
From All Skies Encyclopaedia
Revision as of 15:05, 21 June 2024 by RobvGent (talk | contribs) (added online link and slightly rewrote Ian Ridpath's ref)

In many cases, there is a very limited corpus of literature dealing with the identifications of constellations.

Dictionaries and Tools

Citation Form Bibliography
Delporte (1930) Delporte, Eugène, Délimitation scientifique des constellations (tables et cartes) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1930) -- published on behalf of the International Research Council of the International Astronomical Union.
Dekker (2013) Dekker, Elly, Illustrating the Phaenomena: Celestial Cartography in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press) ISBN 978-0-19-960969-7.
Gössmann (1950) Gössmann, Felix, Planetarium Babylonicum oder Die sumerisch-babylonischen Stern-Namen (Rome: Verlag des Päpstl. Bibelinstituts, 1950 [= Šumerisches Lexikon, Teil IV, Band 2]) [online link].
Kanas (2012, 2019) Kanas, Nick (2012, 2019). Star Maps. History, Artistry, and Cartography, Springer Science & Business Media, ISBN 1461409179, 9781461409175
Kurtik (2007) Куртик, Г.Е., Звездное небо Древней Месопотамии. Шумеро-аккадские названия созвездий и других светил [The Star Heaven of Ancient Mesopotamia: Sumero-Akkadian Names of Constellations and Other Heavenly Bodies] (St. Petersburg: Aletejja, 2007).
Pan Nai (2009) Pan Nai [潘鼐], Zhongguo Hengxing Guance shi [中国恒星观测史[M]] (Shanghai: Xuelin Pree, 2009).
Ridpath (1988, 2018) Ridpath, Ian, Star Tales (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1988) [Internet Archive link] -- a revised and expanded edition was published in 2018 -- online version on Ridpath's website.
Warner (1979) Warner, Deborah Jean, The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography 1500-1800 (New York / Amsterdam: Alan R. Liss, Inc. / Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd., 1979) ISBN 90-221-2003-1.
Zotti et al. (2020). Zotti, G., Hoffmann, S. M., Wolf, A., Chéreau, F. & Chéreau, G. (2020). "The simulated sky: Stellarium for cultural astronomy research", Journal for Skyscape Archaeology, 6(2), 221--258



The dictionary of Babylonian celestial names had been compiled by G. Kurtik (2007) based on Goessmann (1950). Kurtik's version is much improved and enriched, however it has been reworked by himself until his death in April 2023 and further reworked and translated to English by the research group led by Wayne Horowitz and Susanne M Hoffmann.

As we present them here, the references for the Babylonian Sky Culture are so rich that they need to go to another website.


Lorem Ipsum


The dictionary of Greco-Roman celestial names is compiled by members of the IAU WGSN.

The original sources are compiled in a separate page.

Early Modern

Secondary literature (modern authors who write about specific cases of identifications or constellation history) is collected on a separate page.

Citation Form Bibliography
de Houtman (1597) De Houtman, C. (1597). De Eerste Schipvaart
de Houtman (1603) De Houtman, Frederick, Spraeck ende woord-boeck inde Maleysche ende Madagaskarsche Talen, met vele Arabische ende Turcsche woorden ... : Noch zijn hier byghevoecht de declinatien van vele vaste sterren, staende omtrent den Zuyd-pool, voor desen tijdt noyt ghesien (Amsterdam: Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburgh, 1603) [online link] (in Dutch).

Translations are available in:

  • French (Marre 1881): Marre, Aristide, “Catalogue des étoiles circumpolaires australes observées dans l'Ile de Sumatra”, Bulletin sciences mathématiques et astronomiques, 1 (1881), 336–352 [ADS link].
  • English (Knobel 1917): Knobel, Edward Ball, “On Frederick de Houtman's catalogue of southern stars, and the origin of the southern constellations”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 77 (1917), 414–432 [doi link / ADS link] with errata in ibid., 77 (1917), 580 [doi link / ADS link].
  • Spanish (Selga 1918/19): Selga, Miguel, "Un catálogo antiguo de estrellas australes", Revista de la Sociedad Astronómica de España y América, 8 (1918), 84-90 & 9 (1919), 11, 44-46 & 62-63 [online link(?)].