Module:Footnotes/whitelist: Difference between revisions

From All Skies Encyclopaedia
Line 4: Line 4:
['CITEREFBosworth1999'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
['CITEREFBosworth1999'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
['CITEREFBoyd1990'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns1'},
['CITEREFBoyd1990'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns1'},
['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = {'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['CITEREFBrunner1983'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['CITEREFButt1995'] = {'Butt-Stations'},
['CITEREFButt1995'] = {'Butt-Stations'},
['CITEREFCharles1911'] = {'EB1911'},
['CITEREFCharles1911'] = {'EB1911'},
Line 25: Line 26:
['CITEREFQuick2009'] = {'Quick-Stations'},
['CITEREFQuick2009'] = {'Quick-Stations'},
['CITEREFRockwell1911'] = {'EB1911'},
['CITEREFRockwell1911'] = {'EB1911'},
['CITEREFSellwood1983'] = {'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['CITEREFSellwood1983'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['CITEREFSpringirth2016'] = {'Springirth-Philadelphia |ref=harv'},
['CITEREFSpringirth2016'] = {'Springirth-Philadelphia |ref=harv'},
['CITEREFStewart1974'] = {'When Steam Was King'},
['CITEREFStewart1974'] = {'When Steam Was King'},

Revision as of 16:40, 30 March 2020

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Footnotes/whitelist/doc

return {
	['CITEREFAvdoyan2018'] = {'ODLA'},
	['CITEREFBosworth1991'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
	['CITEREFBosworth1999'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
	['CITEREFBoyd1990'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns1'},
	['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
	['CITEREFBrunner1983'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
	['CITEREFButt1995'] = {'Butt-Stations'},
	['CITEREFCharles1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFChisholm1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFChisholm1911b'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFChurchman_&_Hurst2001'] = {'Churchman & Hurst Railways of New Zealand'},
	['CITEREFClinker1978'] = {'Clinker-Stations|year=1978'},
	['CITEREFClinker1988'] = {'Clinker-Stations|year=1988'},
	['CITEREFCox1967'] = {'Cox-Upper Darby |ref=harv'},
	['CITEREFCroughtonKidnerYoung1982'] = {'Croughton-PrivateStations'},
	['CITEREFFreese1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFFrye1983'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
	['CITEREFKnox1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFLe_Strange1905'] = {'Lands of the Eastern Caliphate'},
	['CITEREFMillar2011'] = {'NZR Steam Locomotive'},
	['CITEREFNersessian2018'] = {'ODLA'},
	['CITEREFPalmer_&_Stewart1965'] = {'Palmer & Stewart'},
	['CITEREFPeters1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFQuick2009'] = {'Quick-Stations'},
	['CITEREFRockwell1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFSellwood1983'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
	['CITEREFSpringirth2016'] = {'Springirth-Philadelphia |ref=harv'},
	['CITEREFStewart1974'] = {'When Steam Was King'},
	['CITEREFStreckDuri1960'] = {'EI2'},
	['CITEREFVenables1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFWiesehöfer2018'] = {'ODLA'},
	['CITEREFWilliams1998'] = {'Williams-Philadelphia |ref=harv'},