in his left heel and toes (see below) | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 12 | Ahtna | uketatl' | Nek'eltaen | his heel (of left foot) | β Leo | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 13 | Ahtna | ukelaghose' | Nek'eltaen | his toes (of left foot) | δ Leo , θ Leo | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 14 | Ahtna | kuzuun ts'ene uke' | Nek'eltaen | his right foot | β Dra , γ Dra | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 15 | Ahtna | tl'aghests'en uggaan' | Nek'eltaen | his left arm | 31 Lyn , κ Leo , λ Leo | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 16 | Ahtna | kuzuun ts'ene uggaan' | Nek'eltaen | his right arm | δ Aur, 2 Lyn, β Cam, α Cam, HIP17884, ε Cas | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 17 | Ahtna | udzedze' | Nek'eltaen | his kidney | unidentified star near the cup of the Big Dipper | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 18 | Ahtna | uciz'aani | Nek'eltaen | his heart | 27 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 19 | Ahtna | utedze' | Nek'eltaen | his walking stick | β Cnc, ε Hya, ζ Hya, α Cnc, 31 Leo, ρ Leo, σ Leo, β Vir | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 20 | Ahtna | ughaele' | Nek'eltaen | his backpack | β UMa, ψ UMa, μ UMa, α Lyn, 31 Lyn | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 21 | Ahtna | utene | Nek'eltaen | his trail | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 76 | ||
7 | 22 | Ahtna | denae ce'e tene | big man's trail | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 76 | |||
7 | 23 | Ahtna | Ciił Hwyaa yates ghilyaa | Smart Boy stepped over the sky | Milky Way Galaxy | Cannon 2021, 76 |