Module:TableTools: Difference between revisions

From All Skies Encyclopaedia
(Finally getting around to merging in Module:Array length (originally written by Mr. Stradivarius) over six months after writing the merged code, also minor code simplify per Dinoguy1000 on talk page)
(from sandbox: another slight code simplification and a couple comment fixes)
Line 129: Line 129:
local function cleanPattern(s)
local function cleanPattern(s)
-- Cleans a pattern so that the magic characters ()%.[]*+-?^$ are interpreted literally.
-- Cleans a pattern so that the magic characters ()%.[]*+-?^$ are interpreted literally.
s = s:gsub('([%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%^%$])', '%%%1')
return s:gsub('([%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%^%$])', '%%%1')
return s

Line 415: Line 414:
-- Finds the length of an array, or of a quasi-array with keys such
-- Finds the length of an array, or of a quasi-array with keys such
-- as "data1", "data2", etc., using an exponental search algorithm.
-- as "data1", "data2", etc., using an exponential search algorithm.
-- It is similar to the operator #, but may return
-- It is similar to the operator #, but may return
-- a different value when there are gaps in the array portion of the table.
-- a different value when there are gaps in the array portion of the table.
Line 425: Line 424:

function p.length(t, prefix)
function p.length(t, prefix)
-- requiring module inline so that [[Module:Exponental search]]
-- requiring module inline so that [[Module:Exponential search]]
-- which is only needed by this one function
-- which is only needed by this one function
-- doesn't get millions of transclusions
-- doesn't get millions of transclusions

Revision as of 15:51, 23 May 2020

Template:Used in system

This module includes a number of functions for dealing with Lua tables. It is a meta-module, meant to be called from other Lua modules, and should not be called directly from #invoke.

Loading the module

To use any of the functions, first you must load the module.

local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools')



Returns true if value is a positive integer, and false if not. Although it doesn't operate on tables, it is included here as it is useful for determining whether a given table key is in the array part or the hash part of a table.



Returns true if value is a NaN value, and false if not. Although it doesn't operate on tables, it is included here as it is useful for determining whether a value can be a valid table key. (Lua will generate an error if a NaN value is used as a table key.)



Returns a clone of a table. The value returned is a new table, but all subtables and functions are shared. Metamethods are respected, but the returned table will have no metatable of its own. If you want to make a new table with no shared subtables and with metatables transferred, you can use mw.clone instead. If you want to make a new table with no shared subtables and without metatables transferred, use deepCopy with the noMetatable option.



Removes duplicate values from an array. This function is only designed to work with standard arrays: keys that are not positive integers are ignored, as are all values after the first nil value. (For arrays containing nil values, you can use compressSparseArray first.) The function tries to preserve the order of the array: the earliest non-unique value is kept, and all subsequent duplicate values are removed. For example, for the table {5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1} removeDuplicates will return {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}.



Takes a table t and returns an array containing the numbers of any positive integer keys that have non-nil values, sorted in numerical order. For example, for the table {'foo', nil, 'bar', 'baz', a = 'b'}, numKeys will return {1, 3, 4}.


TableTools.affixNums(t, prefix, suffix)

Takes a table t and returns an array containing the numbers of keys with the optional prefix prefix and the optional suffix suffix. For example, for the table {a1 = 'foo', a3 = 'bar', a6 = 'baz'} and the prefix 'a', affixNums will return {1, 3, 6}. All characters in prefix and suffix are interpreted literally.


TableTools.numData(t, compress)

Given a table with keys like "foo1", "bar1", "foo2", and "baz2", returns a table of subtables in the format { [1] = {foo = 'text', bar = 'text'}, [2] = {foo = 'text', baz = 'text'} }. Keys that don't end with an integer are stored in a subtable named "other". The compress option compresses the table so that it can be iterated over with ipairs.



Takes an array t with one or more nil values, and removes the nil values while preserving the order, so that the array can be safely traversed with ipairs. Any keys that are not positive integers are removed. For example, for the table {1, nil, foo = 'bar', 3, 2}, compressSparseArray will return {1, 3, 2}.



This is an iterator function for traversing a sparse array t. It is similar to ipairs, but will continue to iterate until the highest numerical key, whereas ipairs may stop after the first nil value. Any keys that are not positive integers are ignored.

Usually sparseIpairs is used in a generic for loop.

for i, v in TableTools.sparseIpairs(t) do
   -- code block

Note that sparseIpairs uses the pairs function in its implementation. Although some table keys appear to be ignored, all table keys are accessed when it is run.



Finds the size of a key/value pair table (associative array). For example, for {foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'}, size will return 2. The function will also work on arrays, but for arrays it is more efficient to use the # operator. Note that to find the size, this function uses the pairs function to iterate through all of the keys.


TableTools.keysToList(t, keySort, checked)

Returns a list of the keys in a table, sorted using either a default comparison function or a custom keySort function, which follows the same rules as the comp function supplied to table.sort. If keySort is false, no sorting is done. Set checked to true to skip the internal type checking.


TableTools.sortedPairs(t, keySort)

Iterates through a table, with the keys sorted using the keysToList function. If there are only numerical keys, sparseIpairs is probably more efficient.



Returns true if value is a table and all keys are consecutive integers starting at 1.



Returns true if value is iterable and all keys are consecutive integers starting at 1.



Transposes the keys and values in an array. For example, invert{ "a", "b", "c" } yields { a=1, b=2, c=3 }.



Creates a set from the array part of the table arr. Indexing the set by any of the values of the array returns true. For example, listToSet{ "a", "b", "c" } yields { a=true, b=true, c=true }.


TableTools.deepCopy(orig, noMetatable, alreadySeen)

Creates a copy of the table orig. As with mw.clone, all values that are not functions are duplicated and the identity of tables is preserved. If noMetatable is true, then the metatable (if any) is not copied. Can copy tables loaded with mw.loadData.

Similar to mw.clone, but mw.clone cannot copy tables loaded with mw.loadData and does not allow metatables not to be copied.


TableTools.sparseConcat(t, sep, i, j)

Concatenates all values in the table that are indexed by a positive integer, in order. For example, sparseConcat{ "a", nil, "c", "d" } yields "acd" and sparseConcat{ nil, "b", "c", "d" } yields "bcd".


TableTools.length(t, prefix)

Finds the length of an array or of a quasi-array with keys with an optional prefix such as "data1", "data2", etc. It uses an exponential search algorithm to find the length, so as to use as few table lookups as possible.

This algorithm is useful for arrays that use metatables (e.g. frame.args) and for quasi-arrays. For normal arrays, just use the # operator, as it is implemented in C and will be quicker.


TableTools.inArray(array, searchElement)
TableTools.inArray(array, searchElement, fromIndex)

Returns true if searchElement is a member of the array array, and false otherwise. Equivalent to the javascript Array.prototype.includes() function, except fromIndex is 1-indexed instead of zero-indexed.


fromIndex is the optional 1-based index at which to start searching. If fromIndex is not present, all values in the array will be searched and the array will be treated as a table/associative array (it will be iterated over using pairs()).

If fromIndex is present and an integer, the array is assumed to be a conventional array/sequence/list (indexed with consecutive integer keys starting at 1, and interated over using ipairs()). Only the values whose index is fromIndex or higher will be searched.

In the following examples, #array represents the length of the integer-keyed portion of the array.

  • If fromIndex < 0 it will count back from the end of the array, e.g. a value of -1 will only search the last integer-keyed element in the array. If fromIndex <= (-1 * #array), the entire integer-keyed portion of the array will be searched.
  • If fromIndex = 0 it will be treated as a 1 and the entire integer-keyed portion of the array will be searched.
  • If fromIndex > #array, the array is not searched and false is returned.



Given the arrays, returns an array containing the elements of each input array in sequence.


TableTools.extend(arr1, arr2)

Extends the first array in place by appending all elements from the second array.

See also

--                               TableTools                                       --
--                                                                                --
-- This module includes a number of functions for dealing with Lua tables.        --
-- It is a meta-module, meant to be called from other Lua modules, and should     --
-- not be called directly from #invoke.                                           --

local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')

local p = {}

-- Define often-used variables and functions.
local floor = math.floor
local infinity = math.huge
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

-- isPositiveInteger
-- This function returns true if the given value is a positive integer, and false
-- if not. Although it doesn't operate on tables, it is included here as it is
-- useful for determining whether a given table key is in the array part or the
-- hash part of a table.
function p.isPositiveInteger(v)
	return type(v) == 'number' and v >= 1 and floor(v) == v and v < infinity

-- isNan
-- This function returns true if the given number is a NaN value, and false
-- if not. Although it doesn't operate on tables, it is included here as it is
-- useful for determining whether a value can be a valid table key. Lua will
-- generate an error if a NaN is used as a table key.
function p.isNan(v)
	return type(v) == 'number' and tostring(v) == '-nan'

-- shallowClone
-- This returns a clone of a table. The value returned is a new table, but all
-- subtables and functions are shared. Metamethods are respected, but the returned
-- table will have no metatable of its own.
function p.shallowClone(t)
	local ret = {}
	for k, v in pairs(t) do
		ret[k] = v
	return ret

-- removeDuplicates
-- This removes duplicate values from an array. Non-positive-integer keys are
-- ignored. The earliest value is kept, and all subsequent duplicate values are
-- removed, but otherwise the array order is unchanged.
function p.removeDuplicates(t)
	checkType('removeDuplicates', 1, t, 'table')
	local isNan = p.isNan
	local ret, exists = {}, {}
	for i, v in ipairs(t) do
		if isNan(v) then
			-- NaNs can't be table keys, and they are also unique, so we don't need to check existence.
			ret[#ret + 1] = v
			if not exists[v] then
				ret[#ret + 1] = v
				exists[v] = true
	return ret

-- numKeys
-- This takes a table and returns an array containing the numbers of any numerical
-- keys that have non-nil values, sorted in numerical order.
function p.numKeys(t)
	checkType('numKeys', 1, t, 'table')
	local isPositiveInteger = p.isPositiveInteger
	local nums = {}
	for k, v in pairs(t) do
		if isPositiveInteger(k) then
			nums[#nums + 1] = k
	return nums

-- affixNums
-- This takes a table and returns an array containing the numbers of keys with the
-- specified prefix and suffix. For example, for the table
-- {a1 = 'foo', a3 = 'bar', a6 = 'baz'} and the prefix "a", affixNums will
-- return {1, 3, 6}.
function p.affixNums(t, prefix, suffix)
	checkType('affixNums', 1, t, 'table')
	checkType('affixNums', 2, prefix, 'string', true)
	checkType('affixNums', 3, suffix, 'string', true)

	local function cleanPattern(s)
		-- Cleans a pattern so that the magic characters ()%.[]*+-?^$ are interpreted literally.
		return s:gsub('([%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%^%$])', '%%%1')

	prefix = prefix or ''
	suffix = suffix or ''
	prefix = cleanPattern(prefix)
	suffix = cleanPattern(suffix)
	local pattern = '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)' .. suffix .. '$'

	local nums = {}
	for k, v in pairs(t) do
		if type(k) == 'string' then			
			local num = mw.ustring.match(k, pattern)
			if num then
				nums[#nums + 1] = tonumber(num)
	return nums

-- numData
-- Given a table with keys like ("foo1", "bar1", "foo2", "baz2"), returns a table
-- of subtables in the format 
-- { [1] = {foo = 'text', bar = 'text'}, [2] = {foo = 'text', baz = 'text'} }
-- Keys that don't end with an integer are stored in a subtable named "other".
-- The compress option compresses the table so that it can be iterated over with
-- ipairs.
function p.numData(t, compress)
	checkType('numData', 1, t, 'table')
	checkType('numData', 2, compress, 'boolean', true)
	local ret = {}
	for k, v in pairs(t) do
		local prefix, num = mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), '^([^0-9]*)([1-9][0-9]*)$')
		if num then
			num = tonumber(num)
			local subtable = ret[num] or {}
			if prefix == '' then
				-- Positional parameters match the blank string; put them at the start of the subtable instead.
				prefix = 1
			subtable[prefix] = v
			ret[num] = subtable
			local subtable = ret.other or {}
			subtable[k] = v
			ret.other = subtable
	if compress then
		local other = ret.other
		ret = p.compressSparseArray(ret)
		ret.other = other
	return ret

-- compressSparseArray
-- This takes an array with one or more nil values, and removes the nil values
-- while preserving the order, so that the array can be safely traversed with
-- ipairs.
function p.compressSparseArray(t)
	checkType('compressSparseArray', 1, t, 'table')
	local ret = {}
	local nums = p.numKeys(t)
	for _, num in ipairs(nums) do
		ret[#ret + 1] = t[num]
	return ret

-- sparseIpairs
-- This is an iterator for sparse arrays. It can be used like ipairs, but can
-- handle nil values.
function p.sparseIpairs(t)
	checkType('sparseIpairs', 1, t, 'table')
	local nums = p.numKeys(t)
	local i = 0
	local lim = #nums
	return function ()
		i = i + 1
		if i <= lim then
			local key = nums[i]
			return key, t[key]
			return nil, nil

-- size
-- This returns the size of a key/value pair table. It will also work on arrays,
-- but for arrays it is more efficient to use the # operator.

function p.size(t)
	checkType('size', 1, t, 'table')
	local i = 0
	for k in pairs(t) do
		i = i + 1
	return i

local function defaultKeySort(item1, item2)
	-- "number" < "string", so numbers will be sorted before strings.
	local type1, type2 = type(item1), type(item2)
	if type1 ~= type2 then
		return type1 < type2
	else -- This will fail with table, boolean, function.
		return item1 < item2

	Returns a list of the keys in a table, sorted using either a default
	comparison function or a custom keySort function.
function p.keysToList(t, keySort, checked)
	if not checked then
		checkType('keysToList', 1, t, 'table')
		checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, keySort, { 'function', 'boolean', 'nil' })
	local list = {}
	local index = 1
	for key, value in pairs(t) do
		list[index] = key
		index = index + 1
	if keySort ~= false then
		keySort = type(keySort) == 'function' and keySort or defaultKeySort
		table.sort(list, keySort)
	return list

	Iterates through a table, with the keys sorted using the keysToList function.
	If there are only numerical keys, sparseIpairs is probably more efficient.
function p.sortedPairs(t, keySort)
	checkType('sortedPairs', 1, t, 'table')
	checkType('sortedPairs', 2, keySort, 'function', true)
	local list = p.keysToList(t, keySort, true)
	local i = 0
	return function()
		i = i + 1
		local key = list[i]
		if key ~= nil then
			return key, t[key]
			return nil, nil

	Returns true if all keys in the table are consecutive integers starting at 1.
function p.isArray(t)
	checkType("isArray", 1, t, "table")
	local i = 0
	for k, v in pairs(t) do
		i = i + 1
		if t[i] == nil then
			return false
	return true

-- { "a", "b", "c" } -> { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }
function p.invert(array)
	checkType("invert", 1, array, "table")
	local map = {}
	for i, v in ipairs(array) do
		map[v] = i
	return map

	{ "a", "b", "c" } -> { ["a"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["c"] = true }
function p.listToSet(t)
	checkType("listToSet", 1, t, "table")
	local set = {}
	for _, item in ipairs(t) do
		set[item] = true
	return set

	Recursive deep copy function.
	Preserves identities of subtables.
local function _deepCopy(orig, includeMetatable, already_seen)
	-- Stores copies of tables indexed by the original table.
	already_seen = already_seen or {}
	local copy = already_seen[orig]
	if copy ~= nil then
		return copy
	if type(orig) == 'table' then
		copy = {}
		for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(orig) do
			copy[deepcopy(orig_key, includeMetatable, already_seen)] = deepcopy(orig_value, includeMetatable, already_seen)
		already_seen[orig] = copy
		if includeMetatable then
			local mt = getmetatable(orig)
			if mt ~= nil then
				local mt_copy = deepcopy(mt, includeMetatable, already_seen)
				setmetatable(copy, mt_copy)
				already_seen[mt] = mt_copy
	else -- number, string, boolean, etc
		copy = orig
	return copy

function p.deepCopy(orig, noMetatable, already_seen)
	checkType("deepCopy", 3, already_seen, "table", true)
	return _deepCopy(orig, not noMetatable, already_seen)

	Concatenates all values in the table that are indexed by a number, in order.
	sparseConcat{ a, nil, c, d }  =>  "acd"
	sparseConcat{ nil, b, c, d }  =>  "bcd"
function p.sparseConcat(t, sep, i, j)
	local list = {}
	local list_i = 0
	for _, v in p.sparseIpairs(t) do
		list_i = list_i + 1
		list[list_i] = v
	return table.concat(list, sep, i, j)

-- Finds the length of an array, or of a quasi-array with keys such
-- as "data1", "data2", etc., using an exponential search algorithm. 
-- It is similar to the operator #, but may return
-- a different value when there are gaps in the array portion of the table.
-- Intended to be used on data loaded with mw.loadData. For other tables, use #.
-- Note: #frame.args in frame object always be set to 0, regardless of 
-- the number of unnamed template parameters, so use this function for
-- frame.args.

function p.length(t, prefix)
	-- requiring module inline so that [[Module:Exponential search]]
	-- which is only needed by this one function
	-- doesn't get millions of transclusions
	local expSearch = require("Module:Exponential search")
	checkType('length', 1, t, 'table')
	checkType('length', 2, prefix, 'string', true)
	return expSearch(function(i)
		local key
		if prefix then
			key = prefix .. tostring(i)
			key = i
		return t[key] ~= nil
	end) or 0
function p.inArray(arr, valueToFind)
	checkType("inArray", 1, arr, "table")
	-- if valueToFind is nil, error?
	for _, v in ipairs(arr) do
		if v == valueToFind then
			return true
	return false

return p