Module:Unicode data

From All Skies Encyclopaedia
Revision as of 04:42, 23 June 2018 by imported>Erutuon (char_to_script intended for Wiktionary script classes, which are not used on Wikipedia; but perhaps Module:Language/scripts should be moved here)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Unicode data/doc

local export = {}

local floor = math.floor

-- The following leads, vowels, and trails come from here:

-- For the algorithm used to generate Hangul Syllable names,
-- see "Hangul Syllable Name Generation" in section 3.12 of the
-- Unicode Specification:
local hangul_leads = {
	[0] = "G", "GG", "N", "D", "DD", "R", "M", "B", "BB", "S", "SS",
	"", "J", "JJ", "C", "K", "T", "P", "H"
-- not needed:
-- hangul_leads.length = #hangul_leads + 1

local hangul_vowels = {
	[0] = "A", "AE", "YA", "YAE", "EO", "E", "YEO", "YE", "O", "WA",
	"WAE", "OE", "YO", "U", "WEO", "WE", "WI", "YU", "EU", "YI",
hangul_vowel_count = #hangul_vowels + 1

local hangul_trails = {
	[0] = "", "G", "GG", "GS", "N", "NJ", "NH", "D", "L", "LG", "LM", "LB",
	"LS", "LT", "LP", "LH", "M", "B", "BS", "S", "SS", "NG", "J", "C", "K",
	"T", "P", "H"
hangul_trail_count = #hangul_trails + 1

hangul_coda_count = hangul_vowel_count * hangul_trail_count

local name_hooks = {
	{     0x00,     0x1F, "<control-%04X>" }, -- C0 control characters
	{     0x7F,     0x9F, "<control-%04X>" }, -- DEL and C1 control characters
	{   0x3400,   0x4DB5, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension A
	{   0x4E00,   0x9FEF, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph --change v10
	{   0xAC00,   0xD7A3, function (codepoint) -- Hangul Syllables
		local syllable_index = codepoint - 0xAC00

		return ("HANGUL SYLLABLE %s%s%s"):format(
			hangul_leads[floor(syllable_index / hangul_coda_count)],
			hangul_vowels[floor((syllable_index % hangul_coda_count) / hangul_trail_count)],
			hangul_trails[syllable_index % hangul_trail_count]
	end },
	-- Non Private Use High Surrogate, Private Use High Surrogate, Low Surrogate
	{   0xD800,   0xDFFF, "<surrogate-%04X>" },
	{   0xE000,   0xF8FF, "<private-use-%04X>" }, -- Private Use
	{  0x17000,  0x187F1, "TANGUT IDEOGRAPH-%05X" }, -- Tangut
	{  0x1B170,  0x1B2FB, "NUSHU CHARACTER-%05X" }, -- Nushu --add v10
	{  0x20000,  0x2A6D6, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%05X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension B
	{  0x2A700,  0x2B734, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%05X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension C
	{  0x2A740,  0x2B81D, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%05X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension D
	{  0x2B820,  0x2CEA1, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%05X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension E
	{  0x2CEB0,  0x2EBE0, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%05X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension F
	-- CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement (Supplementary Ideographic Plane)
	{  0x2F800,  0x2FA1D, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%05X" },
	{  0xF0000,  0xFFFFD, "<private-use-%05X>" }, -- Plane 15 Private Use
	{ 0x100000, 0x10FFFD, "<private-use-%06X>" }  -- Plane 16 Private Use

local name_range_cache

local function generate_name(data, codepoint)
	if type(data) == "string" then
		return data:format(codepoint)
		return data(codepoint)

--, section 4.8
function export.lookup_name(codepoint)
	if codepoint < 0 or 0x10FFFF < codepoint then
		error(("Codepoint %04X out of range"):format(codepoint))
	-- U+FDD0-U+FDEF and all codepoints ending in FFFE or FFFF are Unassigned
	-- (Cn) and specifically noncharacters:
	if 0xFDD0 <= codepoint and (codepoint <= 0xFDEF
			or floor(codepoint % 0x10000) >= 0xFFFE) then
		return ("<noncharacter-%04X>"):format(codepoint)

	if name_range_cache -- Check if previously used "name hook" applies to this codepoint.
			and codepoint >= name_range_cache[1]
			and codepoint <= name_range_cache[2] then
		return generate_name(name_range_cache[3], codepoint)

	for _, item in ipairs(name_hooks) do
		if codepoint < item[1] then
		elseif codepoint <= item[2] then
			-- Save "name hook" in case another character
			-- from the same range will be looked up in the same module invocation.
			name_range_cache = item
			return generate_name(item[3], codepoint)

	local success, data = pcall(mw.loadData,
		('Module:Unicode data/names/%03X'):format(codepoint / 0x1000))
	if success and data[codepoint] then
		return data[codepoint]
	-- Unassigned (Cn) consists of noncharacters and reserved characters.
	-- The character has been established not to be a noncharacter,
	-- and if it were assigned, its name would already been retrieved,
	-- so it must be reserved.
		return ("<reserved-%04X>"):format(codepoint)

function export.lookup_image(codepoint)
	local success, data = pcall(mw.loadData,
		('Module:Unicode data/images/%03X'):format(codepoint / 0x1000)
	if success then
		return data[codepoint]

function export.template_lookup_name(frame)
	local codepoint = tonumber(frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1])
	local name = export.lookup_name(codepoint)
	return name:gsub("<", "&lt;")

local planes = {
	[ 0] = "Basic Multilingual Plane";
	[ 1] = "Supplementary Multilingual Plane";
	[ 2] = "Supplementary Ideographic Plane";
	[13] = "Supplementary Special-purpose Plane";
	[14] = "Supplementary Private Use Area-A";
	[15] = "Supplementary Private Use Area-B";

-- This should be kept synchronized with [[Module:category tree/scriptcatboiler/blocks]].
local blocks = {
	{ "Basic Latin",                                     0x000000, 0x00007F },
	{ "Latin-1 Supplement",                              0x000080, 0x0000FF },
	{ "Latin Extended-A",                                0x000100, 0x00017F },
	{ "Latin Extended-B",                                0x000180, 0x00024F },
	{ "IPA Extensions",                                  0x000250, 0x0002AF },
	{ "Spacing Modifier Letters",                        0x0002B0, 0x0002FF },
	{ "Combining Diacritical Marks",                     0x000300, 0x00036F },
	{ "Greek and Coptic",                                0x000370, 0x0003FF },
	{ "Cyrillic",                                        0x000400, 0x0004FF },
	{ "Cyrillic Supplement",                             0x000500, 0x00052F },
	{ "Armenian",                                        0x000530, 0x00058F },
	{ "Hebrew",                                          0x000590, 0x0005FF },
	{ "Arabic",                                          0x000600, 0x0006FF },
	{ "Syriac",                                          0x000700, 0x00074F },
	{ "Arabic Supplement",                               0x000750, 0x00077F },
	{ "Thaana",                                          0x000780, 0x0007BF },
	{ "NKo",                                             0x0007C0, 0x0007FF },
	{ "Samaritan",                                       0x000800, 0x00083F },
	{ "Mandaic",                                         0x000840, 0x00085F },
	{ "Syriac Supplement",                               0x000860, 0x00086F },
	{ "Arabic Extended-A",                               0x0008A0, 0x0008FF },
	{ "Devanagari",                                      0x000900, 0x00097F },
	{ "Bengali",                                         0x000980, 0x0009FF },
	{ "Gurmukhi",                                        0x000A00, 0x000A7F },
	{ "Gujarati",                                        0x000A80, 0x000AFF },
	{ "Oriya",                                           0x000B00, 0x000B7F },
	{ "Tamil",                                           0x000B80, 0x000BFF },
	{ "Telugu",                                          0x000C00, 0x000C7F },
	{ "Kannada",                                         0x000C80, 0x000CFF },
	{ "Malayalam",                                       0x000D00, 0x000D7F },
	{ "Sinhala",                                         0x000D80, 0x000DFF },
	{ "Thai",                                            0x000E00, 0x000E7F },
	{ "Lao",                                             0x000E80, 0x000EFF },
	{ "Tibetan",                                         0x000F00, 0x000FFF },
	{ "Myanmar",                                         0x001000, 0x00109F },
	{ "Georgian",                                        0x0010A0, 0x0010FF },
	{ "Hangul Jamo",                                     0x001100, 0x0011FF },
	{ "Ethiopic",                                        0x001200, 0x00137F },
	{ "Ethiopic Supplement",                             0x001380, 0x00139F },
	{ "Cherokee",                                        0x0013A0, 0x0013FF },
	{ "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics",           0x001400, 0x00167F },
	{ "Ogham",                                           0x001680, 0x00169F },
	{ "Runic",                                           0x0016A0, 0x0016FF },
	{ "Tagalog",                                         0x001700, 0x00171F },
	{ "Hanunoo",                                         0x001720, 0x00173F },
	{ "Buhid",                                           0x001740, 0x00175F },
	{ "Tagbanwa",                                        0x001760, 0x00177F },
	{ "Khmer",                                           0x001780, 0x0017FF },
	{ "Mongolian",                                       0x001800, 0x0018AF },
	{ "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended",  0x0018B0, 0x0018FF },
	{ "Limbu",                                           0x001900, 0x00194F },
	{ "Tai Le",                                          0x001950, 0x00197F },
	{ "New Tai Lue",                                     0x001980, 0x0019DF },
	{ "Khmer Symbols",                                   0x0019E0, 0x0019FF },
	{ "Buginese",                                        0x001A00, 0x001A1F },
	{ "Tai Tham",                                        0x001A20, 0x001AAF },
	{ "Combining Diacritical Marks Extended",            0x001AB0, 0x001AFF },
	{ "Balinese",                                        0x001B00, 0x001B7F },
	{ "Sundanese",                                       0x001B80, 0x001BBF },
	{ "Batak",                                           0x001BC0, 0x001BFF },
	{ "Lepcha",                                          0x001C00, 0x001C4F },
	{ "Ol Chiki",                                        0x001C50, 0x001C7F },
	{ "Cyrillic Extended-C",                             0x001C80, 0x001C8F },
	{ "Georgian Extended",                               0x001C90, 0x001CBF },
	{ "Sundanese Supplement",                            0x001CC0, 0x001CCF },
	{ "Vedic Extensions",                                0x001CD0, 0x001CFF },
	{ "Phonetic Extensions",                             0x001D00, 0x001D7F },
	{ "Phonetic Extensions Supplement",                  0x001D80, 0x001DBF },
	{ "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement",          0x001DC0, 0x001DFF },
	{ "Latin Extended Additional",                       0x001E00, 0x001EFF },
	{ "Greek Extended",                                  0x001F00, 0x001FFF },
	{ "General Punctuation",                             0x002000, 0x00206F },
	{ "Superscripts and Subscripts",                     0x002070, 0x00209F },
	{ "Currency Symbols",                                0x0020A0, 0x0020CF },
	{ "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols",         0x0020D0, 0x0020FF },
	{ "Letterlike Symbols",                              0x002100, 0x00214F },
	{ "Number Forms",                                    0x002150, 0x00218F },
	{ "Arrows",                                          0x002190, 0x0021FF },
	{ "Mathematical Operators",                          0x002200, 0x0022FF },
	{ "Miscellaneous Technical",                         0x002300, 0x0023FF },
	{ "Control Pictures",                                0x002400, 0x00243F },
	{ "Optical Character Recognition",                   0x002440, 0x00245F },
	{ "Enclosed Alphanumerics",                          0x002460, 0x0024FF },
	{ "Box Drawing",                                     0x002500, 0x00257F },
	{ "Block Elements",                                  0x002580, 0x00259F },
	{ "Geometric Shapes",                                0x0025A0, 0x0025FF },
	{ "Miscellaneous Symbols",                           0x002600, 0x0026FF },
	{ "Dingbats",                                        0x002700, 0x0027BF },
	{ "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A",            0x0027C0, 0x0027EF },
	{ "Supplemental Arrows-A",                           0x0027F0, 0x0027FF },
	{ "Braille Patterns",                                0x002800, 0x0028FF },
	{ "Supplemental Arrows-B",                           0x002900, 0x00297F },
	{ "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B",            0x002980, 0x0029FF },
	{ "Supplemental Mathematical Operators",             0x002A00, 0x002AFF },
	{ "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows",                0x002B00, 0x002BFF },
	{ "Glagolitic",                                      0x002C00, 0x002C5F },
	{ "Latin Extended-C",                                0x002C60, 0x002C7F },
	{ "Coptic",                                          0x002C80, 0x002CFF },
	{ "Georgian Supplement",                             0x002D00, 0x002D2F },
	{ "Tifinagh",                                        0x002D30, 0x002D7F },
	{ "Ethiopic Extended",                               0x002D80, 0x002DDF },
	{ "Cyrillic Extended-A",                             0x002DE0, 0x002DFF },
	{ "Supplemental Punctuation",                        0x002E00, 0x002E7F },
	{ "CJK Radicals Supplement",                         0x002E80, 0x002EFF },
	{ "Kangxi Radicals",                                 0x002F00, 0x002FDF },
	{ "Ideographic Description Characters",              0x002FF0, 0x002FFF },
	{ "CJK Symbols and Punctuation",                     0x003000, 0x00303F },
	{ "Hiragana",                                        0x003040, 0x00309F },
	{ "Katakana",                                        0x0030A0, 0x0030FF },
	{ "Bopomofo",                                        0x003100, 0x00312F },
	{ "Hangul Compatibility Jamo",                       0x003130, 0x00318F },
	{ "Kanbun",                                          0x003190, 0x00319F },
	{ "Bopomofo Extended",                               0x0031A0, 0x0031BF },
	{ "CJK Strokes",                                     0x0031C0, 0x0031EF },
	{ "Katakana Phonetic Extensions",                    0x0031F0, 0x0031FF },
	{ "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months",                 0x003200, 0x0032FF },
	{ "CJK Compatibility",                               0x003300, 0x0033FF },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A",              0x003400, 0x004DBF },
	{ "Yijing Hexagram Symbols",                         0x004DC0, 0x004DFF },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs",                          0x004E00, 0x009FFF },
	{ "Yi Syllables",                                    0x00A000, 0x00A48F },
	{ "Yi Radicals",                                     0x00A490, 0x00A4CF },
	{ "Lisu",                                            0x00A4D0, 0x00A4FF },
	{ "Vai",                                             0x00A500, 0x00A63F },
	{ "Cyrillic Extended-B",                             0x00A640, 0x00A69F },
	{ "Bamum",                                           0x00A6A0, 0x00A6FF },
	{ "Modifier Tone Letters",                           0x00A700, 0x00A71F },
	{ "Latin Extended-D",                                0x00A720, 0x00A7FF },
	{ "Syloti Nagri",                                    0x00A800, 0x00A82F },
	{ "Common Indic Number Forms",                       0x00A830, 0x00A83F },
	{ "Phags-pa",                                        0x00A840, 0x00A87F },
	{ "Saurashtra",                                      0x00A880, 0x00A8DF },
	{ "Devanagari Extended",                             0x00A8E0, 0x00A8FF },
	{ "Kayah Li",                                        0x00A900, 0x00A92F },
	{ "Rejang",                                          0x00A930, 0x00A95F },
	{ "Hangul Jamo Extended-A",                          0x00A960, 0x00A97F },
	{ "Javanese",                                        0x00A980, 0x00A9DF },
	{ "Myanmar Extended-B",                              0x00A9E0, 0x00A9FF },
	{ "Cham",                                            0x00AA00, 0x00AA5F },
	{ "Myanmar Extended-A",                              0x00AA60, 0x00AA7F },
	{ "Tai Viet",                                        0x00AA80, 0x00AADF },
	{ "Meetei Mayek Extensions",                         0x00AAE0, 0x00AAFF },
	{ "Ethiopic Extended-A",                             0x00AB00, 0x00AB2F },
	{ "Latin Extended-E",                                0x00AB30, 0x00AB6F },
	{ "Cherokee Supplement",                             0x00AB70, 0x00ABBF },
	{ "Meetei Mayek",                                    0x00ABC0, 0x00ABFF },
	{ "Hangul Syllables",                                0x00AC00, 0x00D7AF },
	{ "Hangul Jamo Extended-B",                          0x00D7B0, 0x00D7FF },
	{ "High Surrogates",                                 0x00D800, 0x00DB7F },
	{ "High Private Use Surrogates",                     0x00DB80, 0x00DBFF },
	{ "Low Surrogates",                                  0x00DC00, 0x00DFFF },
	{ "Private Use Area",                                0x00E000, 0x00F8FF },
	{ "CJK Compatibility Ideographs",                    0x00F900, 0x00FAFF },
	{ "Alphabetic Presentation Forms",                   0x00FB00, 0x00FB4F },
	{ "Arabic Presentation Forms-A",                     0x00FB50, 0x00FDFF },
	{ "Variation Selectors",                             0x00FE00, 0x00FE0F },
	{ "Vertical Forms",                                  0x00FE10, 0x00FE1F },
	{ "Combining Half Marks",                            0x00FE20, 0x00FE2F },
	{ "CJK Compatibility Forms",                         0x00FE30, 0x00FE4F },
	{ "Small Form Variants",                             0x00FE50, 0x00FE6F },
	{ "Arabic Presentation Forms-B",                     0x00FE70, 0x00FEFF },
	{ "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms",                   0x00FF00, 0x00FFEF },
	{ "Specials",                                        0x00FFF0, 0x00FFFF },
	{ "Linear B Syllabary",                              0x010000, 0x01007F },
	{ "Linear B Ideograms",                              0x010080, 0x0100FF },
	{ "Aegean Numbers",                                  0x010100, 0x01013F },
	{ "Ancient Greek Numbers",                           0x010140, 0x01018F },
	{ "Ancient Symbols",                                 0x010190, 0x0101CF },
	{ "Phaistos Disc",                                   0x0101D0, 0x0101FF },
	{ "Lycian",                                          0x010280, 0x01029F },
	{ "Carian",                                          0x0102A0, 0x0102DF },
	{ "Coptic Epact Numbers",                            0x0102E0, 0x0102FF },
	{ "Old Italic",                                      0x010300, 0x01032F },
	{ "Gothic",                                          0x010330, 0x01034F },
	{ "Old Permic",                                      0x010350, 0x01037F },
	{ "Ugaritic",                                        0x010380, 0x01039F },
	{ "Old Persian",                                     0x0103A0, 0x0103DF },
	{ "Deseret",                                         0x010400, 0x01044F },
	{ "Shavian",                                         0x010450, 0x01047F },
	{ "Osmanya",                                         0x010480, 0x0104AF },
	{ "Osage",                                           0x0104B0, 0x0104FF },
	{ "Elbasan",                                         0x010500, 0x01052F },
	{ "Caucasian Albanian",                              0x010530, 0x01056F },
	{ "Linear A",                                        0x010600, 0x01077F },
	{ "Cypriot Syllabary",                               0x010800, 0x01083F },
	{ "Imperial Aramaic",                                0x010840, 0x01085F },
	{ "Palmyrene",                                       0x010860, 0x01087F },
	{ "Nabataean",                                       0x010880, 0x0108AF },
	{ "Hatran",                                          0x0108E0, 0x0108FF },
	{ "Phoenician",                                      0x010900, 0x01091F },
	{ "Lydian",                                          0x010920, 0x01093F },
	{ "Meroitic Hieroglyphs",                            0x010980, 0x01099F },
	{ "Meroitic Cursive",                                0x0109A0, 0x0109FF },
	{ "Kharoshthi",                                      0x010A00, 0x010A5F },
	{ "Old South Arabian",                               0x010A60, 0x010A7F },
	{ "Old North Arabian",                               0x010A80, 0x010A9F },
	{ "Manichaean",                                      0x010AC0, 0x010AFF },
	{ "Avestan",                                         0x010B00, 0x010B3F },
	{ "Inscriptional Parthian",                          0x010B40, 0x010B5F },
	{ "Inscriptional Pahlavi",                           0x010B60, 0x010B7F },
	{ "Psalter Pahlavi",                                 0x010B80, 0x010BAF },
	{ "Old Turkic",                                      0x010C00, 0x010C4F },
	{ "Old Hungarian",                                   0x010C80, 0x010CFF },
	{ "Hanifi Rohingya",                                 0x010D00, 0x010D3F },
	{ "Rumi Numeral Symbols",                            0x010E60, 0x010E7F },
	{ "Old Sogdian",                                     0x010F00, 0x010F2F },
	{ "Sogdian",                                         0x010F30, 0x010F6F },
	{ "Brahmi",                                          0x011000, 0x01107F },
	{ "Kaithi",                                          0x011080, 0x0110CF },
	{ "Sora Sompeng",                                    0x0110D0, 0x0110FF },
	{ "Chakma",                                          0x011100, 0x01114F },
	{ "Mahajani",                                        0x011150, 0x01117F },
	{ "Sharada",                                         0x011180, 0x0111DF },
	{ "Sinhala Archaic Numbers",                         0x0111E0, 0x0111FF },
	{ "Khojki",                                          0x011200, 0x01124F },
	{ "Multani",                                         0x011280, 0x0112AF },
	{ "Khudawadi",                                       0x0112B0, 0x0112FF },
	{ "Grantha",                                         0x011300, 0x01137F },
	{ "Newa",                                            0x011400, 0x01147F },
	{ "Tirhuta",                                         0x011480, 0x0114DF },
	{ "Siddham",                                         0x011580, 0x0115FF },
	{ "Modi",                                            0x011600, 0x01165F },
	{ "Mongolian Supplement",                            0x011660, 0x01167F },
	{ "Takri",                                           0x011680, 0x0116CF },
	{ "Ahom",                                            0x011700, 0x01173F },
	{ "Dogra",                                           0x011800, 0x01184F },
	{ "Warang Citi",                                     0x0118A0, 0x0118FF },
	{ "Zanabazar Square",                                0x011A00, 0x011A4F },
	{ "Soyombo",                                         0x011A50, 0x011AAF },
	{ "Pau Cin Hau",                                     0x011AC0, 0x011AFF },
	{ "Bhaiksuki",                                       0x011C00, 0x011C6F },
	{ "Marchen",                                         0x011C70, 0x011CBF },
	{ "Masaram Gondi",                                   0x011D00, 0x011D5F },
	{ "Gunjala Gondi",                                   0x011D60, 0x011DAF },
	{ "Makasar",                                         0x011EE0, 0x011EFF },
	{ "Cuneiform",                                       0x012000, 0x0123FF },
	{ "Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation",               0x012400, 0x01247F },
	{ "Early Dynastic Cuneiform",                        0x012480, 0x01254F },
	{ "Egyptian Hieroglyphs",                            0x013000, 0x01342F },
	{ "Anatolian Hieroglyphs",                           0x014400, 0x01467F },
	{ "Bamum Supplement",                                0x016800, 0x016A3F },
	{ "Mro",                                             0x016A40, 0x016A6F },
	{ "Bassa Vah",                                       0x016AD0, 0x016AFF },
	{ "Pahawh Hmong",                                    0x016B00, 0x016B8F },
	{ "Medefaidrin",                                     0x016E40, 0x016E9F },
	{ "Miao",                                            0x016F00, 0x016F9F },
	{ "Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation",             0x016FE0, 0x016FFF },
	{ "Tangut",                                          0x017000, 0x0187FF },
	{ "Tangut Components",                               0x018800, 0x018AFF },
	{ "Kana Supplement",                                 0x01B000, 0x01B0FF },
	{ "Kana Extended-A",                                 0x01B100, 0x01B12F },
	{ "Nushu",                                           0x01B170, 0x01B2FF },
	{ "Duployan",                                        0x01BC00, 0x01BC9F },
	{ "Shorthand Format Controls",                       0x01BCA0, 0x01BCAF },
	{ "Byzantine Musical Symbols",                       0x01D000, 0x01D0FF },
	{ "Musical Symbols",                                 0x01D100, 0x01D1FF },
	{ "Ancient Greek Musical Notation",                  0x01D200, 0x01D24F },
	{ "Mayan Numerals",                                  0x01D2E0, 0x01D2FF },
	{ "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols",                           0x01D300, 0x01D35F },
	{ "Counting Rod Numerals",                           0x01D360, 0x01D37F },
	{ "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols",               0x01D400, 0x01D7FF },
	{ "Sutton SignWriting",                              0x01D800, 0x01DAAF },
	{ "Glagolitic Supplement",                           0x01E000, 0x01E02F },
	{ "Mende Kikakui",                                   0x01E800, 0x01E8DF },
	{ "Adlam",                                           0x01E900, 0x01E95F },
	{ "Indic Siyaq Numbers",                             0x01EC70, 0x01ECBF },
	{ "Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols",          0x01EE00, 0x01EEFF },
	{ "Mahjong Tiles",                                   0x01F000, 0x01F02F },
	{ "Domino Tiles",                                    0x01F030, 0x01F09F },
	{ "Playing Cards",                                   0x01F0A0, 0x01F0FF },
	{ "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement",                0x01F100, 0x01F1FF },
	{ "Enclosed Ideographic Supplement",                 0x01F200, 0x01F2FF },
	{ "Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs",           0x01F300, 0x01F5FF },
	{ "Emoticons",                                       0x01F600, 0x01F64F },
	{ "Ornamental Dingbats",                             0x01F650, 0x01F67F },
	{ "Transport and Map Symbols",                       0x01F680, 0x01F6FF },
	{ "Alchemical Symbols",                              0x01F700, 0x01F77F },
	{ "Geometric Shapes Extended",                       0x01F780, 0x01F7FF },
	{ "Supplemental Arrows-C",                           0x01F800, 0x01F8FF },
	{ "Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs",            0x01F900, 0x01F9FF },
	{ "Chess Symbols",                                   0x01FA00, 0x01FA6F },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B",              0x020000, 0x02A6DF },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C",              0x02A700, 0x02B73F },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D",              0x02B740, 0x02B81F },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E",              0x02B820, 0x02CEAF },
	{ "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F",              0x02CEB0, 0x02EBEF },
	{ "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement",         0x02F800, 0x02FA1F },
	{ "Tags",                                            0x0E0000, 0x0E007F },
	{ "Variation Selectors Supplement",                  0x0E0100, 0x0E01EF },
	{ "Supplementary Private Use Area-A",                0x0F0000, 0x0FFFFF },
	{ "Supplementary Private Use Area-B",                0x100000, 0x10FFFF },
blocks.length = #blocks

function export.enum_blocks()
	return function (blocks, i)
		i = i + 1
		local data = blocks[i]
		if not data then
			return nil
		return i, unpack(data)
	end, blocks, 0

function export.lookup_plane(codepoint)
	local i = floor(codepoint / 0x10000)
	return planes[i] or ("Plane %u"):format(i)

-- Binary search, to avoid iterating over entire table in order to look up the
-- higher codepoints.
function export.lookup_block(codepoint)
	local iStart, iEnd = 1, blocks.length or #blocks
	while iStart <= iEnd do
		local iMid = floor((iStart + iEnd) / 2)
		local range = blocks[iMid]
		if codepoint < range[2] then
			iEnd = iMid - 1
		elseif codepoint <= range[3] then
			return range[1]
			iStart = iMid + 1
	error(string.format("No block found for codepoint U+%04X.", codepoint))

function export.get_block_range(name)
	local range
	for i, block in ipairs(blocks) do
		if block[1] == name then
			range = block
	if range then
		return range[2], range[3]

function export.is_valid_pagename(pagename)
	local has_nonws = false

	for cp in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(pagename) do
		if (cp == 0x0023) -- #
		or (cp == 0x005B) -- [
		or (cp == 0x005D) -- ]
		or (cp == 0x007B) -- {
		or (cp == 0x007C) -- |
		or (cp == 0x007D) -- }
		or (cp == 0x180E) -- MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
		or ((cp >= 0x2000) and (cp <= 0x200A)) -- spaces in General Punctuation block
			return false

		local printable, result = export.is_printable(cp)
		if not printable then
			return false

		if result ~= "space-separator" then
			has_nonws = true

	return has_nonws

local function manual_unpack(what, from)
	local result = {}
	from = from or 1
	for i, item in ipairs(what) do
		if i >= from then
			table.insert(result, item)
	return unpack(result)

local function memo_lookup(loader, match_func, ...)
	local dots = { ... }
	local cache = {}
	local singles, ranges

	return function (codepoint)
		if not singles then
			singles, ranges = loader()

		if singles[codepoint] then
			return match_func(codepoint, singles[codepoint])

		local lastlast = -1
		for _, range in pairs(cache) do
			if (range[1] <= codepoint) and (codepoint <= range[2]) then
				return match_func(codepoint, unpack(range, 3))

		for _, range in pairs(ranges) do
			if codepoint < range[1] then
				table.insert(cache, { lastlast + 1, range[1] - 1, unpack(dots) })
				return match_func(codepoint, unpack(dots))
			elseif codepoint <= range[2] then
				table.insert(cache, { manual_unpack(range) })
				return match_func(codepoint, manual_unpack(range, 3))
				lastlast = range[2]

		return match_func(codepoint)

-- Get a codepoint's combining class value in [[Module:Unicode data/combining]],
-- and return whether this value is not zero. Zero is assigned as the default
-- if the combining class value is not found in this data module.
-- That is, return true if character is combining, or false if it is not.
-- See for
-- more information.
export.is_combining = memo_lookup(function ()
	local m_comb = mw.loadData('Module:Unicode data/combining')
	return m_comb.single, m_comb.ranges
end, function (codepoint, combining_class)
	return combining_class and combining_class ~= 0
		or false
end, 0)

function export.add_dotted_circle(str)
	return (mw.ustring.gsub(str, ".",
			if export.is_combining(mw.ustring.codepoint(char)) then
				return '◌' .. char

local lookup_control = memo_lookup(function ()
	local m_cc = mw.loadData('Module:Unicode data/control')
	return m_cc.single, m_cc.ranges
end, function (codepoint, ccc)
	return ccc or "assigned"
end, "assigned")

function export.is_assigned(codepoint)
	return lookup_control(codepoint) ~= "unassigned"

function export.is_printable(codepoint)
	local result = lookup_control(codepoint)
	return (result == "assigned") or (result == "space-separator"), result

function export.is_whitespace(codepoint)
	local result = lookup_control(codepoint)
	return (result == "space-separator"), result

local unsupported_title = {
	[0x0020] = "Unsupported titles/Space";
	[0x0023] = "Unsupported titles/Number sign";
	[0x002E] = "Unsupported titles/Full stop";
	[0x003A] = "Unsupported titles/Colon";
	[0x003C] = "Unsupported titles/Less than";
	[0x003E] = "Unsupported titles/Greater than";
	[0x005B] = "Unsupported titles/Left square bracket";
	[0x005D] = "Unsupported titles/Right square bracket";
	[0x005F] = "Unsupported titles/Low line";
	[0x007B] = "Unsupported titles/Left curly bracket";
	[0x007C] = "Unsupported titles/Vertical line";
	[0x007D] = "Unsupported titles/Right curly bracket";
	[0x1680] = "Unsupported titles/Ogham space";
	[0xFFFD] = "Unsupported titles/Replacement character";

function export.get_entry_title(codepoint)
	if unsupported_title[codepoint] then
		return unsupported_title[codepoint]
	if lookup_control(codepoint) ~= "assigned" then
		return nil
	return mw.ustring.char(codepoint)

return export