Module:Footnotes/whitelist: Difference between revisions

From All Skies Encyclopaedia
(continue resolution of edit conflict)
(possible fix. Trying to fix Victoria line)
Line 7: Line 7:
local template_names = {
local template_names = {
['al-Tabari'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
['al-Tabari'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
['Butt-Stations'] = {'Butt-Stations', 'butt-stations'},
['Butt_Stations'] = {'Butt-Stations', 'butt-stations'},
['Cam_Hist_Iran'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['Cam_Hist_Iran'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['ODLA'] = {'ODLA', 'Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity'}
['ODLA'] = {'ODLA', 'Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity'}
Line 35: Line 35:
['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBrunner1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBrunner1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFButt1995'] = template_names['Butt-Stations'],
['CITEREFButt1995'] = template_names['Butt_Stations'],
['CITEREFCharles1911'] = {'EB1911'},
['CITEREFCharles1911'] = {'EB1911'},
['CITEREFChisholm1911'] = {'EB1911', 'Cite EB1911'},
['CITEREFChisholm1911'] = {'EB1911', 'Cite EB1911'},

Revision as of 18:29, 30 March 2020

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Footnotes/whitelist/doc

--[[--------------------------< T E M P L A T E _ N A M E S >--------------------------------------------------


local template_names = {
	['al-Tabari'] = {'The History of al-Tabari', 'The History of Al-Tabari', 'The History of al-Ṭabarī'},
	['Butt_Stations'] = {'Butt-Stations', 'butt-stations'},
	['Cam_Hist_Iran'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
	['ODLA'] = {'ODLA', 'Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity'}

--[[--------------------------< W H I T E L I S T >------------------------------------------------------------

This is a list of anchor IDs known to be associated with specific wrapper templates.  The anchor ID serves as an
index into the table.  The assigned value is another table that lists the associate template and any redirects.

Anchor IDs must have the same form as the anchor creator makes; must have been anchor encoded.

Template names must be written exactly as they are named at their templatespace page.  This same also applies to
redirects.  Module:Footnotes reads the template names left to right so most-commonly-used template or redirect name
should appear first.  When there are more than one name and when those templates have various anchor IDs the template
namelist should be added to the template_names{} table.


return {
	['CITEREFATOC2009'] = {'ATOCConnectingCommunitiesReportS10'},
	['CITEREFAvdoyan2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
	['CITEREFBosworth1991'] = template_names['al-Tabari'],
	['CITEREFBosworth1999'] = template_names['al-Tabari'],
	['CITEREFBoyd1990'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns1'},
	['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
	['CITEREFBrunner1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
	['CITEREFButt1995'] = template_names['Butt_Stations'],
	['CITEREFCharles1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFChisholm1911'] = {'EB1911', 'Cite EB1911'},
	['CITEREFChisholm1911b'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFChurchman_&amp;_Hurst2001'] = {'Churchman & Hurst Railways of New Zealand'},
	['CITEREFChurella2013'] = {'Churella-PRR-1'},
	['CITEREFClinker1978'] = {'Clinker-Stations'},
	['CITEREFClinker1988'] = {'Clinker-Stations'},
	['CITEREFCox1967'] = {'Cox-Upper Darby'},
	['CITEREFCroughtonKidnerYoung1982'] = {'Croughton-PrivateStations'},
	['CITEREFCudahy2002'] = {'Cudahy-Hudson'},
	['CITEREFDickens2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
	['CITEREFFreese1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFGillham2001'] = {'Gillham-Waterloo-City'},
	['CITEREFJoslen2003'] = {'Joslen-OOB'},
	['CITEREFFrye1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
	['CITEREFKnox1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFLe_Strange1905'] = {'Lands of the Eastern Caliphate'},
	['CITEREFMiddleton2001'] = {'Middleton-Electrified-2nd'},
	['CITEREFMillar2011'] = {'NZR Steam Locomotive'},
	['CITEREFNersessian2018'] = {'ODLA'},
	['CITEREFODLA'] = template_names['ODLA'],
	['CITEREFPalmer_&amp;_Stewart1965'] = {'Palmer & Stewart'},
	['CITEREFPeters1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFQuick2009'] = {'Quick-Stations'},
	['CITEREFRockwell1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFSellwood1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
	['CITEREFSpringirth2016'] = {'Springirth-Philadelphia'},
	['CITEREFStewart1974'] = {'When Steam Was King'},
	['CITEREFStreckDuri1960'] = {'EI2'},
	['CITEREFVenables1911'] = {'EB1911'},
	['CITEREFWells1982'] = {'Accents of English'},
	['CITEREFWiesehöfer2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
	['CITEREFWilliams1998'] = {'Williams-Philadelphia'},
	['CITEREFYongePadgettSzwenk2013'] = {'Quail-4-Paper-3rdEd'},