Itua ni Bure

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photograph of open star cluster Metotte 111
Open cluster Melotte 111, or Coma Star Cluster. (Sternwarte Kempten, CC-BY 3.0)

A Micronesian name for the constellation Coma Berenices {Gilbert Is.}.

Etymology and History

This name was recorded in the Gilbert Islands between 1913 and 1946 by the French missionary Ernest Sabatier[1][2].


Noted as a string of shells by Sabatier.[3] The name Itua ni Bure was also recorded in 1937 by British couple Honor and Henry Maude as that of a string figure, Honor being a authority on string figures in Oceania (Henry was working as a Lands Administrator in the British colonial service).[4] The Maudes identified the name as specifically being a string of cowrie shells, but did not associate it with an asterism.[5]

IAU Working Group Star Names

The name was discussed and approved by the IAU WGSN in 202x. As this star is already named ..., the WGSN chose ... (not to apply/ to apply the name to a neighbouring star/ to ...) in the IAU-CSN.



  1. Sabatier, Ernest (1954). Dictionnaire Gilbertin-Français. Tabwiroa: Mission Catholique.
  2. Sabatier, Ernest (1971). Gilbertese-English Dictionary. Transl. by M. Oliva from Sabatier 1954. Tarawa: Sacred Heart Mission.
  3. Sabatier 1971, 125
  4. Maude, Honor C. and Maude, Henry E. (1937). String figures from the Gilbert Islands, instalment no. 4. Journal of the Polynesian Society 46, 41-48.
  5. Maude and Maude 1937, 48.