Module:Cs1 documentation support: Difference between revisions

From All Skies Encyclopaedia
imported>Trappist the monk
imported>Trappist the monk
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Line 93: Line 93:
return table.concat (out, '\n');
return table.concat (out, '\n');


--[[--------------------------< A L I A S _ L I S T E R >------------------------------------------------------

experimental code that lists parameters and their aliases. Perhaps basis for some sort of documentation?


local function alias_lister ()
local alias_src = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration').aliases; -- get master list of aliases
local key; -- key for k/v in a new table
local list = {}; -- interim list of aliases
local out = {}; -- final output (for now an unordered list)
for _, aliases in pairs (alias_src) do -- loop throu the master list of aliases
if 'table' == type (aliases) then -- table only when there are aliases
for i, alias in ipairs (aliases) do -- loop through all of the aliases
if 1 == i then -- first 'alias' is the canonical parameter name
key = alias; -- so it becomes the key in list
list[key] = list[key] and (list[key] .. ', ' .. alias) or alias; -- make comma-separated list of aliases
list[alias] = 'see ' .. key; -- make a back reference from this alias to the canonical parameter
for k, v in pairs (list) do -- loop through the list to make a simple unordered list
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'*', k, ': ', v}));
table.sort (out); -- sort it
return table.concat (out, '\010'); -- concatenate with \n
-- return (mw.dumpObject (list))

Line 100: Line 135:

return {
return {
alias_lister = alias_lister,
lister = lister,
lister = lister,

Revision as of 21:51, 28 July 2019

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Cs1 documentation support/doc

--[[-------------------------< L I S T E R >-------------------------------------------------------------------

adds code/name pair to code_list and name/code pair to name_list; code/name pairs in override_list replace those
taken from the MediaWiki list; these are marked with a superscripted dagger.


local function add_to_list (code_list, name_list, override_list, code, name)
	if override_list[code] then													-- look in the override table for this code
		code_list[code] = override_list[code] .. '<sup>†</sup>';				-- use the name from the override table; mark with dagger
		name_list[override_list[code]] = code .. '<sup>†</sup>';
		code_list[code] = name;													-- use the MediaWiki name and code
		name_list[name] = code;

--[[-------------------------< L I S T _ F O R M A T >---------------------------------------------------------

formats key/value pair into a string for rendering
	['k'] = 'v'	→ k: v


local function list_format (result, list)
	for k, v in pairs (list)	do
		table.insert (result, k .. ': ' .. v);

--[[-------------------------< L I S T E R >-------------------------------------------------------------------

Module entry point

Crude documentation tool that returns one of several lists of language codes and names.


where <selector> is one of the values:
	2char – list of ISO 639-1 codes and names sorted by code
	3char – list of ISO 639-2, -3 codes and names sorted by code
	ietf – list of IETF language tags and names sorted by tag -- not supported by cs1|2 |language= parameter
	name – list of language names and codes sorted by name -- IETF tags omitted because not supported by cs1|2 |language= parameter


local function lister (frame)
	local source_list = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(), 'all');
	local override = require ("Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration").lang_code_remap;
	local code_1_list={};
	local code_2_list={};
	local ietf_list={};
	local name_list={};
	if not ({['2char']=true, ['3char']=true, ['ietf']=true, ['name']=true})[frame.args.list] then
		return '<span style="font-size:100%" class="error">unknown list selector: ' .. frame.args.list .. '</span>';

--	if 'ietf' == frame.args.list then											-- ietf codes not currently supported by cs1|2 |language= parameter
--		return '<span style="font-size:100%" class="error">ietf language tags not supported by cs1|2</span>'
--	end

	for code, name in pairs (source_list) do
		if 2 == code:len() then
			add_to_list (code_1_list, name_list, override, code, name);
		elseif 3 == code:len() then
			add_to_list (code_2_list, name_list, override, code, name);
		else																	-- ietf codes not currently supported by cs1|2 |language= parameter
			add_to_list (ietf_list, name_list, override, code, name);
	local result = {};
	local out = {};

	if '2char' == frame.args.list then
		list_format (result, code_1_list);
	elseif '3char' == frame.args.list then
		list_format (result, code_2_list);
	elseif 'ietf' == frame.args.list then
		list_format (result, ietf_list);
	else																		--must be 'name'
		list_format (result, name_list);
	table.sort (result);
	table.insert (result, 1, '<div class="div-col columns column-width" style="column-width:20em">');
	table.insert (out, table.concat (result, '\n*'));
	table.insert (out, '</div>');
	return table.concat (out, '\n');


--[[--------------------------< A L I A S _ L I S T E R >------------------------------------------------------

experimental code that lists parameters and their aliases.  Perhaps basis for some sort of documentation?


local function alias_lister ()
	local alias_src = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration').aliases;	-- get master list of aliases
	local key;																	-- key for k/v in a new table
	local list = {};															-- interim list of aliases
	local out = {};																-- final output (for now an unordered list)
	for _, aliases in pairs (alias_src) do										-- loop throu the master list of aliases
		if 'table' == type (aliases) then										-- table only when there are aliases
			for i, alias in ipairs (aliases) do									-- loop through all of the aliases
				if 1 == i then													-- first 'alias' is the canonical parameter name
					key = alias;												-- so it becomes the key in list
					list[key] = list[key] and (list[key] .. ', ' .. alias) or alias;	-- make comma-separated list of aliases
					list[alias] = 'see ' .. key;								-- make a back reference from this alias to the canonical parameter
	for k, v in pairs (list) do													-- loop through the list to make a simple unordered list
		table.insert (out, table.concat ({'*', k, ': ', v}));
	table.sort (out);															-- sort it
	return table.concat (out, '\010');											-- concatenate with \n
--	return (mw.dumpObject (list))

--[[-------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------

return {
	alias_lister = alias_lister,
	lister = lister,