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star chart
IAU star chart of Lynx. (IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine, Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg)

One of the 88 IAU constellations. The constellation was invented by Hevelius and first published in their 1687 star catalogue and atlas.

Etymology and History

In this area of only faint stars, ancient civilisations like the Greeks, Romans, Babylonians haven't defined any constellation. The brightest star in Lynx has 3.14 mag but there are only two stars in this huge area that are brighter than 4 mag. In today's big cities (and in ancient times: in nights with full moon) this region appeared almost empty.

Origin of Constellation

Lynx described by Hevelius (1687)

The constellation was invented by Jan and Elisabeta Hevelius, published in their celestial atlas.

Transfer and Transformation of the Constellation


