Jupiter is a planet of our solar system and observable with the naked eye. It is the second brightest planet after Venus, but his light is more yellowish than hers and his motion is slower which is why he was considered more majestetic and regarded as "king planet" by many cultures.
Images of Jupiter
Jupiter in Leo, seen in the Austrian Alp Mountains (SMH 2016).
Close Conjunction of Jupiter (brighter) and Mars (reddish) under Orion (upper right), seen from Cape Town (SMH 2024)
Closest Conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in 2024 (Cape Town, SMH).
Jupiter, Mars and Pleiades at Dawn (SMH 2024).
Jupiter, Mars, Pleiaden in a slightly cloudy morning twilight (SMH 2024).
Jupiter at Dusk, slightly cloudy, still visible (bright). (SMH 2025)
Jupiter in Taurus, north of the Hyades & east of the Pleiades (SMH, in early 2025).
Jupiter and Venus in comparison to the young lunar crescent (Providence 2025).