Suggested Stellar Transients

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In the 1930s, Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky developed the hypothesis of stars that end their lives in big explosions: supernovae. Only in the 1960s, in a series of three papers by Robert Krafft, the physical nature of novae was explained as surface eruptions on white dwarf stars in cataclysmic binary systems.

However, the term "nova" or "stella nova" was introduced by Tycho Brahe 1572 without any knowledge of the physics in stars, but just from the visual observation of a star seemingly appearing and vanishing after a while, but remaining at the same place (unlike comets). For European astronomy, this doubtless observation required a new category or label for the appearance. In contrast, East Asian astronomers already had a label for it: "guest star". Yet, this term was also used for objects of other physical nature and visual appearance, such as comets. Hence, the historical terms never imply any specific type of object.

Since the dawn of systematic research on variable stars in the 19th century, Sinologists and astrophysicists have attempted to compile catalogues of these objects historically called "nova" (not necessarily implying an underlying nova in the definition of astrophysics) or "guest star".

Transients that were suggested as Novae or Supernovae

Known Recurrent Novae

As novae (in contrast to supernovae) are surface eruptions that do not destroy the source star, they may happen regularly. Only ten recurrent novae (RN, NR or Nr) are known in our Galaxy. Perhaps one of the reasons is that we have only roughly 150 years of telescopic surveys, so there may be more recurrences to be discovered in historical data.

Schaefer (2010)[1] Darnley (2019)[2] Schaefer (2010)[1] Darnley (2019/21)[2] Historical Observations

(Darnley 2019/'21)[2]

Possible Further Historical Observations
name τr Δτ Ampl/ mag t3 Porb /d log10 (τ) t2
T Pyx 19 24±12 12 9.1 62 0.07622886 1.4 32 1890, 1902, 1920, 1944, 1967, 2011
IM Nor 82 ~82 ? 9.8 80 0.10263312 1.9 50 1920, 2002
CI Aql 24 27±4 04 7.7 31.6 0.6183609 1.4 25.4 1917, 1941, ( ∼1968), 2000
V2487 Oph 98 ~98 ? 8.2 8.4 -- 2.0 6.2 1900, 1998
U Sco 10 10±1 01 10.1 2.6 1.23054695 1.0 1.2 1863, ( ∼1873, ∼1884, ∼1894), 1906, 1917, ( ∼1927), 1936, 1945, ( ∼1955), 1969, 1979, 1987, 1999, 2010
V394 CrA 30 ~38 ? 11.2 5.2 1.515682 1.6 2.4 1949, 1987
T CrB 80 ~80 ? 7.3 06 227.57 1.9 4 1866, 1946
RS Oph 15 15±6 06 6.2 14 455.72 1.2 6.8 1898, 1907 ?, 1933, 1945 ?, 1958, 1967, 1985, 2006
V745 Sco 21 26±1 01 9.2 09 510±20 1.4 6.2 1937, ( ∼1963), 1989, 2014
V3890 Sgr 25 29±1 01 7.4 14.4 103.14 1.5 6.4 1962, 1990, 2019

Compiled List from Authors of the 20th century

Here, we collated the most famous suggestions from astrophysics papers, comment on them, and create more detailled entries for the interesting ones.

id year Ho/ Xu+ Text our comment Xu+ 2000[3] Clark+Steph. 1977[4][5] Xu Const[3] Ho const.[6] Nikiforov 2010[7] Duerbeck 2008? Li Qibin 1988[8] Pskovskii 1972[9] Xi and Po[10] Hsi 1957[11]
-14th. c.
1 -531 13th year of King Jing of Zhou, in spring. A star emerged in WUNÜ [LM 10].[3] star star Wunü Wu-Nu yes no yes yes no yes
2 -524 at Ta-Chhen no no no yes no no
3 -203 a "po" was observed at Ta-Chio for over ten days before going out of sight.[6] fuzzy star po Dajiao at Ta-Chio yes no no no yes yes
4 -133 a guest star appeared at the Fang. guest star k'o Fang Fang yes no yes yes no yes
5 -109 to -104 a "po" was seen at Ho-Shu fuzzy star Heshu Ho-Shu yes no no yes no no
6 -103 to -100 a "po" was seen among the stars at Chao-Yao. fuzzy star Zhaoyao Chao-Yao yes no no no no no
7 -76 a guest star appeared at the Tzu-Wei between the star Tou-Shu and the Pole (star) guest star k'o within Zigong, between Doushou and [Bei-]Ji Tzu-Wei yes no yes yes yes yes
8 -75 a candle star (chu hsing) was seen between the Khuei and the Lou. chu chu ? between Khuei and Lou no no no yes no yes
9 -68 comet? no no no yes no no
10 -47 a guest star of the size of a melon and with a bluish-white colour, was seen about 4 chhih away east of the second star in the Nan-Tou guest star k'o four chi east of the 2nd star of Nandou 4° away east from 2nd star Nan-Tou yes no yes no yes yes
11 -46 a guest star appeared at the division of the Mao and stayed at about 5 chhih to the east of Chüan-Shê. It was bluish-white in colour and its rays measured 0.3 tshun guest star k'o appeared in the space of Mao and stayed in place about five chi east of Juanshe about 5° east of Chüan-Shê, at the division of Mao (and X) yes no no no no no
-4 a hui appeared at the Chhien-Niu for over 70 days - ? (Steph.'76) Chhien-Niu no no no no no no
12 -3 a "po" was seen at Ho-Ku. likely comet fuzzy star hui Hegu Ho-Ku yes no no yes yes yes
13 29 a guest star was seen neglect guest star Yuzuo yes no no yes yes yes
14 59 a "po" was seen at Thien-Chhuan Thien-Chhuan no no no yes no no
15 61 a guest star was seen at the NW of Kéng-Ho pointing towards Kuan-So. It went out of sight after 70 days guest star k'o Genghe NW of Kêng-Ho yes no no no no no
16 64 a guest star with a white vapour measuring 2 chhih was seen at the south of Tso-Chih-Fa, outside the Tuan-Mén. It appeared for a period of 75 days guest star k'o outside the Nanduan gate of Taiwei (Enclosure) near Zuozhifa Tso-Chih-Fa, outside Tuan-Nén (Main-Gate) yes no yes no no no
17 70 a guest star was seen at Hsien-Yuan for 48 days guest star k'o Xuanyuan Hsien-yuan yes no yes no no no
18 71 a guest-star was seen at the Mao. It gradually went out of sight after 60 days at the right corner of Hsien-Yuan. comet no no no yes no no
19 85 a guest star entered the Tzu-Wei. guest star k'o Zigong Tzu-Wei yes no no no no no
20 101 a small guest star appeared at the fourth star of Hsien-Yuan. It was bluish-yellow in colour. guest star k'o in the space of the fourth star of Xuanyuan Hsien-Yuan yes no yes yes no yes
21 107 a guest star appeared at the SW of the Tung-Ching and Hu guest star k'o in Dongjing southwest of the Hu star southwest of Tung-Ching and Hu yes no yes yes yes yes
22 123 identified as Biot’s mistake no yes no no no no
23 125 a guest star was seen at the Thien Shih no guest star k'o Tianshi Thien Shih yes no no yes yes yes
24 126.03.03 a guest star entered the Thai-Wei guest star k'o Taiwei Thai-Wei yes no yes no no no
126.04.29 Yulin yes yes
25 149 a hui with rays 5 ft (chhih) appeared within Thien-Shih (Enclosure) pointing SE and with a yellowish-white colour. It went out of sight on a wu-chhen day in the ninth month comet? Thien-Shih no no no no no no
26 158 a "po" was seen at Pei-Tou fuzzy star Beidou Pei-Tou yes no no no yes no
27 173 no no yes no no no no
28 185 a guest star appeared at Nan-Men. Its size was as large as a mat, while its five colours were fluctuating. It became smaller and went out of sight during the sixth month of the following year [July/Aug 186] SN or comet? guest star k'o Nanmen Nan-Mên yes no yes yes yes yes
29 200 a "po" was seen at Ta-Liang fuzzy star Daliang Ta-Liang yes no no yes yes no
30 213 a "po" appeared at Wu-Chu-Hou fuzzy star Wuzhuhou Wu-Chu-Hou yes no no yes yes no
31 222 a guest star appeared within the Tso-I-Men of the Thai-Wei guest star k'o inside Zuoyemen of Taiwei within Tso-I-Mên of the Thai-Wei yes no yes no no yes
32 247 a hui measuring 1 ft (chhih) appeared for 156 days at the Chen. comet broom star hui ? Chen no no no no no no
257 a white hui was seen at the Chio. comet Chio no no no no no no
260 a "po" appeared in the east for 25 days comet no no no no no no
33 269 a "po" appeared within Tzu-Wei fuzzy star Zigong Tzu-Wei yes no no no no no
34 275 fuzzy star Zhen Chen yes no no yes no no
278 a Chhih-Yu banner appeared within Tung-Ching Tung-Ching no no no no no no
281 a "po" appeared at Chang Chang no no no no no no
35 290 guest star k'o Zigong Tzu-Wei yes no yes no no no
301 a hui appeared at the (division of) Chhi division of Chhi no no no no no no
36 304 guest star k'o Bi guarded the Pi yes no yes yes no yes
37 305 po appeared at Pei-Tou fuzzy star Beidou Pei-Tou yes no no no no yes
38 329 po appeared at the NW trespassing against Pei-Tou fuzzy star po Dou Pei-Tou yes no no no yes no
39 340 25 March: a "po" was seen at the Thai-Wei. meteor fuzzy star Taiwei yes no no no no no
40 358 a hui was seen extending from Thien-Chhuan to the Wei meteor no no no no no yes
41 369 a guest star appeared at the western wall of the Tzu-Wei. It went out of sight during the seventh month perhaps nova guest star k'o Zigong Tzu-Wei yes yes yes no yes yes
42 386 a guest star appeared at the Nan-Tou. It went out of sight during the sixth month. SN or nova guest star k'o Nandou Nan-Tou yes yes yes yes no yes
43 389 no no yes no no yes no
44 393 a guest star was seen within the Wei. It went out of sight during the ninth month SN or nova guest star k'o Wei Wei yes yes yes yes yes yes
45 396 a hui was seen at Mao-Tou. At first, a large yellow star appeared at the Mao and the Pifor more than 50 days. In winter, during the 11th month the yellow star reappeared. Venus star star in the space of Mao and Bi Mao + Pi yes no yes yes yes yes
46 402 a white guest star, which resembled loose cotton was seen at the west of the Thai-Wei. During the 12th month it entered theThai-Wei. comet guest star k'o ? Thai Wei no no no no no no
47 414 a "po" appeared at the south of the Mao fuzzy star south of Mao Mao yes no no yes yes no
48 419 a "po" appeared at the western wall of the Thai Wei fuzzy star at the west palisade of Taiwei Thai-Wei yes no no yes yes no
49 421 a guest star was seen at the I guest star k'o Yi I yes no yes yes no yes
50 436 a "po" was seen at the Fang fuzzy star ? Fang yes no no yes no yes
51 437 a star appeared during the day at 15 to 17 h in the NE by the side of Tung-Ching. It was yellow in colour and was as large as an orange meteor? or sth. with Jupiter? star star ? Tung-Ching yes no yes yes yes yes
449 a hui appeared at the north of the Mao Mao no no no no no no
464 a chhang-hsing was seen at Chih-Nü (Vega). It was pure white in colour. Ho-Phing no no no no no no
52 483 a guest star of the size of a peck measure appeared at the Shen. It looked like a "po" guest star k'o east of Shen Shen yes no no no no no
53 537 a guest star was seen at the Tzu-Wei guest star k'o ? Tzu-Wei no no no no no no
54 541 a guest star was seen at the Tzu-Wei guest star k'o in Zigong Tzu-Wei yes yes yes no no no
55 561 a guest star appeared at the I guest star k'o Yi I yes no yes yes no yes
56 568 a guest star was seen at the east of the Ti. […] comet - - Ti no no no no no yes
57 575 a "po" appeared at Ta-Chio fuzzy star - in Dajiao Ta-Chio yes no no yes yes yes
58 588 a "po" appeared at the Chhien-Niu fuzzy star - Qianniu Chhien-Niu yes no no yes no yes
59 617 a "po" appeared at Wu-Ti-Tso of the Thai-Wei. It was of a reddish-yellow colour and measured 3 to 4 in. (tshun). After a few days it went out of sight. - - Thai-Wei no no no yes no no
60 639 a "po" appeared at the Pi and the Mao - - no no no no no yes
61 641 a "po" was seen at the Thai-Wei trespassing against Lang-Wei. It disappeared on a chia-hsü day (26.08.) in the seventh month. fuzzy star po in Taiwei that trespassed Langwei Thai-Wei yes no no no no no
62 642 guest star - ? yes no no no no no
63 667 a hui appeared at the NE among Wu-Chhé and Pi and Mao. It was not visible on an i-hai day. comet - - among Wu-Chhé and Pi and Mao no no no no no yes
64 668 a hui appeared above Wu-Chhé. It went out of sight on the 22nd day [7. Juni] highly likely a miscalculated year; same as 667: comet - - Wu-Chhé no no no yes yes yes
65 683 a hui appeared north of Wu-Chhé. After 25 days it went out of sight - - Wu-Chhé no no no yes yes yes
66 684 fuzzy star po ? no no no no no no
67 707 no no no no no no
68 708 a "po" appeared between the Wei and the Mao fuzzy star between Wei and Mao between Wei and Mao yes no no yes yes no
69 709 a "po" appeared within the Tzu-Wei fuzzy star Zigong Tzu-Wei yes no no no no no
718 a hui comet was observed no no no no no no
70 722 a guest star appeared by the side of Ko-Tao for a period of five days before going out of sight guest star k'o Gedao Ko-Tao yes no no yes yes yes
71 725 fuzzy star Huagal yes no no yes yes yes
72 730 the "po" was seen between the Pi and the Mao between Pi and Mao no no no no yes no
73 745 fuzzy star Jiangjun yes no no yes yes yes
767 a hui appeared at Hu-Kua, with its rays gradually invading Huan-Ché. It measured more than 1 ft (chhih). After 20 days it went out of sight comet Hu-Kua no no no no no no
773 a chhang-hsing appeared at the Shen Shen no no no no no no
74 827 - no - - - - no no no no yes yes
75 829 a guest star appeared at the Shui-Wei guest star k'o Shuiwei Shui-Wei yes no yes yes no yes
76a 837.04 A guest star emerged below Dongjing. (4 May), the guest star below Dongjing disappeared. comet Halley with three subsequent apparitions guest star k'o below Dongjing yes
76b 837.05 Another guest star emerged within Duanmen neax Pingxing. On (Jun 17), the guest star within Duanmen disappeared. comet Halley with three subsequent apparitions guest star within Duanmen near Pingxing yes
76c 837.06 There was a guest star like a fuzzy star alongside Nandou and Tianyue. comet Halley with three subsequent apparitions guest star alongside Nandou and Tianyue yes no yes yes no no
77 839 no - - - - no no yes no yes
78 840 a hui appeared between the Ying-Shih and the Tung-Pi - between the Ying-Shih and the Tung-Pi no no no no no yes
79 852 a hui appeared at the Tzui and the Shen Tzui and Shen no no no no no yes
868 a guest star trespassed against Venus - - no no no no no no
80 877 a guest star appeared to the west of the (Tung-)Pi guest star k'o ? west of Pi no no no no no yes
81 881 ? - - no no no yes no yes
885 a hui was seen between CHi-Shui ad Chi-Hsin Chi-Shui and Chi-Hsin no no no no no no
82 891 a guest star appeared at Tung-Hsien guest star k'o ? Tung-Hsien yes no no yes yes no
83 892 a thien-chhang was seen in the SW. On a chi-mao day it turned into a cloud and faded away comet - - no no no no no yes
84 900 a guest star was seen at the Central Palace by the side of Huan-Ché. It was as large as a peach, while its rays extended to Huan-Ché and concealed it from view. guest star k'o beside Huanzhe in the Central Enclosure (=Taiwei Enclosure) yes no yes no no yes
85 902 ... a 'guest star', of the size of a peach, appeared at the Tzu- Wci (Enclosure) beneath Hua-Kai. It gradually moved towards Yü-Nü. On a ting.mao day [2nd March] a meteor rose from Wên-Chhang and reached the 'guest star' which was then remaining stationary. On a chi-ssu day [2nd March] the 'guest star' was by the side of and guarding Kang. In the following year it was still visible." (HTS 32/8a; WHTK 294/1 la; B(1); Hsi.) comet - - no no no yes yes yes
86 911 a guest star trespassed against Ti-Tso guest star k'o Dizuo Ti-Tso yes no yes yes yes yes
912 a hui was seen at the west of Ling-Thai Ling-Thai no no no no no no
87 926 0 no no yes yes no no no
88 930 0 no no no no yes no no
89 945 0 no no yes no no no no
956 a "po" appeared at the corner of the Shen with its rays pointing SE no no no no no no
90 980 star Dizuo yes no no yes yes no
91 1006 SN k'o ? yes no yes yes yes yes
92 1011 a guest star appeared in the front of th box of the Nan-Tou guest star k'o in front of the bowl of Nandou Nan-Tou yes yes yes yes yes no
93 1012 0 no no no no no no no
94 1020 a hui appeared between Tzung-Chéng, Tsung-Jen and Shih-Lou between Tzung-Chéng, Tsung-Jen and Shih-Lou no no no yes yes no
95 1031 22nd year of King Hyonjong of Koryo, 9th month, day gengshen [57]. A large star entered YUGUI [LM 23]. no (comet) star - Yugui yes no no yes yes no
96 1035 a star appeared at night at Wai-Phing. It had vaporous rays star star Waiping Wai-Phing yes no no yes no no
97 1054 SN guest star k'o several cun southeast of Tianguan yes no yes yes yes yes
98 1065 a guest star trespassed against Thien-Miao guest star k'o Tianmiao Thien-Miao yes yes yes no yes yes
99 1069 a guest star appeared at the longitude of Chi.On 23rd July it trespassed against Chi and then went out of sight guest star k'o ? longitude of Chi no no yes no no no
100 1070 a guest star appeared at Thien-Chün guest star k'o Tianqun Thien-Chün yes no yes yes no yes
101 1073 a guest star appeared at the south of the Tung-Pi guest star k'o south of the stars of Dongbi Tung-Pi yes no no yes yes no
102 1074 a guest star as large as a melon was seen at the south of Tung-Pi guest star k'o south of the stars of Dongbi Tung-Pi yes no no no no no
103 1080 a hui trespassed against the Wei comet - - Wei no no no no no yes
104 1082 36th year of King Munjong, 7th moth, day dinghai [24]. A star emerged in Ziwei and trespassed against BEICHEN. star - Ziwei; trespassed against Beichen yes yes no no no no
105 1087 Emperor Daozong of Liao, 23rd year of the Xianyong reign period, 6th month. A sstar like a melon emerged in WENCHANG. no star - Wenchang yes no yes no no no
106 1113 a "po" was seen at the Ying-Shih fuzzy star - Yingshi Ying-Shih yes no no yes yes no
107 1123 a "po" was seen at Pei-Tou fuzzy star - Beidou Pei-Tou yes no no yes yes no
108 1138 a guest star was guarding the Lou guest star k'o Lou Lou yes no yes no no yes
109 1139 a guest star guarded the Kang guest star k'o Kang Kang yes no yes yes no yes
110 1163 a guest star trepsassed against the moon guest star k'o ? yes yes no no no no
111 1166 a guest star appeared within the Thai-Wei Enclosure at the west of the large star of Wu-Ti-Tso. Its magnitude was small and it was of a bluish-white colour - - Thai-Wei no no yes no no no
112 1175 a "po" appeared at the NW outside th Tzu-Wei and above Chhi-Kung. It was as small as Mars, but rays radiated out copiously in all directions. On a ping-wu day it went out of sight fuzzy star po outside the wall of Ziwei and above Qigong outside Tzu-Wei and above Chhi-Kung yes no no yes yes yes
113 1181 a guest star appeared at the Khuei and trespassed against the stars of Chhung Ché. It went out of sight on a kuei-yu day in the first month of the following year, asting 185 days SN, peculiar merger (WR, CSPN) guest star k'o Emerged in the lunar mansion Kui and trespassed against the stars of Chuanshe Khui yes no yes yes yes yes
114 1203 a guest star appeared at the SE within the Wei- It was bluish-white in colour and was of the same size as Saturn guest star k'o Wei lunar mansion Wei yes no yes yes yes yes
1210 a guest star entered the Tzu-Wei. Its rays spread out like a red dragon. description "dragon" reads rather like an aurora but "guest star" with "red rays"... - - Tzu-Wei no no no no no no
115 1217 no - - no no no yes no no
116 1220 a hui appeared at the NW at a distance of 1 ft to the east of Théng-Shé. It was red in colour. fuzzy star Beidou east of Théng-Shé yes no no yes no no
117 1221 a "po" appeared at Pei-Tou Pei-Tou no no no yes yes no
118 1224 a guest star guarded and trespassed against Wei guest star k'o Wei Wei yes yes yes no no yes
119 1230 comet no no no yes yes yes
120 1232 … measuring over 10 ft and was bent like an elephant’s tusk comet no no no no no yes
121 1240 a hui was seen at the (Ying)Shih. On a [31.March] it went out of sight. comet (Ying)Shih no no no no no yes
122 1240 guest star k'o lunar mansion Wei Wei yes yes yes yes no yes
123 1244 no no no yes no no no
124 1245 comet - - no yes no yes no no
125 1248 no star - no yes yes no no no
126 1264 comet no no no no no no
1297 12.-18.+25.03. appeared at the Tung-Ching comet

(6 days in same const., after 7 days reappeared in the same) but Kanda mentions tail

- - Tung-Ching no no no no no no
127 1297 14.+18.09. an ominous star appeared at the Khuei comet: always the same LM, but Kanda mentions tail - - Khuei no no no no no yes
128 1299 - - below Tzu + Sun no no no no no yes
129 1313 - - Tung-Ching no no no no no yes
130 1356 On a kuei-chhou day in the forth month of the fifth year of Kongmin Wang a guest atar trespassed against the moon guest star k'o ? yes no no no no no
1368 a hui appeared between the Mao and the Pi between Mao and Pi no no no no no no
1373 a hui entered Tzu-Wei Enclosure three times Tzu-Wei no no no no no no
131 1375 no no no no no no no
132 1388 21st year of the Hongwu reign period, 2nd month, day bingyin [3]. A star emerged in DONGBI [LM 14]. star star Dongbi Tung-Pi yes no yes yes no yes
133 1399 'a guest star was seen’ guest star k'o ? yes no no no no no
134 1404 a star like a lamp appaered at the south-east of Nien-Tao. It was yellow in colour and very bright, but remained stationary star star Niandao south-east of Nien-Tao yes no yes yes no yes
135 1408 Emperor Chengzu of Ming, 6th year of the Yongle reign period, 10th month, day gengchen [17]. In the night, at the zenith, southeast of NIANDAO, there was a star like an oil-cup of a lamp. It was yeloow and shiny bright. It emerged but did not move. It was said to probably be a ZHOU BO, a star of virtue. same as 1404?

nova event pre-merger in 18th century?

Zhou Bo star - ? yes no yes no no no
136 1415 a hui appeared at the Nan-Tou fuzzy star - Nandou Nan-Tou yes no no yes no no
137 1430 a star appeared by the side of Nan-Ho. It was as large as a pellet and is colour was dark-blue. After 26 days it went out of sight guest star star more than one chi northeast of Nanhe Nan-Ho yes no yes yes yes yes
138 1431 a star like a pellet appeared by the side of Chiu-Yu. It was yelloish-white and very bright. It disappeared after 15 days star, Hany star, broom star star ? Chiu-Yu yes yes yes yes no yes
139 1437 a guest star appeared between the 2nd and 3rd star of Wei and went out of sight after 14 days guest star k'o between the second and the third star of Wei, nearer to the third star and separated from it by about half a chi Wei yes no yes yes yes no
140 1452 Emperor Daizong of Ming, 3rd year of the Jingtai reign period, 3rd month, new moon day jiawu [31], there was a fuzzy star in BI [LM 19]. fuzzy star - Bi Pi yes no no yes no no
1457 26.10. a "hui" appeared at the Chio measuring over 5 (tshun) pointing north. It trespassed against the northern star of the Chio and the eastern star of the Phing-Tao. Chio no no no no no no
1458 no no no no no no
141 1460 King Lishengzong, 1st year of the Guangshun reign period, spring, 2nd month. A fuzzy star appeared in YI [LM 27]. likely a comet fuzzy star star Yi yes no no yes no no
142 1461 a star as white as powder appeared by the side of Tsung-Cheng in the Thien-Shih Enclosure. On an i-wei day it turned into a white vapour and went out of sight - - Thien-Shih no yes no no no yes
143 1489 no - - no yes no no no no
144 1497 Emperor Xiaozong of Ming, 10th year of the Hongzhi reign period, 8th month, day guisi [30]. At dusk a guest star was observed from Nanjing beside the star TIANJI. no guest star Tianji yes no yes no no no
145 1523 Emperor Shizong of Ming, 2nd year of the Jiajing reign period, 6th month. A fuzzy star appeared in TIANSHI. fuzzy star Tianshi Thien-Shih yes no no no yes no
146 1572 8.11. 1572 … ahui appeared in the NE. It went out of sight only during the … 21.04.-19.051574 SN guest star k'o beside Gedao in the space of Bi yes no yes yes yes yes
147 1584 Emperor Shenzong of Mong, 12th year of the Wanli reign period, 6th month, day Jiyou [46]. a) A star emerged in Fang [LM 4]. b) On this night an anomalous star emerged in Fang [LM 4]. star star Fang Fang yes no no yes no yes
148 1592 record from Korea perhaps misunderstood SN reports from 1572, 1604 guest star k'o Tiancang Thien-Tshang yes no no yes yes no
149 1592 record from Korea perhaps misunderstood SN reports from 1572, 1604 guest star k'o Wangliang no no no yes yes no
150 1592 record from Korea perhaps misunderstood SN reports from 1572, 1604 guest star k'o Wangliang no no no yes yes no
151 1600-1621, 1655 - - no no no yes yes no
152 1600 33rd year of King Sonjo, 11th month, day jiyou [46]. A guest star appeared in Wei [LM 6]. It was larger than the Fire Star (HUOXING) in XIN [LM 5]. Its color was orange and it glittered. guest star - Wei yes no no no no no
1603 a guest star appeared at the Wei larger than Huo-Hsing in the Hsin (Antares). Its colour was yellowish-red. It was scintillating. On a ting-wei day (…) it trespassed against Venus at the Wei. - - Wei no no no no no no
153 1604 SN guest star k'o yes no yes yes yes no
154 1645 King Injo of the Yi Dynasty, 23rd year, 2nd month. A large star entered YUGUI [LM 23]. star Yugui yes no no yes yes no
155 1661 2nd year (xinchou) of King Hyinjong, 10th intercalary month, day wuchen [5]. A guest star as large as Saturn appeared in NÜ [LM 10]. On day dinghai [24] of the 11th month it disappeared. guest star yes no no yes no no
156 1664 ? no no no yes yes no
157 1676 ? no no no yes yes yes
158 1688 ? no no no yes no yes
159 1690 Emperor Shengzu of Qing, 29th year of the Kangxi reign period, 8th month, day yiyou [22]. An anomalous star was seen in JI [LM 7]. It was yellow and lasted for two nights. star east of the third star of Ji; 3 du 18 fen in Wei, DE -34 du, 20 fen yes no no yes yes yes



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