Template:Cite news/doc: Difference between revisions

From All Skies Encyclopaedia
(Copied some template data from Template:Cite web/doc)
(Blanked the page)
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{{Documentation subpage}}
{{csdoc|lead|news articles in print, video, audio or web}}

{{csdoc|usage common}}
;To cite a news article with a credited author
<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |work= |location= |access-date= }}</nowiki></code>
<br />
;To cite a news article with no credited author
<code><nowiki>{{cite news |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title= |url= |work= |location= |date= |access-date= }}</nowiki></code>
<br />
;To cite an online news article that has been archived
<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |dead-url= |work= |location= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= }}</nowiki></code>
<br />
;To cite a news article written in a foreign language
<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last= |first= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |language= |work= |location= |access-date= }}</nowiki></code>
;To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language news article re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |dead-url= |format= |language= |work= |location= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |quote= }}</nowiki></code>

{{csdoc|usage full}}
:<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last1= |first1= |author-link1= |last2= |first2= |author-link2= |last3= |first3= |author-link3= |last4= |first4= |author-link4= |last5= |first5= |author-link5= |display-authors= |author-mask= |name-list-format= |last-author-amp= |date= |year= |title= |script-title= |trans-title= |url= |dead-url= |format= |editor1-last= |editor1-first= |editor1-link= |editor2-last= |editor2-first= |editor2-link= |editor3-last= |editor3-first= |editor3-link= |editor4-last= |editor4-first= |editor4-link= |editor5-last= |editor5-first= |editor5-link= |display-editors= |department= |work= |type= |series= |language= |volume= |issue= |others= |edition= |location= |publisher= |publication-date= |agency= |page= |pages= |at= |nopp= |arxiv= |asin= |bibcode= |doi= |doi-broken-date= |isbn= |issn= |jfm= |jstor= |lccn= |mr= |oclc= |ol= |osti= |pmc= |pmid= |rfc= |ssrn= |zbl= |id= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |registration= |lay-url= |lay-source= |lay-date= |quote= |postscript= |ref= }}</nowiki></code>

{{csdoc|usage vertical common}}
;To cite a news article with a credited author
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{cite news
| last =
| first =
| date =
| title =
| url =
| work =
| location =
| access-date =
;To cite a news article with no credited author
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{cite news
| author =<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.-->
| title =
| url =
| work =
| location =
| date =
| access-date =
;To cite an online news article that has been archived
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{cite news
| last =
| first =
| date =
| title =
| url =
| dead-url =
| work =
| location =
| archive-url =
| archive-date =
| access-date =
;To cite a news article written in a foreign language
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{cite news
| last =
| first =
| date =
| title =
| trans-title =
| url =
| language =
| work =
| location =
| access-date =
;To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language news article re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{cite news
| last1 =
| first1 =
| last2 =
| first2 =
| date =
| title =
| trans-title =
| url =
| dead-url =
| format =
| language =
| work =
| location =
| archive-url =
| archive-date =
| access-date =
| via =
| url-access =
| quote =

{{csdoc|usage vertical}}
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{cite news
| last1 =
| first1 =
| author-link1 =
| last2 =
| first2 =
| author-link2 =
| last3 =
| first3 =
| author-link3 =
| last4 =
| first4 =
| author-link4 =
| last5 =
| first5 =
| author-link5 =
| display-authors =
| author-mask =
| name-list-format =
| last-author-amp =
| date =
| year =
| title =
| script-title =
| trans-title =
| url =
| dead-url =
| format =
| editor1-last =
| editor1-first =
| editor1-link =
| editor2-last =
| editor2-first =
| editor2-link =
| editor3-last =
| editor3-first =
| editor3-link =
| editor4-last =
| editor4-first =
| editor4-link =
| editor5-last =
| editor5-first =
| editor5-link =
| display-editors =
| department =
| work =
| type =
| series =
| language =
| volume =
| issue =
| others =
| edition =
| location =
| publisher =
| publication-date =
| agency =
| page =
| pages =
| at =
| nopp =
| arxiv =
| asin =
| bibcode =
| doi =
| doi-broken-date =
| isbn =
| issn =
| jfm =
| jstor =
| lccn =
| mr =
| oclc =
| ol =
| osti =
| pmc =
| pmid =
| rfc =
| ssrn =
| zbl =
| id =
| archive-url =
| archive-date =
| access-date =
| via =
| lay-url =
| lay-source =
| lay-date =
| quote =
| postscript =
| ref =
{{csdoc|usage vertical mid}}
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{csdoc|usage vertical mid}}
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
{{csdoc|usage vertical end}}

===Choosing between {{tlf|Cite web}} and {{tlf|Cite news}}===
Before 2014, editors needed to decide whether to use {{tl|Cite web}} or {{tlf|Cite news}} based on their features. In 2014, however, ''most of'' the differences between the two templates were eliminated.

As of {{diff|Module:Citation/CS1|732205428|723907342|29 July 2016}}, {{tlf|Cite web}} and {{tlf|Cite news}} have the following differences:
*{{tlf|Cite news}} can be used for [[WP:OFFLINE|offline]] (paper) sources whereas {{tlf|Cite web}} generates a missing URL error when no URL is provided
*{{tlf|Cite news}} accepts {{para|issue}} and {{para|volume}} parameters while {{tlf|Cite web}} does not (See {{section link|1=Help talk:Citation Style 1/Archive 10|2=&#x7C;volume=, &#x7C;issue=, &#x7C;page(s)= and cite magazine}}.)
But given the same set of valid parameters, their output is exactly the same:
The following example only serves to demonstrate parameter rending results.

Whether you must include all these parameters in actual articles is not a concern here.
| '''Cite web''': || {{cite web |url=http://blog.chron.com/techblog/2011/07/microsoft-envisions-a-universal-os-but-it-might-not-be-called-windows/ |title=Microsoft envisions a universal OS, but it might not be called Windows |last=Silverman |first=Dwight |date=July 15, 2011 |work=Houston Chronicle |publisher=Hearst Corporation |accessdate=May 26, 2015}}
| '''Cite news''': || {{cite news |url=http://blog.chron.com/techblog/2011/07/microsoft-envisions-a-universal-os-but-it-might-not-be-called-windows/ |title=Microsoft envisions a universal OS, but it might not be called Windows |last=Silverman |first=Dwight |date=July 15, 2011 |work=Houston Chronicle|publisher=Hearst Corporation |accessdate=May 26, 2015}}

;A news article with a credited author
:<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last=Wolford |first=Ben |date=2013-10-16 |title=Citrus Canker Lawsuit Headed Back to Trial |url=http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/palm-beach/fl-citrus-canker-ruling-20131016,0,7602285.story |work=South Florida Sun-Sentinel |access-date=2013-10-17}}</nowiki></code>
:Displays as:
* {{cite news |last=Wolford |first=Ben |date=2013-10-16 |title=Citrus Canker Lawsuit Headed Back to Trial |url=http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/palm-beach/fl-citrus-canker-ruling-20131016,0,7602285.story |work=South Florida Sun-Sentinel |access-date=2013-10-17}}

;A news article released by a news agency and having no credited author
:<code><nowiki>{{cite news |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title=Bellingham Police Arrest WWU Student in Melee |url=http://blogs.seattletimes.com/today/2013/10/bellingham-police-arrest-wwu-student-in-melee/ |work=The Seattle Times |agency=Associated Press |date=2013-10-17 |access-date=2013-10-17}}</nowiki></code>
:Displays as:
* {{cite news |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title=Bellingham Police Arrest WWU Student in Melee |url=http://blogs.seattletimes.com/today/2013/10/bellingham-police-arrest-wwu-student-in-melee/ |work=The Seattle Times |agency=Associated Press |date=2013-10-17 |access-date=2013-10-17}}

;A news article that has been archived
:<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last=Pank |first=Philip |date=2013-10-18 |title=Families Accuse Network Rail of Cover-Up |url=http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/transport/article3897709.ece |dead-url=no |work=The Times |location=London |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6KS5scqfE |archivedate=2013-10-18 |access-date=2013-10-18}}</nowiki></code>
:Displays as:
* {{cite news |last=Pank |first=Philip |date=2013-10-18 |title=Families Accuse Network Rail of Cover-Up |url=http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/transport/article3897709.ece |dead-url=no |work=The Times |location=London |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6KS5scqfE |archivedate=2013-10-18 |access-date=2013-10-18}}

;A news article written in a foreign language
:<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last=Bourmaud |first=François-Xavier |date=2013-10-17 |title=Hollande dans le bourbier de l'affaire Leonarda |trans-title=Hollande in the quagmire of the Leonarda case |url=http://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/2013/10/17/01002-20131017ARTFIG00575-hollande-dans-le-bourbier-de-l-affaire-leonarda.php |language=French |work=Le Figaro |location=Paris |access-date=2013-10-17}}</nowiki></code>
:Displays as:
* {{cite news |last=Bourmaud |first=François-Xavier |date=2013-10-17 |title=Hollande dans le Bourbier de L'affaire Leonarda |trans-title=Holland in the Quagmire of the Leonarda Case |url=http://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/2013/10/17/01002-20131017ARTFIG00575-hollande-dans-le-bourbier-de-l-affaire-leonarda.php |language=French |work=Le Figaro |location=Paris |access-date=2013-10-17}}

;A two author news article that you quote and archive, is written in a foreign language and has been re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
:<code><nowiki>{{cite news |last1=Sueiro |first1=Marcos |last2=Guzman |first2=Lucia |date=2012-05-12 |title=El Crimen de Lucia Barranta Será Juzgado por un Jurado Popular |trans-title=Lucia Barranta's Crime Will Be Judged by a Jury |url=http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/10/17/espana/6845003888.html |dead-url=yes |format=PDF |language=Spanish |work=El Mundo |location=Madrid, Spain |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6KS7JR04T |archivedate=2012-06-22 |access-date=2012-06-22 |via=Highbeam Research |url-access=subscription |quote=Los comparecientes lo harán en calidad de imputados por un delito de homicidio.}}</nowiki></code>
:Displays as:
* {{cite news |last1=Sueiro |first1=Marcos |last2=Guzman |first2=Lucia |date=2012-05-12 |title=El crimen de Lucia Barranta será juzgado por un jurado popular |trans-title=Lucia Barranta's crime will be tried by a popular jury |url=http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/10/17/espana/6845003888.html |dead-url=no |format=PDF |language=Spanish |work=El Mundo |location=Madrid, Spain |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6KS7JR04T |archivedate=2012-06-22 |access-date=2012-06-22 |via=Highbeam Research |url-access=subscription |quote=Los comparecientes lo harán en calidad de imputados por un delito de homicidio.}}










====Edition, volume====

====In-source locations====







====Display options====

====Subscription or registration required====

{{TemplateData header}}
"description": "This template formats a citation to a news article in print, video, audio or web using the provided source information (e.g. author, publication, date) and various formatting options.",
"params": {
"url": {
"label": "URL",
"description": "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type \"http://...\" or maybe even the  protocol relative scheme \"//...\"",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true,
"aliases": [
"example": "https://www.nytimes.com/..."
"title": {
"label": "Source title",
"description": "The title of the article as it appears in the source; displays in quotes",
"type": "string",
"required": true
"last": {
"label": "Last name",
"description": "The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'.",
"aliases": [
"suggested": true
"first": {
"label": "First name",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'.",
"aliases": [
"suggested": true
"date": {
"label": "Source date",
"description": "Full date of the source; do not wikilink",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"publisher": {
"label": "Publisher",
"description": "Name of the parent institution or company that publishes the newspaper, magazine, or periodical; displays after name of the publication",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"example": "News Corp"
"last2": {
"label": "Last name 2",
"description": "The surname of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink2'.",
"aliases": [
"first2": {
"label": "First name 2",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second author; don't wikilink."
"work": {
"label": "Name of publication",
"description": "Name of the newspaper, magazine or periodical; displays after title",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true,
"aliases": [
"example": "The Wall Street Journal"
"others": {
"label": "Others",
"description": "Used to record other contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'",
"type": "string"
"month": {
"label": "Month of publication",
"description": "Name of the month of publication; do not wikilink; use 'date' instead, if day of month is also known",
"type": "string"
"year": {
"label": "Year of publication",
"description": "Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known",
"type": "string"
"editor-last": {
"label": "Editor last name",
"description": "The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-last', 'editor', and 'editors'",
"aliases": [
"editor-first": {
"label": "Editor first name",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-first'",
"aliases": [
"editor-link": {
"label": "Editor link",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-link'",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"issue": {
"label": "Issue",
"description": "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"department": {
"label": "Department",
"description": "Department within the periodical",
"type": "string"
"location": {
"label": "Location of publication",
"description": "Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"publication-place": {
"label": "Place of publication",
"description": "Publication place shows after title; if 'place' or 'location' are also given, they are displayed before the title prefixed with 'written at'",
"type": "string"
"publication-date": {
"label": "Publication date",
"description": "Date of publication when different from the date the work was written; do not wikilink",
"type": "string"
"agency": {
"label": "Agency",
"description": "The news agency (wire service) that provided the content; examples: Associated Press, Reuters, Agence France-Presse",
"type": "string"
"edition": {
"label": "Edition",
"description": "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'",
"type": "string"
"volume": {
"label": "Volume",
"description": "For one publication published in several volumes",
"type": "string"
"page": {
"label": "Page",
"description": "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'",
"type": "string"
"pages": {
"label": "Pages",
"description": "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'",
"type": "string"
"nopp": {
"label": "No pp",
"description": "Set to 'y' to suppress the 'p.' or 'pp.' display with 'page' or 'pages' when inappropriate (such as 'Front cover')",
"type": "string"
"at": {
"label": "At",
"description": "May be used instead of 'page' or 'pages' where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient",
"type": "string"
"language": {
"label": "Language",
"description": "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates",
"type": "string"
"script-title": {
"label": "Script title",
"description": "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:...",
"type": "string"
"trans-title": {
"label": "Translated title",
"description": "An English language title, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"type": {
"label": "Type",
"description": "Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case",
"type": "string"
"format": {
"label": "Format",
"description": "Format of the work referred to by 'url'; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML",
"type": "string"
"arxiv": {
"label": "arXiv identifier",
"description": "An identifier for arXive electronic preprints of scientific papers",
"type": "string"
"asin": {
"label": "ASIN",
"description": "Amazon Standard Identification Number; 10 characters",
"type": "string"
"asin-tld": {
"label": "ASIN TLD",
"description": "ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US",
"type": "string"
"bibcode": {
"label": "Bibcode",
"description": "Bibliographic Reference Code (REFCODE); 19 characters",
"type": "string"
"doi": {
"label": "DOI",
"description": "Digital Object Identifier; begins with '10.'",
"type": "string"
"doi-broken-date": {
"label": "DOI broken date",
"description": "The date that the DOI was determined to be broken",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"isbn": {
"label": "ISBN",
"description": "International Standard Book Number; use the 13-digit ISBN where possible",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"issn": {
"label": "ISSN",
"description": "International Standard Serial Number; 8 characters; may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"jfm": {
"label": "jfm code",
"description": "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik classification code",
"type": "string"
"jstor": {
"label": "JSTOR",
"description": "JSTOR identifier",
"type": "string"
"lccn": {
"label": "LCCN",
"description": "Library of Congress Control Number",
"type": "string"
"mr": {
"label": "MR",
"description": "Mathematical Reviews identifier",
"type": "string"
"oclc": {
"label": "OCLC",
"description": "Online Computer Library Center number",
"type": "string"
"ol": {
"label": "OL",
"description": "Open Library identifier",
"type": "string"
"osti": {
"label": "OSTI",
"description": "Office of Scientific and Technical Information identifier",
"type": "string"
"pmc": {
"label": "PMC",
"description": "PubMed Center article number",
"type": "string"
"pmid": {
"label": "PMID",
"description": "PubMed Unique Identifier",
"type": "string"
"rfc": {
"label": "RFC",
"description": "Request for Comments number",
"type": "string"
"ssrn": {
"label": "SSRN",
"description": "Social Science Research Network",
"type": "string"
"zbl": {
"label": "Zbl",
"description": "Zentralblatt MATH journal identifier",
"type": "string"
"id": {
"label": "id",
"description": "A unique identifier used where none of the specialized ones are applicable",
"type": "string"
"quote": {
"label": "Quote",
"description": "Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; needs to include terminating punctuation",
"type": "string"
"ref": {
"label": "Ref",
"description": "An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv and sfn templates",
"type": "string"
"postscript": {
"label": "Postscript",
"description": "The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined; to suppress use reserved keyword 'none'",
"type": "string",
"default": "."
"registration": {
"label": "Registration",
"description": "For online sources that require registration, set to 'yes' (or 'y', or 'true'); superseded by subscription if both are set",
"type": "string",
"deprecated": true
"subscription": {
"label": "Subscription",
"description": "For online sources that require subscription, set to 'yes' (or 'y', or 'true'); supersedes registration if both are set",
"type": "string",
"deprecated": true
"last3": {
"label": "Last name 3",
"description": "The surname of the third author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink3'.",
"aliases": [
"first3": {
"label": "First name 3",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third author; don't wikilink."
"last4": {
"label": "Last name 4",
"description": "The surname of the fourth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink4'.",
"aliases": [
"first4": {
"label": "First name 4",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth author; don't wikilink."
"last5": {
"label": "Last name 5",
"description": "The surname of the fifth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink5'.",
"aliases": [
"first5": {
"label": "First name 5",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth author; don't wikilink."
"last6": {
"label": "Last name 6",
"description": "The surname of the sixth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink6'.",
"aliases": [
"first6": {
"label": "First name 6",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth author; don't wikilink."
"last7": {
"label": "Last name 7",
"description": "The surname of the seventh author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink7'.",
"aliases": [
"first7": {
"label": "First name 7",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh author; don't wikilink."
"last8": {
"label": "Last name 8",
"description": "The surname of the eighth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink8'.",
"aliases": [
"first8": {
"label": "First name 8",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth author; don't wikilink."
"last9": {
"label": "Last name 9",
"description": "The surname of the ninth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink9'. If nine authors are defined, then only eight will show and 'et al.' will show in place of the last author.",
"aliases": [
"first9": {
"label": "First name 9",
"description": "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth author; don't wikilink."
"author-mask": {
"label": "Author mask",
"description": "Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, 'with' instead",
"type": "string"
"author-name-separator": {
"label": "Author name separator",
"description": "Changes the separator between last and first names; defaults to a comma and space; a space must be encoded as &#32;",
"type": "string",
"default": ", "
"author-separator": {
"label": "Author separator",
"description": "Changes the separator between authors; defaults to a semicolon and space; a space must be encoded as &#32;",
"type": "string",
"default": "; "
"display-authors": {
"label": "Display authors",
"description": "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;",
"type": "number",
"aliases": [
"author-link": {
"label": "Author link",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link2": {
"label": "Author link 2",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second author. (Up to nine authors can be listed, 3-9 are toward the end of the parameter list)",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"archive-url": {
"label": "Archive URL",
"description": "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archivedate'",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"archive-date": {
"label": "Archive date",
"description": "Date when the original URL was archived; do not wikilink",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"dead-url": {
"label": "Dead URL",
"description": "If set to 'no', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"lay-url": {
"label": "Lay URL",
"description": "URL link to a non-technical summary or review of the source; alias of 'laysummary'",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"lay-source": {
"label": "Lay source",
"description": "Name of the source of the laysummary; displays in italics, preceded by an en dash",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"lay-date": {
"label": "Lay date",
"description": "Date of the summary; displays in parentheses",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"author-link3": {
"label": "Author link 3",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link4": {
"label": "Author link 4",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link5": {
"label": "Author link 5",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fifth author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link6": {
"label": "Author link 6",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link7": {
"label": "Author link 7",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link8": {
"label": "Author link 8",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"author-link9": {
"label": "Author link 9",
"description": "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth author.",
"type": "wiki-page-name",
"aliases": [
"last-author-amp": {
"label": "Last author ampersand",
"description": "When set to any value, changes the separator between the last two names of the author list to 'space ampersand space'",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"access-date": {
"label": "URL access date",
"description": "The full date when the original URL was accessed; do not wikilink",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true,
"aliases": [
"orig-year": {
"label": "Original year",
"description": "Original year of publication; provide specifics",
"type": "string",
"aliases": [
"via": {
"label": "via",
"description": "Identify the aggregator of the resource that provided the digital version (usually a database provider), when it differs from the publisher (e.g., for The Wikipedia Library)",
"example": "EBSCOHost , Proquest, Newspapers.com"
"url-access": {
"label": "URL access level",
"description": "Classification of the access restrictions on the URL ('registration', 'subscription' or 'limited')",
"type": "string"
"bibcode-access": {
"label": "Bibcode access level",
"description": "If the full text is available from ADS via this Bibcode, type 'free'.",
"type": "string"
"doi-access": {
"label": "DOI access level",
"description": "If the full text is free to read via the DOI, type 'free'.",
"type": "string"
"hdl-access": {
"label": "HDL access level",
"description": "If the full text is free to read via the HDL, type 'free'.",
"type": "string"
"jstor-access": {
"label": "Jstor access level",
"description": "If the full text is free to read on Jstor, type 'free'.",
"type": "string"
"ol-access": {
"label": "OpenLibrary access level",
"description": "If the full text is free to read on OpenLibrary, type 'free'.",
"type": "string"
"osti-access": {
"label": "OSTI access level",
"description": "If the full text is free to read on OSTI, type 'free'.",
"type": "string"
"maps": {
"proveit": {
"main": "title",
"textarea": [
"citoid": {
"title": "title",
"url": "url",
"publisher": "publisher",
"publicationTitle": "work",
"date": "date",
"accessDate": "access-date",
"location": "location",
"ISSN": [
"ISBN": [
"PMCID": "pmc",
"PMID": "pmid",
"pages": "pages",
"volume": "volume",
"issue": "issue",
"DOI": "doi",
"oclc": "oclc",
"language": "language",
"contributor": "others",
"author": [
"editor": [
"format": "inline",
"paramOrder": [

==See also==
{{Citation Style 1}}
{{Wikipedia referencing}}

[[Category:Citation Style 1 templates|N]]

Revision as of 04:35, 27 August 2019