Itua ni Bure

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Revision as of 06:41, 12 June 2024 by Sushoff (talk | contribs) (references added)

A Micronesian name for the constellation Coma Berenices {Gilbert Is.}.[1][2]

Etymology and History

“a string of shells” according to Kiribati on-line dictionary <>


IAU Working Group Star Names

The name was discussed and approved by the IAU WGSN in 202x. As this star is already named ..., the WGSN chose ... (not to apply/ to apply the name to a neighbouring star/ to ...) in the IAU-CSN.



  1. Sabatier, E. (1971). A Gilbertese-English Dictionary. Originally compiled in French by E. Sabatier and translated by Sister Oliva of the Catholic Mission of Tarawa. Tarawa: Sacred Heart Mission.
  2. Trussel, Stephen and Gordon W. Groves (1978). A Combined Kiribati-English Dictionary. (Accessed 21 Aug 2021).