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(Created page with "<sup>mul</sup>GI.GI is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism. ==Dictionary== ===Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim=== var. readings and notations: 20, d20, MAN; = dŠamaš; the solar god Shamash, the Sun [G. 135], see also d09DINGIR, m04MAN, sh03Šamaš. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Sources !Identifications |- |"Prayers to the Gods of the Night." Neo-Assyrian prayer: mul dUTU [Oppenheim 1959, 283:19]. EAE. See. [ABCD, 40, 87, 214; BPO 2, III 24b, XVIII 9; BPO 3, 287; Die...")
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<sup>mul</sup>GI.GI is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism.
<sup>d</sup>UTU is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism.
===Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim===
===Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim===

Revision as of 13:16, 26 February 2025

dUTU is an ancient Mesopotamian asterism.


Kurtik with Hilder, Hoffmann, Horowitz, Kim

var. readings and notations: 20, d20, MAN; = dŠamaš; the solar god Shamash, the Sun [G. 135], see also d09DINGIR, m04MAN, sh03Šamaš.

Sources Identifications
"Prayers to the Gods of the Night." Neo-Assyrian prayer: mul dUTU [Oppenheim 1959, 283:19]. EAE. See. [ABCD, 40, 87, 214; BPO 2, III 24b, XVIII 9; BPO 3, 287; Dietrich 1996; G. 373, III; Largement 1957, 240:20, 22, 25b, 254:114; NSAM 2, 249; Van Soldt 1995, 149; SpTU I, 90:11,16,17, r. 8'; 91:11; SpTU III, 101:28, 29, 37]. MUL.APIN. (1) The stars of Ea (no. 7), see h03Ḫanīš. (2) Planets "in the path of the Moon": KASKAL dSin DU-ku dUTU DU-ak "the Sun passes (the same path) that the Moon passes" (II i 1). (3) First intercalation scheme: a) dUTU ša2 ina id imSI.SA2 KI SAG.DU mulUR.GU.LA KUR-ḫa / GUR-ma ana id imU18.LU u4-mu 40 NINDA.TA.AM3 ul-ta-nap-pal / UDmeš LUGUD2.DAmeš GI6meš GID2.DAmeš "The sun, which rises towards the north together with the head of the Lion and turns and moves down towards the south at the rate of 40 NINDA per day. The days are getting shorter and the nights longer" II i 11–13), b) ina itiDU6 UD.15.KAM dUTU ina lib3-bi mulzi-ba-ni-tu4 ina dUTU.E3 KUR-ḫa / u dSin ina IGI MUL.MUL EGIR mul lúḪUN.GA2 GUB-az-ma / 3 MA.NA EN.NUN u4-mi 3 MA.NA EN.NUN GI6 "On the 15th day of Tashrit, the Sun rises in Libra in the East, and the Moon faces the Star Cluster behind the Hired Man. 3 mins – the day guard, 3 mins – the night guard" (II i 14–15), c) dUTU ša2 ina id imU18.LU KI SAG.DU mulUR.GU.LA KUR-ḫa GUR-ma ana id imSI.SA2 / UD 40 NINDA.TA.AM3 un-da-na-ḫar UDmeš GID2.DAmeš GI6 LUGUD2.DA "The sun, which rises towards the south with the head of the Lion and turns and moves towards the north at the rate of 40 NINDA per day. The days are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter" (II i 17–18), d) ina itiBAR2 UD 15 [KAM] dSin ina li-la-a-ti ina ŠA3 / mulzi-ba-ni-tu2 ina dUTU.E3 u dUTU ina dUTU.ŠU2.A / ina IGI MUL.MUL EGIR mulḪUN.GA2 GUB-ma 3 MA.NA EN.NUN u4-mi 3 MA.NA EN.NUN GI6 "On the 15th day of Nisan, the Moon is in Libra in the east and in the evening, and the Sun stands in the west, ahead of the Star Cluster (and) behind the Hired Man. 3 mins – the day guard, 3 mins – the night guard" (II i 19–21), e) ina itiBAR2 UD 15 KAM ina itiŠU UD 15 KAM ina itiDU6 UD 15 KAM ina itiAB UD 15 KAM / KURmeš ša2 dUTU NAmeš ša2 dSin IGI.DUḪ.Ameš ša2 mulKAK.SI.SA2 / ŠEŠ-ar2 UDmeš DIRImeš IGI.LA2 "On the 15th of nisan, 15th of duuzu, 15th of tashrit, and the 15th of tebet, observe the sunrises, the intervals of visibility of the Moon, the appearances of the Arrow, and find how many days are in excess" (II i 22-24), see also k10KAK.SI.SA2. (4) Planetary theory: KASKAL dUTU "Path of the Sun" (II i 50, 52, 53, 57), apparently the arc of the horizon within which the Sun rises. (5) The Sun on the paths of Anu, Enlil, and Ea: a) TA UD 1 KAM ša2 itiŠE EN UD 30 KAM ša2 itiGU4 dUTU ina KASKAL šu-ut dA-nim / GUB-ma zi-qu u UD.D[A] "From the 1st of adar to the 30th of ayar the Sun stands in the path of (the stars of) Anu: wind and stor[m]. " (b) TA UD 1 KAM ša2 itiSIG4 EN UD 30 KAM ša2 itiIZI dUTU / ina KASKAL šu-ut dEn-lil2 GUB-ma BURU14 u u uš-šu "From the 1st of siman to the 30th of ab, the Sun stands in the way of (the stars of) Enlil: harvest and heat." (c) [T]A UD 1 KAM ša2 itiKIN EN UD 30 KAM ša2 itiAPIN dUTU / ina KASKAL šu-ut dA-nim GUB-ma zi-qu u UD.DA "[O]n the 1st day of ulul to the 30th of arahsamnu, the Sun stands in the path of (the stars of) Anu: wind and storm." (d) [TA UD 1 K]AM ša2 itiGAN EN UD 30 KAM ša2 itiZIZ2 dUTU ina KASKAL / šu-ut dE2-a GUB-ma EN.TE.NA "[From the 1st]  day of kislim to the 30th of shabbat, the Sun stands in the path of (the stars of) Ea: cold" (II Gap A 1-7). (6) Astrological predictions: a) DIŠ KUR ina ŠA3 ni-di KUR-ḫa 3.20 ŠUR2-ma gišTUKUL i-na-ši "If the Sun rises in the nīdu-clouds: The king will become angry and take up arms" (II iii 40), (b) DIŠ dUTU ina ŠA3 ni-di ŠU2 LUGAL BE "If the Sun sets in the nīdu-clouds: the king will die" (II iii 41) [MA, 37, 70, 72-77, 82-84, 88-89, 114]. "Letters" and "Reports." See. [LABS, 380b; ARAK, 352a]. "Great Star List and Miscellenia." (1) mulan.ta.sur.ra = dutu "Antasurra = Sun"; (2) muldingir.gub.ba.meš = d30 u dutu "Standing gods = Sin and Shamash"; (3) list of planets: dutu comes second, see [LABS.380b; ARAK]. u07UDU.IDIM; (4) dutu ina kur-šu2 den.lil2 "The Sun during its rising – Enlil"; (5) dutu ina šu2-šu2 d˹nin?.urta˺ "The Sun during its setting – Ninurta" [Mesop.Astrol., App. B: 140, 154, 241, 288, 289]. Star List VR 46, 1:30. dŠullat(pa) u dḪaniš(lugal) = dutu u dim "Shullat and Hanish = Shamash and Adad" [HBA, 52:30; Wee 2016, 162-3]. Temple ritual in Babylon. dutu nūr(zalag2) kib-rat "the sun, light of the whole world" [RAcc. 138:314; Linssen 2004, 220, 229]. Late astrology. (1) "Horoscopes." See. [BH, passim]. (2) "Hypsoma." KI ni-ṣir-tu4 ša2 dUTU múl lúḪUN.GA2 AN-e [...] "'Secret place' of the Sun: Hired Man (=Aries) celestial(?) [...]" [STC I 212; II, Pl. 69; Landsberger 1923], quoted in [Rochberg-Halton 1988a, 55:30]. (3) Prediction of grain prices by observations of the positions of the planets relative to the zodiacal constellations and other phenomena [SpTU I, 94, passim]. (4) Predictions according to the culminations of the stars, lunar eclipses, and the positions of the Sun relative to constellations [SpTU III, 102, passim]; see also [SpTU I, 95; SpTU IV, 161]. (5) Predictions of eclipses of the Sun for each month, related to observations of the culminations of stars and other phenomena [Schaumberger 1955, 244-247, Sp II 202+]. Namburbi's series of spells. A spell "against the evil (foreshadowed) by an eclipse of the sun" [CT 41, 23:3; Ebeling 1954, 10-11].


      II. Astrology.


      (1) = Saturn; see u09UDU.IDIM.SAG.UŠ, III 1-2.

      (2) = Mercury; see u08UDU.IDIM.GU4.UD, IV 5.

      (3) = Libra; see z10Zibānītum, VI 2.

      (4) = Shullāt; see h03dḪaniš, I "List of Stars VR 46, 1:30".


      See the literature cited in section I (EAE, "Letters" and "Reports") as well as numerous articles in the present edition.

Historical Dictionaries

Kurtik (2022) Gössmann (1950)
[G. 88, 230], название Сатурна и Весов.

I. Источники.

Лексич. тексты. (1) Серия Ḫg. B VI: mulgi.gi = mul kit-tu2 u me-šar = dsag.uš dutu «Звезда gi.gi = Звезда правды и справедливости = Сатурн, Шамаш» [MSL XI, 40:39],  поздняя параллель: mulgi.gi = mul kit-[tu2 …] [SpTU III, 116: Rs. iii 8]. (2) mulgi.[gi…] [CT 26, 50, K.12619 ii 4]; согласно интерпретации Коха, текст K.12619 ii 4-6: mulGI-[GI…] / kakkab kit-ti [u mi-ša-ri] / MUL MI mu[lzi-ba-an-na] «Звезда GI.GI = Звезда правды и справедливости = Темная звезда = Звезда Весы» [Koch 1989, 60–61]. Планисферa K. 8538. В секторе 6 надпись: ˹mulGI-GI˺ и изображение фигуры Весов(?) [Koch 1989, 59; Куртик 2007, рис. 9].

II. Отождествление.

(1)  = Сатурн;

(2)  = созвездие Весы = β(γ)λα2ισ Librae + 381G. Centauri, согласно [Koch 1989, 79].

III. Астрология.

(1) Звезда Правды ослабела; DIŠ MUL ki-tu4 ŠER2.ŠER2 KUR ARḪUŠ u SILIM-mu […] «Если Звезда Правды ослабела: странa милосердие и мир […]» [ACh Ištar, 25:26].

(2) Звезда Правды приближается к Короне Ану; [DIŠ MUL ki-t]u4 a-na mulAGA.AN.NA TE dSAG.UŠ ina ŠA3 mulGU4.AN.NA KUR-ma «[Если Звезда Прав]ды к Короне Ану приближается, (это означает): Сатурн в середине Небесного Быка появляется» [ACh Ištar, 30:20].

